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Federation Navy

A naval force that dominates Astraesto, both in quantity and quality

The Federation Interstellar Navy (FIN), also incorrectly called the Federation Federal Navy, and often shortened to the Federation Navy or Interstellar Navy, is the principle space service branch of the Federation Armed Forces, it is not to be confused with the Federation Maritime Navy, which performs operations on water. The Federation Navy is the largest and most powerful navy in the Galaxy, with thousands of ships and millions of active personnel, which includes both ship crews and the Federation Navy Marine Corp.
The Federation Navy was officially formed a day after the creation of The Federation of Iomhare. Alongside the Federation Army and Federation Air Force - which was a subsidiary to both. With the joining of Raybia to the Federation and the subsequent formation of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets, the Federation Navy would be merged with Raybia's Naval Space Command. This merger would near double the size of the Federation Navy, requiring a general reorganisation. This reorganisation would be modelled after the New Terran Republic's Space Force. Under the command of the first Naval Chief of Staff, Watson Lockhart, the Federation Navy would expand rapidly alongside the Federation, with each new sector adding dozens of ships to the Navy. Planets like Envis would become rich off of ship construction.   For nearly 1,400 years, the Federation Navy would remain identical to how it was when it was initially reformed. However, with the beginning of the 2nd Galactical War, it became clear to both Navy officers, and the Federal Government, that the organisation had to be again reformed.

With the beginning of the 2nd Galactical War, the Federation found itself extremely vulnerable to Jeraci attacks, with multiple fleets being decimated. The Federation Government, including President George Whistle, began to believe that reforming the military would be the only way the Federation could win this war. The general plan for reorganisation was that a unified military body would be the best way for the different services to coordinate. As the disastrous 2nd Battle for New Nampon had shown, an Army and Navy that wouldn't communicate was no match for the forces of the 3rd Empire of Jerace. To solve this issue, the Federation Armed Forces was officially formed, made up of three services - although there were other smaller as well as subsidiary organisations included, the Army, Navy and Air Force. The Air Force, which had been previously split into an Army and Naval service, was now able to perform operations at maximum efficiency. With the appointment of the Secretary of the Military, the three services, which previously only shared a symbolic ruler - the President, now had an established command structure that could effectively coordinate.   While initially the Navy still suffered large defeats, as new officers came in to replace the old, and the lightning war the Jeraci Empire had originally launched slowed down, the Federation Military began to achieve several important - morale-boosting, victories. All three services would send most of their strength to defend Anfieden and Envis during the Invasion of Iomhare. Working together, the military achieved a significant victory in both the Battle for Anfieden and the Battle of Envis, causing a near-complete withdrawal of the majority of the Jeraci forces in the Federation. The Federation would pursue Jerace until it came to the capital of Moneyye itself. The Invasion of the Federation was the great trial run for this new military structure, the Invasion of the Jeraci Empire would perfect it. The system established during the 2nd Galactical War remains in place to this day.   The Federation Navy is a part of the Federation Armed Forces, specifically the Department of National Defence. The Federation Navy Marine Corp is then organised under the Federation Navy, although it can, and does, operate independently. The Navy is led by the Naval Chief of Staff, John Rendon, alongside the civilian Secretary of the Interstellar Navy, both of whom are subordinate to the Secretary of the Military. Active warships of the Federation Navy are prefixed as FNV - standing for Federation Navy Vessel. Cargo, supply, medical and other miscellaneous ships instead use the prefix FNNCV - Federation Navy Non-Combatant Vessel. The FNS or Federation Navy Ship prefix has also been used, although this practice was discontinued at the beginning of the 2nd Galactical War, although ships already prefixed as such kept the title, however, many would-be lost during the war.



Federation of Iomhare

  The Federation of Iomhare was formed on the 21st of March, from a group of planetary republics located within Iomhare. Almost none of these planets had any significant naval vessels, at most a few destroyers to defend against pirate raids, as well as the occasional cruiser. Envis was unique in its possession of a Battleship, the Enduring, which would be renamed to the FNS Unification upon the formation of the Federation. The Unification would become the flagship of the Federation Navy for several decades and has since had 19 ship classes named after it, as well as the namesake for some 150 individual navy vessels - many of them battleships.   The Federation Navy would be formally created on the 2nd day of the Federation of Iomhare, alongside the Federation Army. In the early days of the Navy, Envis would dominate it, and former Envien ship captain and politician Watson Lockhart was chosen to be the organisation's first Naval Chief of Staff. This began to form a split within the Federation between the three most influential planets, Anfieden was the financial and political capital, Retricon was the population centre, and Envis served as the naval powerhouse. It was for this reason that President Gelran Belfust would later accept Raybia to the Federation, as it prevented any single planet from gaining too much power.   Construction on several new ships, including an additional battleship, would begin around this time. These ships were technically of a unique design, although they borrowed heavily from the 2nd Empire of Jerace.  

Iomhare-Raybia Union

  On the 27th of April, 2643, the independent Republic of Raybia officially joined in a union with the Federation of Iomhare, forming the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets. As the major partner in the union, the Federation's military absorbed their Raybien counterparts, the Federation Navy specifically absorbing the Raybien Naval Space Command. This merger nearly doubled the overall size of the Navy and began the catapult that would lead the Federation to the top of the galactic stage.   This doubling of size began to cause problems for the Navy, and with agreements being settled with Austra and Engonia for their own unions, it become clear that a general reorganisation of the Navy was needed. This reorganisation was modelled after the New Terran Republic's Space Force. The Systems Fleets were first created, with each system currently in the Federation having a fleet, with 9 in total. These fleets were not large, and save for the primary Iomhare and Raybia fleets, were not intended for a pitched battle. When Austra joined the Federation, the fleets were changed to be larger groupings of ships, although they were still called "System Fleets". The Navy quickly moved away from each system having an individual fleet.  

