Inktober 2019 Day 5: Build

Today's Prompt:

An army of terror looms on the foggy horizon--it is time to build up defences.

What materials will help ensure the survival of every building and settlement?

Here are some recommended templates to get you started, but they are only suggestions, not requirements!

Share, inspire, and learn!

All Templates

These just point to the site's normal templates, but we made extras for the challenge to get your creative juices going!


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Oct 5, 2019 13:03 by Visandar the Unliving

Did day five "build :D prepare for the tomb guardians  

Oct 5, 2019 13:42
Oct 5, 2019 14:04

The College in the capital of Budston, it is a bustling affair of all kinds of magic students, but mostly those who study the ways of nature: Druids.

Oct 5, 2019 14:23 by Asmod

Oct 5, 2019 15:20 by Jordan Blythe

Frostpath Keep, the last bastion of defense for the good people of Caeldon from the evils of Witchstone! Find out more here!

Frostpath Keep
Settlement | Oct 5, 2019

Oct 5, 2019 18:41 by Catoblepon

I've done a thing!

Oct 5, 2019 20:05

Oct 5, 2019 22:14 by Luiz Henrique P. de Carvalho

Elven house

Wood Elves stand out from other cultures for many reasons, but perhaps the most noteworthy is their architecture. Elven homes and buildings are constructed in a way to avoid harming nature as best as they can, while still worrying about comfort and aesthetics.

Oct 5, 2019 23:07 by MappingDragon
Oct 6, 2019 00:14 by AP.

Oct 6, 2019 00:53

Medical Gel
Technology / Science | Oct 6, 2019
For when those pesky limbs keep falling off ;)

Oct 6, 2019 01:45

Here, I present to you the story of a Church, and hundreds of leaders constantly playing a 'mine is bigger' game of one-upmanship:

The Church of First Light
Building / Landmark | Oct 6, 2019

Oct 6, 2019 03:23 by Azra Hawthorne

Tree houses!

Oct 6, 2019 03:40 by Kai

Oct 6, 2019 03:46 by Ariel Webster
Oct 6, 2019 03:58 by Anna

Centaur Architecture
Building / Landmark | Oct 6, 2019

Principles of centaur architecture

I saw the opportunity to clean up and add to a summer camp article and I took it!

Oct 20, 2019 10:22

I remember this article from SC. I loved the additional details you have incorporated now!

Oct 6, 2019 04:10 by M Kelley

As Ni'kashiga territory expands to encompass the North, the creation and care of new postal routes is vital to the progress of the newly forged protectorate states. Here is the desk of M'na Kkaxe, Postmaster and Ambassador to these mountain crags and dormant slopes.

Oct 6, 2019 04:44 by Damion Otter

Wrote about the Defenses of this place:  

Camp Fleshwatch
Settlement | Mar 7, 2022

A Centaur camp built on the edge of the Blistered Expanse.

Primary author of the NobleDark, Fantasy setting Realms of Ravare.
Oct 6, 2019 06:22 by Atena Luna

Oct 6, 2019 06:44 by Kelissana Eralyn

Oct 6, 2019 07:57 by Wendy Vlemings (Rynn19)
Oct 6, 2019 11:18

The Fortress of Dusk, protecting one of the vital passes into the realm of the Jungle High Elves:

Oct 6, 2019 12:55

I got a late start on this so it's super bare-bones, but that'll be changing soon (hopefully). Finrodel

Oct 6, 2019 16:06  

Settlement | Jun 11, 2022

A small town located deep within the forest.

Grab your hammer and go worldbuild! :3
Oct 6, 2019 18:45 by Lengna Olio

still needs some art, but at least there's text now

~Confused Soup
Oct 6, 2019 23:02 by Kai Moore-Austen

Oct 7, 2019 02:38

Had a hard time coming up with something new, so I expanded on my Dirt Golem and added some notes how to build them.

Oct 7, 2019 13:56

Oct 7, 2019 15:12 by Isaac A. Thompson

Building a family! :D

Inktober 5 - Build by Isaac Thompson

Writer of Tiyu Amara, and The Last Line
Oct 7, 2019 20:06 by Alex (TheDumbOwl)

The Continent by the Base of the Beast went to great lengths to keep those rowdy elves away, even if it meant being a bit direct.

Get up yer own end! by TheDumbOwl (Me)

Ahoy hoy! Have a happy day! Check out my world Vertinall!
Oct 9, 2019 21:13

Oct 12, 2019 06:01

Oct 14, 2019 17:13

Here’s a double-prompt article for you! It spans both Build and Ash.

Ashstone (IT ‘19)
Material | Oct 14, 2019

Oct 15, 2019 00:06 by Eric Ehlers
Oct 17, 2019 05:39 by Dragon

I haven't finished this article yet so only a picture :3

Oct 17, 2019 18:51 by Victoria Stone

Inktober19' #5: Rhylic

Oct 21, 2019 20:16 by Jimmy Shrekson

Oct 22, 2019 02:44 by Drew Peppley

Oct 24, 2019 19:02 by Jacob Billings

A poem about the building process:

Prose | Oct 24, 2019

Oct 26, 2019 20:53 by Melissa White

Day 5: Build I wrote up a newscast report of the maiden voyage of the BCL Arcadia, the first passenger skyship of the Skylands.

Oct 29, 2019 20:41

Trying to change civilization from scratch and build it as a more accepting society with the Universal Humanity Right, named such because "now everyone deserves dignity and everything as per the Declaration of Universal Human Rights" !

Oct 31, 2019 22:23
Nov 1, 2019 08:07 by Snake Venom

Time to build a tower

by Snake__Venom

Nov 1, 2019 15:39 by Terry-Lynn L

Nov 1, 2019 20:07 by Polina "Line" Arteev

Another summer camp revision!

Material | Jul 31, 2020

A rare ore prized for its use in decorative metalwork.

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!