Assembling the Elders

Grimmaz has the chance to get control of his old town and if need be defend it.

Plot points/Scenes

Grimmaz has the opportunity to meet up with the elders of Eschbach, and persuade them that Charlemagne is looking for him to take over leadership of the town to him. He can take over and run it how he sees fit, and can take up trade of some type with outside agencies. He will be advised to keep the elders on side to help him run the town when away on business.   Emon Kanis allows him to use a Dimension Door and use a quartz stone to use it to one further location Grimmaz knows. Father Tossil will arrive & depart the same way. They can talk about the black dragon scale, will be informed that it holds a magical map to the Black Pyramid (3d style) north of Alexandria if used by a red dragon with a white scale and it, a white dragon with it or a red scale, or a black dragon with a white and red scale. It will show hidden tunnels leading down into the area it sits in.   It contains powerful evil magic like the pyramid itself, and leads to ancient magic that a group of serpents (the Yuan-Ti) are after, along with the Children of the Nazarene & to a lesser extent he Necrocult want as well. He'll be informed that if Birgin is mentioned that the latter has all he needs to enter it, and plunder the magic within to start raising dragons again. There is hope though, as plenty of others will gladly look to stop this, even if they are looking the same sort of thing.   He is also in a position to be attacked by an assassin, by Barnard Athelbrooke, or by a surprise appearance of Lord Diablos.
Plot type
Land grant possibility
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