Further Expansion

  For each new nation the Federation added, the Navy grew substantially. The Navy was tasked with providing safe passage across an increasingly large amount of space. This task would be achieved with great success, with the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets being known galaxywide as one of the safest places to travel in the Galaxy. With the accusation of the planet Andoria during the Federation-Skileta negotiations in February 2662, the Navy gained a shipyard larger than any they had held previously, even the mighty Envis shipyards. Skileta also provided one of the largest naval forces of any of the sectors that had joined with Iomhare.   With Skileta and by this point 8 other sectors (the eight Initial Sectors) under Federation control, many galactic powers, specifically the 2nd Empire of Jerace, began to take notice of this new nation. Seeking to curtail Federation dominance of the southern galaxy, Jerace would arm and supply the Republic of Venily, which had thus far denied any request for unification with the Federation, and had directly opposed its acquisition of Skileta.   This would begin the first of the two Venily Wars and became the first real test for the ever-growing Federation Navy.  

Venily Wars

1st Venily War
  The first of the two Venily Wars began early April, 2663, with a false flag operation by Venish forces. The Venish Navy, roughly 2/3rds the size of the Federation Navy - with many of these ships coming directly from Jerace, began a general offensive across Skileta. In response, the Federation Navy deployed most of its forces in defence of the Sector.   However, while the majority of forces from both the Federation and Venily fought in Skileta, a large-sized fleet - under the command of Venish Admiral Lance Fyfe, managed to circumvent Federation defences, and directly strike Iomhare, specifically Anfieden itself.   Finding itself woefully unprepared to deal with direct strikes against the capital, the Navy recalled the 4th and 6th Fleets back to Iomhare, leaving the forces of both sides in Skileta roughly even. Under the command of Admiral Will Hayys, the two Federation fleets would meet with Fyfe's forces on the 6th May, beginning one of the most infamous defeats for the Federation Navy in its history.   Fyfe's fleet, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, was able to surround both the 4th and 6th Fleets, and in a single action destroy both of them. Suddenly, the Federation Navy was on even ground with Venily, and a foreign fleet was laying siege to Iomhare itself. The Federation, which had initially only prepared for a medium-scale skirmish with its neighbouring republic, was suddenly under serious threat of being completely eviscerated. And yet the Federation proved victorious in the end, though it was not on the back of the Navy, nor the Federation Army, it was the work of Federation Intelligence.   Fyfe, as an Admiral in the Venily Navy, was originally quite willing to support Venily's union with the Federation, and many of his captains shared similar beliefs. While forced to retract them in an official capacity, he maintained his opinions even during the war. Federation Intelligence, through the use of double agents in Fyfe's fleet, was able to send direct messages to Fyfe. Eventually, the Federation had Fyfe and all but a few of his captains on board, and suddenly, the entire Venily Fleet in Iomhare swapped sides.   What followed was a complete collapse of the Venily Navy and vast mutinies across the Skiletean front. The Federation Navy easily pushed pasted whatever Naval forces remained loyal to the Venish Government and sieged the capital of Venily, Emerson. With Emerson under siege, the Venish Government formally requested a ceasefire, and a peace treaty was signed soon after.   As part of this treaty, nearly half of the Republic of Venily was ceded to the Federation, forming the new Sector of Ukalen, as well as a large number of naval vessels. Lance Fyfe became a Federation Navy Admiral soon after this treaty, and would later become the Sector Governor of Ukalen. The 1st Venily War had become a decisive Federation victory, the first for this new and growing nation.  
2nd Venily War
  The 2nd Venily War was a much shorter, and less deadly war, beginning in January 2670 and ending in February of the next year. It began with a series of attempted and successful terrorist attacks on Federal buildings in Iomhare. When the Federation discovered the Republic of Venily's involvement, they declared war upon the Republic, bringing the full force of the Navy to bear.   Fyfe would lead several Federation fleets directly to Emerson, much like he had done to Iomhare seven years previous. Venily would fall quickly, with massive protests being held against the government on almost all of their controlled worlds. The Federation Military had the easy task of mopping up any Venily military forces.   The entirety of the Venily Republic would be annexed into Federation territory, with most of it being formed into the new Sector, Peleus. Fyfe would be posthumously granted the rank of Fleet Admiral in 4114, the highest rank ever achieved by a non-Federation born Naval Officer.

Trans Galactical Highways

  The construction of the five Galactical Highways would lead to the creation of the six Sector Fleets. While Faster than Light travel had been developing at a steady rate up to this point, it had begun to stagnate, with most scientists and engineers believing that they had reached a point where no more innovations could possibly be made, at least on the space-faring vessels that the galaxy used. The main problem these scientists were running into was one of size, interstellar ships could not sustain the massive size increases that new lightspeed engines were requiring. A young, but brilliant and ambitious Federation Navy engineer, Robert Newman, came up with a solution, one that would change the geopolitical landscape in the Galaxy forever.   Over half a decade, from 3094 to 3100, Newman would write his famous An Analyse & Study on the Effects of Size & Mass To Faster Than Light Travel. This work would use the Federation Navy battlecruiser, FNV Grant as a basis, and its captain - Theo Harris, would be an important sponsor of Newman's research. When the work was finally published, it would make headlines across the Federation, Apreas, Osheni, Apalachi, and even Jerace. In his conclusion, Newman had made a possible suggestion for how a massive structure could theoretically allow a ship to travel many hundreds of light-years in mere minutes. Newman would even layout a potential layout for said structure, which would become the framework for the first Trans Galactical Highway. The work was widely considered a revolutionary piece of science and engineering.   To capitalize on what had been a century of peace in the Galaxy, Federation President Luke Michalak would invite all the major nations of the Galaxy to the Grand Highways Initiative. Spearheaded by the Federation Navy Engineering Corp, the initiative sought to create these structures Newman had suggested, across not only the Federation, but the whole Galaxy of Astraesto. The pure scale of resources put to bear for this project was one of the largest in Human history, and the Trans Galactic Highways are believed to be the single most expensive things ever created.   Over the 20 years, four Trans Galactical Highways would be built. For each one, they would be split into portions, which were the areas in which ships could enter or leave the Highway. The first highway, the Anfieden Trans Galactical Highway, traversed a large section of Federation space, with its main portions being separated across Anfieden, Alpha Pup, Idantith, Anadeil, Helanior, and Candion. Although many other smaller highways travel off the main highway. For each of these primary portions, the Federation Navy would assign a significant number of vessels. These vessels would form what is known today as the Sector Fleets, the largest and most powerful fleets currently under the control of the Federation Navy.   Newman would be given hundreds of awards for his work, both on the initial study, and on the Grand Highways Initiative, and over 4 dozen Federation Navy battleships, a dozen Apreasean and Osheni Naval vessels, and half a dozen ships from both Jerace and Apalachi have used his name. The Trans Galactical Highways would prove to be the biggest innovation of the 4th millennium, and they would change the way humans travelled the galaxy at large for hundreds of years.  

