Session 20: Hi Oh, Hi Oh,.... Report

General Summary

As Grimmaz and his merry band of NPC side kicks left the Bawdyhouse, a summoning spell by a mage in the Tower of Emon Kanis by a young mage went horribly wrong. In front of three shocked local counts, he summoned a Tiefling called Durge Dath. The counts & mage were somewhat placated by Durge, and sent both Durge & the mage to a Gnome wizard called Burrich Ferrierson. It turned out the mage had used incorrect summoning spell ritual parts and had drawn him in.   Grimmaz came up with Kulug Jocki to the Tower and got in with the help of Mikeal Andolf. He went in with Kulug Jocki, and shown to the three Counts who took them up to the next level showed them the shock they had. After hearing about it, Grimmaz stated that a large army of the Saxons & undead allies are headed their way and to prepare.   At this point Durge was placed under the care of Grimmaz. When leaving, Emon Kanis came down and sent Burrich along with them stating he had seen that they might need Burrich's help. Also, there was the chance to maybe get ancient magic in the process too.   When they left, and started to make their way down to the east gate, they see militia & cavalry heading out, along with emplacements being built inside the walls for catapults. They see on the outside, two armies of Franks mustering. One is heading south east (to the town of Stolberg), and the other north east (to the town of Eschweiler). Eschweiler is being heavily fought over and they decided to go there.   When they arrived they noticed that troops were disposing of warped twisted creatures, with purplish blue blood & no hair. When asked about them the troops stated they had appeared out of nowhere in the north, came down into Eschweiler & attacked both sides. Burrich examined them recalling written accounts of the Star Spawn & the Star Gods, and these 'Grue' as they are known are usually only summoned into the world from the Far Realms. He proceeded to take a sample of blood in a vial, as this may be useful later.   Upon entering the town they find the Franks only control about a third of the town. The Saxons control the left. They find their way to the theign in charge of the Franks, and are introduced to Siggersin. He tells them that it has become somewhat of a stalemate and both sides are trying to flank each other. Durge thinks that they could do their own flanking attack at their weakest point. Siggersin points out that the northern point is the weakest and they can attack there.   They plan the attack by Burrich targeting three Saxons with magic missiles, and when the Saxons panic, they sprint across, being missed by Saxon arrows. When there they can heard some horses behind the Saxons somewhere. Five Saxons are to their left, and seven to their right. Grimmaz & Burrich take out the five on the left with Grimmaz's battle axe, and a Dragon Breath spell from Burrich. Durge holds up the remainder stopping them fully making a shield wall, and injuring one severely. He does more damage then Grimmaz, Floki, and Burrich pile in. Grimmaz injures & kills a few, Floki finishes of some, Burrich makes them have disadvantage with using minor illusion, and Durge does some damage with his polearm.

Character(s) interacted with

Emon Kanis, Count de'Ath, Theign Siggersin.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Stormthrower Bloodaxe
Chaotic Good Human (Norse warlock raider for hire across the continent)
Warlock 3
21 / 21 HP
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
21 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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