Verdun - the City at the Edge

Verdun (meaning Strong Fort in Frankish) is a city in the east of Frankish territory. It was captured by King Clovis I and his forces in 486, at the Battle of Soissons, and has remained in Frankish hands since. For a few years now there is mention of the city (at least one with the same name), having a thriving European trade in boys to the Islamic Emirates of Iberia, where they are enslaved as Eunuchs.   Recently an old crone has walked into the city square and spoke loudly in Saxon. She condemned the city for it's trade, and spoke chillingly that every 250 to 500 years, the city would loose thousands of it's male children, to pestilence & war. The city would bleed in more than one way or another she is meant to have said.


Many slave traders, guards, and enslaved boys are present. The latter generally from foreign lands, especially Saxony. Auction houses used for the slave trade is present, along with the auctioneers who happen to be Drow. Many of the slavers & guards are human & half-orcs, and many have Gaulish ancestry, with some Frankish blood. Buyers and attendants are present too who are primarily foreigners, especially Iberian Emir representatives, and their personal retinues. Caravans regularly are of Iberian Emir and Frankish come & go, with the odd one from as far away as Italy and Byzantium. Very few non-humans, besides half-orcs, are found within the walls of Verdun.


The local government is a group of counts regularly replaced due to many of them not being able to stomach the slave trade. This also allows for many counts to build up relations with Iberian Emirs with the selling of slaves.   The local laws is that slavery is allowed as long as the boys are not of Christian blood. The tax for this is based on the amount of slaves being sold. The tax per head is worth 1 gold piece.   The city follows all other basic laws of Frankia, and each citizen is treated the same as any other region. Most slaves are kept in guarded buildings and many are branded with a slaver's specific mark to identify them.


Verdun has a large military component to stop uprisings, and is defended by palisades around the city itself. The western region of it is completely surrounded by these palisades. Foreign dignitaries have small bands of elite bodyguards too, that can fill in as well if need be.

Industry & Trade

The main industries here are the slave trade and blacksmithing. Slavery brings in massive profits with little hassle, and they need the blacksmiths to make manacles & chains to subdue the slaves. The blacksmiths also maintain the weapons & armour of the slavers too.


Slave markets are common, along with guard houses, checkpoints, banks, merchant houses selling food stuffs and clothing, stables for the transports, and blacksmiths & carpenters.


The districts to the east of Verdun is the main slaver region given over to that 'trade'. TheĀ  south is given over to stables & animal husbandry, and the north to blacksmithing & carpentry. The west is given over to the merchant guild, the nobility, hospitality industry for the Emirs, and the courts.


The biggest assets are the slaves. They are sold far and wide but primarily to Iberia.

Guilds and Factions

The only guild, at least present, is the slavers guild. They work at building up networks of the slave trade, getting sufficient slaves, and selling the slaves. They keep prices high, and have great sway in the city. They have agents spread throughout the Frankish empire, and a habit of sending these agents into other regions close by to source new business.


Verdun (meaning Strong Fort in Frankish) is a city in the east of Frankish territory. It was captured by King Clovis I and his forces in 486, at the Battle of Soissons, and has remained in Frankish hands since. For a few years now there is mention of the city (at least one with the same name), having a thriving European trade in boys to the Islamic Emirates of Iberia, where they are enslaved as Eunuchs.


The city has a mix of architecture. It still has some traces of Celtic & Roman architecture mixed with modern Frankish.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
5000 roughly
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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