2nd Galactical War

  On the 22nd of June, 3998, the 2nd Galactical War war began. The Federation Navy would play a significant part in this war, often battling the Imperial Navy of Jerace. Although for most of the war it suffered humiliating defeat after humiliating defeat, losing multiple fleets, and being pushed back all across the frontlines.   In the initial Jeraci offensive of the war, the dozen or so Federation fleets on the border found their communication systems suddenly go offline, and had to fight a hopeless battle. Nearly all of these first battles were decisive and near-flawless victories for the Imperial Navy. It wasn't until the 46th fleet at Garrien came under attack that the Federation even realised they were under attack. It had by that point, been nearly a month since Jerace first began their attack.  
The complete communication blackout of an entire naval region going unnoticed would lead to serious questions by the government. Prior to this point, the regions the Navy operated in were well defined, but completely independent from each other. This would lead to the blackout lasting nearly a month without being noticed. After being told what had happened, President George Whistle and Secretary of the Military Mark Mille realised that the Navy would be unable to sustain even a brief war with the 3rd Empire of Jerace.
  What followed was a restructuring of the Navy, Army, and Air Force. The Federation Armed Forces was formed, made up of all Federation military organisations, including the Navy. This allowed cross-organisational actions that were previously rarely undertaken and also improved coordination across singular organisations - such as the Navy. Initially the restructure was fairly slow, with time being taken to make sure everything was perfect, but with the disastrous defeat in the 2nd Battle for New Nampon, the restructure was quickly sped along.
Propaganda Poster by Blocky
    For the next few decades, the Federation Navy would fight a deadly war of attrition with their Jeraci counterparts. Many battles would be characterised by large delaying actions, with billions travelling away from warzones, creating a major refugee crisis in many of the core sectors. Even as fleet after fleet was lost, new ships continued to be pumped out in great numbers, with many of the great shipyard worlds (such as Envis) remaining greatly unaffected by the war at large. Thanks to the Governmental Arm of Intelligence, Jerace always remained unaware of the insane number of ships that were being built to replace those lost, and never truly understood how much the Federation military was willing to sacrifice, just to live another day.   When at last the Jeraci advance was stopped during the Invasion of Iomhare, the Federation unleashed everything they had, as they began the single largest offensive in human history. While it had taken near 4 decades for Jerace to conquer all they had, it took just 2 years for the Federation Navy and Army to retake their lost territory, and advance all the way to the Jeraci capital of Moneyye. With the capital falling during the Battle for the Imperial Palace, an unconditional peace was signed soon thereafter.

Present Day

  In the current day, the Federation Navy is the most powerful Naval force in the entire Galaxy of Astraesto. It is, combined, larger than the Imperial Navy of Jerace, the Apreasean Interstellar Royal Navy, the Appalachian Space Navy, and the Osheni Republican Fleets. At current, the Federation fields 33 fleets, in addition to 6 Sector Fleets.   Recently, the Federation Navy was heavily involved in the Federation's response to the 4760 Kidnapping Crisis, where Senator D.B. Marshall was kidnapped by a rogue unit of the Imperial Navy of Jerace. The Operation Sanctuary Task Force was formed, numbering over 700 ships, eventually leading to the Destruction of the 83rd Attack Group. The Task Force was led by Admiral Charlie W. Wallace, who was promoted to Fleet Admiral for the duration of the crisis.      



Operating Theatres

  The Federation Navy is organised into 4 distinct operating zones, in addition to a reserve command. Systems Fleets are then assigned to each zone according to the Federation Astraesto Power Threat Index (FAPTI), on a scale of 1-8. Under typical Federation Navy doctrine, 4 fleets must remain under the Reserve Command, to immediately respond to any attacks or other emergencies. Currently the Home Command includes the most Fleets, with many being involved in the Federation-Jenmoreneat War. Each Theatre is controlled by a Naval Commander, whose role is to control patrol zones and assist in naval and inter-agency communication.  

Home Command

[H-COM]   Home Command (abbreviated H-COM), is the largest Navy Operating Theatre in terms of territory, with it covering the majority of Federation owned space. Most of the System Fleets are assigned to this Command, with almost all of them serving in either peacekeeping or anti-piracy efforts. The Home Command is so large in scale that three separate Naval Commanders are appointed to the Theatre. The current commanders are Alfredo Mitchell, Ansela Lena, and Michal Fry   Appointments to the Home Command are often considered cosy and easy, especially for officers. Apart from the occasional pirate incursion, crews of ships in the Home Command have seen little combat outside of simulators. In order to prevent what had become an infection of lazy and unskilled naval personnel, the Navy has begun to constantly transfer individual ships in and out of fleets from the home command, into Border Command Fleets. Under new regulations, individual ships have to be transferred after a maximum of 3 years in H-COM, and officers and crew who intentionally transfer to another ship to avoid the Border Commands are liable to a court-martial.   As the Jenmoreneat Sector was a part of the Home Command, the Federation-Jenmoreneat War has primarily involved fleets belonging to H-COM. The Federation has complete space superiority over Greater Jenmoreneat, with H-COM fleets now acting as a launching base for army soldiers, and aerial craft.  

