Ulmist Inquisition Headquarters

The Ulmist Inquisition has a hidden headquarters in Europe. Although acting primarily out of safehouses, they have started to to modify the ruins of an overgrown Roman fort on the border between Frankia & Saxony. There's the feeling that both feuding sides will be more interested in killing each other than to look into what the Ulmists will be doing.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the ruins being chosen is both the remoteness and the good centralised location. It allows for Inquisitor Cardinals to be elected or sent to Earth, and have a base of operations over the local teams. It would act as a repository of knowledge, a prison & execution area, workshops, training grounds, armoury & blacksmith, and local treasury. It is also defensible, and act as the largest safe house outside of the Vatican City holdings, allowing for complete control by the Ulmist Inquisition without oversight or meddling by the Papacy.


Most of the work has been done underground expanding the subsections & dungeons below, while the ground floor has had some work done as well. Any upper floors hasn't been touched yet, just cleared out of rubbish. Quite a bit of the building has been modified with stone and wood which is locally sourced & then transported by themselves or loyal servants. Both these groups have worked together to on it to keep it quiet.   The dungeons, execution area, as well as some training rooms and armoury is built underground in stone, with some metal parts. The rest is found aboveground, and has a new palisade / wall built around the basic structures, blending stone & wood together to create a sturdy protective circle. The area has been extended and took in the old well that is found inside, along with both an underground stream, and a stream that flows over a stone bridge that leads into the only gate in. Towers stand a few meters apart along the wall, and at the gate in.   Most of the original structure is being modified to fit larger inhabitants as well, as adding a stable as well for horses and other riding beasts.


The architecture is a mishmash of different styles, and elements from different cultures & races are present. No one culture / racial group can be truly made out in any way.


A sturdy & strong ring of stone & wooden wall / palisade surrounds the ruins now, along with towers. A natural stream with a gate, bridge, and towers mark the only way in. Most of the buildings have a stone core to them making it hard to break down the buildings, and the wood is treated to take some damage too.   A trench filled with spikes lies tight against the wall, and the earth is piled in front to help mask it. Usually some scraps of food and waste is thrown into this to help spread disease if anyone is injured by the spikes. A thin layer of earth is sometimes sprinkled over it to hide it. This is done rarely as the Ulmists don't want the trench filled in. Sometimes they will let the stream fill it with water to temporarily wash away a bit of the mix too, and make the ground marshy too.


The fort was built initially over 700 years ago by the Romans as a safehouse and encampment for friendly forces as they moved between urbanised areas. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, it was abandoned and the inhabitants moved to safer areas. There it lay until members of the Ulmist Inquisition chanced on it while hunting a Loup Garou in the local region.   They sent word back and they were given permission to start building & modifying the old ruins. So far they have rather diligent in doing so.
"Quite impressive those people whoever they are. Strange bunch keeping to themselves and speaking in unintelligible languages. Can communicate in Frankish though stilted. They are doing that old ruined fort up, and already got a good amount of work done. Gonna need more done to it like.   With them buying up a good amount of stone from our quarry, we ought to make a fine profit too. Pay the same as if we carted that stuff to them ourselves. But no, they pay the going rate at take it themselves. Keeps us happy."   Gilbert Franqua, quarrier in the Burgundy region.
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