Jerace Border Command

[JR-COM]   The Jerace Border Command (JR-COM) is the Navy Operating Theatre directly concerned with defending and performing retalitory strikes against the 4th Empire of Jerace. JR-COM has the second-highest number of fleets under its command with 8 and is commanded by Naval Commander Anakin Yenlin.   JR-COM patrols every Federation Sector that directly borders Jerace, with its fleets spread evenly across the front. The main purpose of Federation forces in JR-COM is power-projection, with the fleets being a daily reminder of Federation Naval Power in the Galaxy, and a direct deterrent against any sort of invasion. Should Jerace ever attempt a full-scale war against the Federation, it is expected that JR-COM will hold the line long enough for H-COM and R-COM to fully mobilize a retaliatory strike.  

Apalachian Border Command

[AL-COM]   The Apalachian Border Command (AP-COM) operates in sectors which border the Kingdom of Apalachi. It serves a similar purpose to JR-COM, with fleets serving as a form of power projection against Jerace's most powerful ally. As the border with Apalachi is much smaller than with that of Jerace, only a few fleets operate under the Apalachian Border Command. The current Naval Commander is Miranda Praeger.  

Apreasean-Osheni Border Combined Command

[APOH-COM]   The Apreasean-Osheni Border Combined Command (APOH-COM) is the most lightly defended operating theatre in terms of pure fleets. It patrols along the border with the Kingdom of Apreas and the Republic of Osheni, as well as the Pelleon Anomaly. The Fleets assigned to this zone perform anti-piracy actions alongside the Apresean and Osheni Navies, making it the only operating theatre in which the Federation Navy performs operations alongside allied nations. The current Naval Commander is Garrus Shepard.  

Reserve Command

[R-COM]   The Reserve Command (R-COM) does not have any established patrol areas. It is instead made up of approximately 4 separate fleets, which are based inside Iomhare but do not assist H-COM. At the order of either the President of the Federation, the Secretary of the Military, or the Naval Chief of Staff the fleets can be authorized to immediately support any of the other Operating Theatres, although they are often only used in wartime or emergencies. R-COM follows the same regulations as H-COM, although with entire fleets instead of individual ships moving in and out of R-COM. The last time R-COM was activated was during the 4760 Kidnapping Crisis, where the 5th and 31st fleets joined the Operation Sanctuary Task Force. R-COM does not have a traditional Naval Commander, instead falling under the command of the senior Naval Commander of Home Command, currently Alfredo Mitchell.  

Active Fleets and Commanders


Sector Fleets

Fleet Admiral LT. Admiral(s) Headquarters
Unity Landon Wellington
  • Gleb Valden
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
Erin Station, Liuxen Base
Alliance Jin Chao
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
Nicholas Command Station
Vigilance Charles Wallace
  • Val Morgan
  • Brian Layost
  • Johnny Hawkins
  • Vincent Green
Aegis Base
Allegiant Lila Khalli
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
Mikkal Command Base
Divinity Marnus Green
  • Jhye Boland
  • Georgia Tye
  • Tim McGrath
  • Jan Meredith
Wade-Doram Base
Holdfast Fareed Ahmed
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
  • Placeholder
Expanse Command Base

System Fleets

Fleet Admiral LT. Admiral(s) Operating Theatre
1st Fleet Ferdinand Gebhard Arien Grant H-COM
2nd Fleet Britta Russel Louis Domincoy JR-COM
3rd Fleet Jordan Connolly Sr. Angus Stroud H-COM
5th Fleet Edgar Edgarson Jayden Hill H-COM
6th Fleet Sam Dashei Joel Kane AL-COM
7th Fleet James Rayert Georgina Turner H-COM
8th Fleet Sara Jankowski Mark Wyk H-COM
10th Fleet Vince Day Hamish Reynolds R-COM
11th Fleet Ludwik Stefano Ryan Andol APOH-COM
14th Fleet Edward Regar Jr. Ashleigh Bowers JR-COM
15th Fleet Edwin Vas H-COM
16th Fleet Leo Dagh AL-COM
18th Fleet Cai Tiang R-COM
19th Fleet Heinrich Aach Richard Gaterling H-COM
20th Fleet Harry Charles H-COM
21st Fleet Wilfred Greeley JR-COM
22nd Fleet Nicholas Nadler H-COM
23rd Fleet James Graydon JR-COM
24th Fleet Samuel Watkins Ashley Parnr JR-COM
25th Fleet Christopher Newfield AL-COM
26th Fleet Eve Lindon R-COM
28th Fleet John Morelok H-COM
29th Fleet Hayden Collins JR-COM
30th Fleet Spencer Hughes Ivan Parkin APOH-COM
31st Fleet Dominic Fry R-COM
33rd Fleet Felix Baker Kaidan Destre H-COM
34th Fleet Luke Graham Jonathon Hackett N/A
35th Fleet Hudson Riley H-COM
36th Fleet Edward Long H-COM
37th Fleet Yun Ji-Kye H-COM
38th Fleet Boris Bukharin JR-COM
39th Fleet Phillip Powers Patrick Matteucci H-COM
40th Fleet Thomas North Timothy Proffet JR-COM


  The Federation Navy has at its command over 3000 combat vessels, not including tens of hundreds more support vessels and other miscellaneous ships. This number firmly places the Federation Navy as the single most powerful Space Navy by pure size, dwarfing even the Imperial Navy of Jerace. As well as being numerically superior, the Federation Navy is in most cases technologically superior also. They field the most powerful ships in the Galaxy, with the best guns, armour, and engines money can buy.   Most of the vessels that the Federation Navy commands come from a few select worlds with large shipyards. The largest of these shipyards is the one located above Envis, which is controlled nearly entirely by the Envis Shipyards Incorporated company. This single company provides nearly 10% of all naval vessels, including the 3 powerful Battleship Carriers, and the experimental Spectre.   But as well as ships, the Navy also has a significant amount of manpower. Millions serve as crew members alone, not to mention the Navy-Marine Corp, and the millions of construction jobs. The Navy also employs significant numbers of independent contractors. The Federation Navy is usually among the top employers for every planet in the Federation.  

Organisation Structure


Secretary of the Military

  The Secretary of the Military, known alternatively as the Minister for the Military and Defence, is the highest-ranking, and head of the military departments of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets. The Secretary of the Military is considered the second most important member of the Executive Cabinet, behind only the Deputy President. The role is picked by the President of the Federation, and a 3/5ths Senate majority is required for the appointment to be confirmed, the Chiefs of Staff of the three main services each have a single opportunity to veto an appointment if they can provide a suitable alternative. This power is almost never used, although the Chiefs of Staff are usually asked for advice when a new appointment is necessary.   To ensure that the Federation Military remains strictly civilian controlled, the Secretary of the Military cannot have held command of any military unit within the last 13 years. The current Secretary of the Military is Andrea Noruma, who was previously the Army Chief of Staff. In military communications - including the navy, the Secretary is referred to as MSEC.    

Naval Chief of Staff

  The Naval Chief of Staff is the Chief Operating Officer of the Navy, responsible for operating and commanding the entirety of the Federation Navy. The Naval Chief of Staff also exists to inform the President and the Secretary of the Military on naval affairs. Unlike the Secretary of the Interstellar Navy, the Naval Chief of Staff is appointed from actively serving officers, almost always Admirals. The current Naval Chief of Staff is John Rendon, who gained the role on 4th July, 4756.  

Secretary of the Interstellar Navy

  The Secretary of the Interstellar Navy is the Chief Executive Officer of the Federation Navy and its subsidiary organisations. Unlike most other roles in the Navy, the role of Secretary is limited (similarly to the Secretary of the Military) to those who have not held a military rank or command for the previous 10 years. The Secretary is appointed by the President of the Federation and a majority vote in the Federation Senate.   The current Secretary of the Interstellar Navy is Carver Allen, who was appointed to the role on August 7th, 4762.  

Naval Commander

  A Naval Commander is the leader of all the fleets (System Fleets), in an operating theatre. H-COM is unique in having 3 separate Naval Commanders, due to the sheer size of the theatre, and the number of fleets under its command. The most senior of these Commanders is also in charge of the Reserve Command (R-COM), currently Alfredo Mitchell.   The actual role of the Naval Commander is to be the coordinator of the Systems Fleets, controlling where they patrol and the operations they undertake. The Commander is intended to be a more administrative role, whereas Fleet Admirals, and Admirals act as the commanding officer of the fleet during combat and the managers of day to day operations. At present, there are 6 Naval Commanders in the Federation Navy, 3 who share command of H-COM (plus R-COM), and a singular leader of JR-COM, AL-COM, and APOH-COM.  

Fleet Admiral

  Fleet Admirals are a role specifically delegated to Admirals in times of crisis or emergency. This makes the role a rarity in the Navy, and only a few dozen individuals have held the title over the last 2 millennia, the latest being Admiral Charlie W. Wallace, while commanding the Operation Sanctuary Task Force. Fleet Admirals hold command over additional fleets than their own, usually several at once. This may or may not include Sector Fleets, with some Fleet Admirals commanding a force of only System Fleets, while others use a combination of Sector and System Fleets.  


  Admirals are the commanders of individual fleets, Admirals are given general objectives to achieve by Naval Commanders, but are then given free reign to accomplish those objectives.  

Lieutenant Admiral

  Lieutenant Admirals act as an immediate subsidiary to the Admiral, and they hold much of the same powers as Admirals do. Lieutenant Admirals are, however, in command of a much smaller force, usually small units of a System Fleet, and one of four groupings of ships in the Sector Fleets, known as Subsector Fleets. Lieutenant Admirals of these Subsector Fleets have about as many ships under their command as System Fleet Admirals do.   Lieutenant Admirals are usually the immediate successor to the Admiral in the case of retirement, resignations, or death. The most senior Lieutenant Admiral in the Sector Fleet is usually the next in line, although Sector Fleet Admirals can and have designated successors, provided a Naval Commander agrees to the successor. An example of this succession is Brian Layost in the 3rd Sector Fleet, who is the designated successor for Admiral Charlie W. Wallace, despite being the second most junior member of the 3rd Sector Fleet's Lieutenant Admirals.  

Flagship Captain

  The rank of Flagship Captain is near indistinguishable from a regular captain in the Federation Navy. As the name would suggest, the Flagship Captain is the Captain of the flagship of any System or Sector Fleet (including Subsector Fleets). For example, Leon Alastair is the Flagship Captain of the 2nd Subsector Fleet, due to holding the Captaincy of the FNV Spectre - the current flagship of that fleet. The only significant difference this rank holds over the captain is that of succession, with the Flagship Captain being considered next in line to command after the Admiral and/or Lieutenant Admiral. This succession order then continues through seniority. Flagship Captains may also hold more administrative powers over the fleet.  


  Captains make up one of the largest bodies of officers in the Federation Navy, they are the individual commanders of each ship. Assuming no other higher ranking Naval Officer is aboard the vessel, in most cases, the captain has principal authority over everything happening on board.

Marine Corp

  The security, assault, and defence units of the Federation Navy are organised under the Marine Corp. Federation Navy Marines make up one of the largest bodies of the crew of any navy ship. They are not only trained in combat, but also have basic training in engineering and mechanics, they are also responsible for controlling weapon systems on the ship, and finally for acting as a fire fighting force.   Each fleet (plus Sector Subsector Fleets) of the Federation has a Marine Commander in charge of all marine forces in that fleet. The Marine Commander reports to the Admiral or Lieutenant Admiral in the case of Subsector Fleets. Marine Sergeants then serve under the Marine Commander, each taking command of an individual marine detachment on a vessel.   The Marine Corp also serves the role of guarding important naval personnel while off duty. Those protected include Naval Commanders, Admirals, Lieutenant Admirals, Flagship Captains, and Marine Commanders. While fulfilling this role, they are known as Marine Guard, and are only equipped with concealed sidearms and communication devices.




  The Federation Navy has thousands of active ships currently in service. With 5 types of warships, and many other forms of support craft. The main types of warships are, in order of size, Battleship Carriers, Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, and Destroyers. Most ships in the Navy have an average lifespan of about a century, although they undergo repairs and refurbishments regularly. Larger vessels like Battleships and Carriers last longer in general, as they are much more expensive to replace. The oldest commissioned warship in the Navy is the FNV Immunity - an Oaklyn Class Battleship, Fleet Admiral Elaine J. Kyra2nd Galactical Warparticipatedmuseum   Every vessel under the Navy is also categorized into either an "Assault" or "Regular" class. The primary difference between the two is how large the Marine detachment is on the ship, with assault ships being specifically designed for boarding enemy vessels. Assault ships also have the capacity to perform planetary invasions and strikes and can carry large numbers of Federation Army troops. On average, an "Assault" class ship will also carry more transport craft, with the current standard being the Delta Class Aerial Transport. Regular class vessels are much more suited to a longer range naval engagement, as these vessels have more room for weapon systems.    

Battleship Carriers

  The Battleship Carrier is the largest and most powerful class of warship under the Federation Navy. As the name would suggest, the battleship carriers have the armaments and armour of a traditional battleship, while also being able to carry a large complement of fighter and bomber craft. Only three battleship carriers have been built by the Navy, with two more currently in construction. The design is a relatively new concept, and no other nation has a similar ship in its possession. No battleship carrier has seen active combat, instead being used in a symbolic role, establishing Federation naval dominance over the Galaxy. It remains to be seen how capable they are against foreign fleets.   Battleship carriers have thus far stuck to the names of initial sectors for the names of individual vessels, when the 8 initial sectors have each given a name to a battleship carrier, it is expected that the naming convention will expand to all Federation sectors.   All Active and in Construction Battleship Carriers:  
  • FNV Iomhare (3rd Sector Fleet)
  • FNV Raybia (1st Sector Fleet)
  • FNV Engonia (1st Sector Fleet)
  • FNV Chlorae (In Construction)
  • FNV Canadia (In Construction)
  • Carriers

      Notable Active Federation Navy Carriers include:  
  • FNV Emily I. Raien
  • FNV Maxwell Blayen
  • FNV Louis P.A Anthen
  • Battleships

      An important part of Federation Naval strategy involves the bulky, hard-hitting but slow Battleship. These vessels are always seen alongside support vessels such as cruisers and destroyers, as alone they are extremely vulnerable. When with a support fleet, however, they become the most potent weapon, save the carriers, of the Federation Navy.   These ships are often seen as too expensive for their use, which has prevented them from being deployed in large numbers by the Federation Navy, or at all in the case of most other Galactic Naval organisations. Nevertheless, the Federation Navy finds the battleships useful in asserting their naval dominance over the Galaxy, and battleships lead many Federation battlegroups, especially those closest to the borders of the Federation's rivals and enemies.   Battleships are named after important military figures in Federation history, usually Naval Officers although members of the other services are also included.   Notable Active Federation Navy Battleships include:


      Cruisers make up the bulk of the Federation Navy, with dozens of active classes and thousands of commissioned vessels. They are broadly separated into 2 subsidiary types, "Battlecruisers" and "Artillery Cruisers". Battlecruisers are built for sustained engagement against hostile forces, with an emphasis on armour over pure firepower. Artillery Cruisers meanwhile are used for long-range weapon strikes, with their focus being on weaponry. Some cruisers do not fit into either of these categories, in these cases, they are usually just referred to as "Cruisers", an example of this would be the Hunter Class Cruiser which focuses on speed and agility over firepower or defence. All cruisers are designed to be able to work independently of a fleet at large, a distinction that separates them from the destroyer.   The names of cruisers in the Federation Navy are almost always adjectives - like Spectre or Enduring. An exception to this rule is that of the Edovan, owing to its past in the Imperial Navy of Jerace.   Notable Active Federation Navy Cruisers include:  
  • FNV Spectre
  • FNV Edovan
  • FNV Enduring
  • FNV Revelation


      Destroyers are the smallest, but often some of the hardest-hitting ships in the Federation Navy. Destroyers are also the second most numerous type of vessel, behind only cruisers. But unlike cruisers, destroyers are not intended to be used independently, only seeing use within Federation System Fleets and Sector Fleets.   Destroyers are named after Federation planets or cities. Before the 2nd Galactical War, destroyers were usually named after   Notable Active Federation Navy Destroyers include:  
  • FNV Serdica
  • FNV Spaldei
  • FNV Envien
  • FNV Adiri
  • FNV
  • Other Craft (Frigates, Corvettes, etc.)

      The Federation Navy employs hundreds of other space-faring craft across the Federation, from transports to medical frigates, and massive refuelling ships. Without these ships, the Federation Navy would quickly fall from a lack of fuel, supplies, and amenities. While some of these ships are fitted for combat, the vast majority are not. Those ships not armed for battle are prefixed with FNNCV or more simply NCV, which stands for Federation Navy Non-Combatant Vessel.  
    Delta Class Aerial Transport
      The Federation Navy, especially the Federation Navy Marine Corp, makes heavy use of a modified version of the Delta Class Aerial Transport. This modified version is able to traverse space, although it comes at the cost of less space on the transport compared to other versions employed by the Federation Armed Forces.   Nearly every ship in the Federation Navy has at least one Delta Class Aerial Transport, with the transport officially becoming the standardised transformational craft in the Navy in June of 4727. Nearly all Naval officials use the transport while travelling, although the transport is usually not used for formal occasions or ceremonies.  
    Low Orbit Charger
      The Low Orbit Charger, or LO Charger for short, is an orbital support ship used by the Federation Navy. It is intended as a larger and longer-range transport than the Delta Class Aerial Transport, it also serves as a cargo and medical transport. Many LO Chargers have been converted to civilian and commercial spacecraft recreational transports. It also sees common usage in the Sanoliad Galaxy.


    Naming Conventions

    Ship Type Names
    Battleship Carrier
    • Initial Sectors
    • Sectors (Presumed)
    • Federation Presidents
    • Recognised Military Figures
    • Admirals, Captains, etc.
    • Adjectives
    • Significant Battles
    • Federation Cities
    • Federation Planets
    • Systems (Formerly)
    • Birds
    • Other Animals
    • Any




    Current Galactic Threat Level:


    Guardian Alpha 3



    22nd March, 2643 (2,119 Years, 9 months)   Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets   Space Navy

    Alternative Names
    F.I.N, Federation Interstellar Navy
    Predecessor Organization
    Leader Title
    Parent Organization
    Related Ethnicities

    The Sector Fleets

    1st Sector Fleet: Unity
    Military Formation | Dec 31, 2023

    The first of the six Federation Sector Fleets

    2nd Sector Fleet: Alliance
    Military Formation | Dec 31, 2023

    The 2nd of the Federation's Sector Fleets, Alliance is commanded by Admiral Jin Chao

    3rd Sector Fleet: Vigilance
    Military Formation | Dec 31, 2023

    Vigilance is one of six Sector Fleets of the Federation, it is led by Admiral Charlie Wallace

    4th Sector Fleet: Allegiant
    Military Formation | Dec 31, 2023
    5th Sector Fleet: Divinity
    Military Formation | Dec 31, 2023
    6th Sector Fleet: Holdfast
    Military Formation | Dec 31, 2023

    Significant Operations

    During its history, the Federation Navy has undertaken possibly thousands of operations. A few have had a significant part to play in the history of the Galaxy.

    Operation Sanctuary
      The Operation Sanctuary Task Force is arguably one of the most influential Federation Naval Operations since the 2nd Galactical War. It was also the largest operation undertaken since that war, involving over 700 combat vessels, and hundreds more non-combatant ships.   The Task Force was created in response to the 4760 Kidnapping Crisis, which saw influential Party of Democracy Senator Lando D.B. Marshall, kidnapped by the rogue 83rd Attack Group. The Attack Group had formerly served in the Imperial Navy of Jerace and the 3rd Armada. While formally, the 4th Empire of Jerace denounced the attack group, accusations have emerged that Imperial Navy supply ships supported the attack group, including from Federation Navy officials. The Federation Armed Forces would enact Guardian Alpha 3 immediately following the kidnapping.   The Federation Navy force that was formed to destroy the Attack Group was made up of 7 System Fleets and the 3rd Sector Fleet. It was commanded by Admiral Charlie W. Wallace, who was temporarily given the rank of Fleet Admiral.

    Galactical Threat Level Rankings

    The Federation Armed Forces has a 6 level system that states the current level of military readiness and foreign threat. The system is known as the Galactical Threat Level Ranking System (TRS) and goes from 1-6, with 6 being the lowest level. It is also referred to as the Guardian Alpha System, with each ranking beginning as "Guardian Alpha", although the name is simply used as a code by the navy. The system is fully entrenched into Federation Law, although it should be noted that the different parts of the military have entirely unique criteria for the levels of the system (although they share significant similarities), and may be at different levels entirely, depending on the perceived threat. The President of the Federation or the Secretary of the Military are the only ones able to call a vote on the Federation Senate in order to change the current readiness level. A majority vote is required, although if the Federation is in a state of war, the level is automatically placed at Guardian Alpha 3, even without the approval of the Senate. 

    The lowest level of the TRS, Guardian Alpha 6, has never been used, as it in essence means the navy is no longer obligated to field any vessels. It is intended to be used when true galactic peace is finally achieved, and a standing naval space force is no longer required. This has led to Guardian Alpha 5 being considered the lowest level of the TRS by most.

    Guardian Alpha 5 is usually considered the base level of naval preparedness. At this level, system fleets and sector fleets are both limited in the number of ships they can field at any one point, with additional ships being placed into reserve units. Typically, reserve ships are still counted as a part of the fleet and may perform training exercises alongside the rest of their fleet, but may not participate in patrols or combat. The Navy is fully volunteer-based, and its budget is in the hands of the Federation Senate.

    Level 4 of the Guardian Alpha Scale is generally the stage at which the Federation acknowledges the possibility of significant threats in the near future. The number of vessels on active duty increases, and while most of the naval budget is still in the hands of the Federation Senate, a mandatory 2% must be allocated to the Navy.

    Currently, the active level of the Guardian Alpha Scale is Guardian Alpha 3, which has been in use since the 4760 Kidnapping Crisis. It has continued its use due to the ongoing Federation-Jenmoreneat War which began in 4761. Similarly to Guardian Alpha 4, even more ships can be allocated to active duty, and a mandatory Naval budget of 4% is required. At this level, the Navy can begin preparations for major armed conflicts.

    Guardian Alpha 2 is the second-highest level of the TRS scale and is intended for when the Federation is engaged in major armed conflicts. 7.5% of the Federation's GDP must be placed into the Naval budget, and restrictions on the number of vessels in a fleet are lifted. Conscription may be enacted on a planetary scale, provided the planetary governor and the majority party are in agreement.

    Guardian Alpha 1 is the highest level on the TRS scale, and it has only been fully authorised once - during the 2nd Galactical War. At this level Total War is declared, and military spending is automatically raised to 50% (the majority of which goes to the Navy) of the Federation's total GDP. Conscription is enacted on every planet (unless otherwise ordered), and key ship and armaments factories can be temporarily nationalised. All weapons are authorized for use, including missiles with an Astrosten or Nuclear payload although they still require authorization from a Fleet Admiral or higher.

    Exploratory System Fleets

      The 34th Fleet is unique among the System Fleets as it doesn't operate under any of the 4 Operating Theatres. It is instead used as a mobile exploration unit, protecting the Survey and Exploration Corp from attack. As such, it is organised less like a fleet, and more like a collection of a few dozen spaceships, with the 34th Fleet spread thin across the easternmost reaches of the galaxy. The 34th Fleet is categorised as an Exploratory System Fleet by the Navy.

    There are usually several more Exploratory System Fleets, but by 4761, and the activation of Code Guardian Alpha Level 3, almost all of the half dozen fleets which made up the Exploratory System Fleets were recalled back into H-COM. The 34th Fleet, while the largest of those fleets, has been thoroughly undermanned and unsupplied during recent years. On some occasions it has even been reported that marines have been forced to supply their own equipment, using most of their wages in order to do so. This has proven especially difficult for newer recruits, who are often struggling financially themselves.

    The 34th Fleet is one of the most battle-hardened forces currently under Federation control, with dozens of pirate bases and fleets having been destroyed by the Fleet. Luke Graham is the current Admiral of the 34th Fleet, having held the title for the last 2 decades. He is considered an experienced, if ruthless, commander.

    Notable Members



    Brian Layost
        Brian Layost is a Lieutenant Admiral in the Federation Navy, serving as the commander of the 2nd Subsector Fleet of the 3rd Sector Fleet. He is one of the most successful active members of the organisations, being most well known for commanding a large part of the Operation Sanctuary Task Force, against the 83rd Attack Group, eventually leading to the complete destruction of that Attack Group    
    Matthew Pavalik
      Matthew Diego Pavalik is a Marine Commander of the 3rd Sector Fleet. He specifically commands the 2nd Subsector Fleet's Marine Division. Like Layost, Pavalik distinguished himself during his service to the Operation Sanctuary Task Force, commanding the boarding forces that captured Admiral Francesco's flagship. He is a close friend, and trusted subordinate to Brian Layost, and the two have served together for most of their careers.  
    Charles W. Wallace
      Charles W. Wallace, more commonly known as Charlie W. Wallace, is an Admiral in the Federation Navy, he commands the 3rd Sector Fleet. He is currently one of only two active Navy Admirals to have held the rank of Fleet Admiral. He was given the rank during the 4760 Kidnapping Crisis, where he would lead the Federation Navy effort to find and eliminate the 83rd Attack Group. Brian Layost, a Lieutenant Admiral under Wallace, would later defeat the attack group, successfully rescuing Senator D.B. Marshall in the process. Wallace continues to command the 3rd Sector Fleet, although he has increasingly begun delegating responsibilities to his intended successor, Layost, with many believing he intends to retire within the next few years, as one of the most successful admirals of the modern era.


    Elaine J. Kyra
    Photo by Guillaume Bolduc on Unsplash
    Elaine J. Kyra is arguably the most famous Fleet Admiral in Federation history. Kyra was appointed Fleet Admiral during the Invasion of Iomhare, where she was tasked with defending the sector against the largest Jeraci offensive of the 2nd Galactical War.   Born only 8 years prior to the beginning of the 2nd Galactical War, in 3990, Kyra spent most of her life dreaming of joining the Federation Navy and fighting against Jerace, as her father was doing - as a Captain in the Navy himself. By the time she had turned 19, she had graduated from her local naval academy on Envis and was officially enlisted into the Navy. In 4014, at 24, Kyra became the 1st Officer aboard the FNV Immunity - an Oaklyn Class Battleship, which was a part of the Iomhare Defence Fleet. Her next promotion came due to the actions of 2nd Officer Ryan Korn, who organised a semi-successful mutiny against the Captain of the Immunity - Brandon Chaff.    
    Lance Fyfe
      Lance Fyfe was a prominent member of the Federation for both of the Venily Wars. Originally serving as an Admiral in the Venily fleet, Fyfe initially fought several battles against the Federation, even destroying the combined 4th and 6th fleets with a numerically smaller force of his own. Notably, Fyfe managed to avoid the majority of the Federation Navy, which had responded in full to an attack upon the Skileta Sector, and directly attacked Iomhare itself.   Federation Intelligence would eventually convince Fyfe, and the overwhelming majority of his officers - through threats, blackmail, and bribery, to turn against the Venish Government. Suddenly, a war that had been going terribly for the Federation Navy, quickly turned into a complete and decisive victory, with large mutinies across the Venish Navy. With the siege of Emerson - the capital of Venily, the Venish Government sued for peace.   With the peace treaty, a large portion of Venily was ceded to the Federation, including Fyfe's homeworld, Denay. With Denay under Federation control, Fyfe was able to officially join the Federation Navy, quickly rising through the ranks to become an Admiral, just in time for the 2nd Venily War, which Fyfe also partook in, leading Federation forces directly for Emerson, in a similar maneuver he had undertaken against Iomhare in the 1st Venily War.    After the wars ended, Fyfe began a successful political career. He would be elected as the Sector Governor of Ukalen in 2677 and remained extremely popular until his retirement 16 years later, in 2693. He was posthumously awarded the rank of Fleet Admiral in 4114, the highest rank ever achieved by a non-Federation born naval officer.  
    Lillian Benneta

    Articles under Federation Navy

    Cover image: Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash
    Character flag image: Federation Intersteller Navy by Blocky


    Author's Notes

    I know at present this article is basically just a few walls of text, rest assured I will be progressively adding images to make this article look much better. Still, I hope you enjoy it for what it is!

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jan 27, 2022 12:15

    After checking out your Army, I knew I had to give some love to your Navy!   And now, a few weeks later, I finally have! And I'm certainly thankful that I did, because WOW is this good! Pretty much all of the things I'd want to see in an article like this are present, with the details not spared! This is defineitely something people should read if thy want to make a good military service.   That said, I hope you would permit me to ask a few questions, particularly to do with 1) The nature of the Civilian-Military leadership split, and 2) More details about the "Naval Staff" at the head of this massive organisation.   That said, it's still an incredibly detailed article, I wnjoyed it immensely, and I look forward to seeing even more of your content in the future!