The Party

First, the paladin: fine of scale, honor, and might.   Second, the bard: sweet of word, quick of wit.   Third, the druid: fierce of visage but calm of mind.   Fourth, the wanderer: daughter of the forest.   Fifth, the cleric armorer: short of stature but great of skill.   Sixth, the wizard: do not underestimate him, beware the flame.

Founding Date
1166 CR: Day 35 of Arc Migra
Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
The Gods of the Dome
Subsidiary Organizations

Table of Contents

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  • 1166 CR

    22 Arc Radia

    Hello, Goodbye Riverrock
    Diplomatic action

    The Party arrived in Riverrock with Tyllin leading the way (though he would part ways with them immediately thereafter).


    With Johann claiming to be a trader from Witchmill and his companions pretending to be his bodyguards, they took a brief tour of the ruins.


    They met with King Cyrus and offered a 10lb. chunk of gold in exchange for a box containing a foot of Threads of the Old Weave (explaining how fashionable they were in Witchmill). Unfortunately, the chunk of gold was conjured by Algernon the Tall, and would vanish in an hour.


    The group swiftly evacuated, leaving Tyllin behind (although they diplomatically tried to secure his safety for a few months). However, once their treachery had evidently been laid bare, they were pursued by some angry (and monstrous) frogs

  • 1166 CR

    24 Arc Radia

    Odac Summons the Party
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 1166 CR

    25 Arc Radia

    The Killing of the Fellgleam Bear
    Life, Death
  • 1166 CR

    26 Arc Radia

    Massacre at Marin's
    Life, Trauma/ Loss
    The Fellgleam
    More reading
  • 1166 CR

    27 Arc Radia

    Exile from Crossbones
    More reading
    The Fellgleam
  • 1166 CR

    28 Arc Radia

    The Party Meets Lilli Longshadow
    Gathering / Conference

    With the help of Marin, the party finds their way to the doorstep of Lilli Longshadow, making her acquaintance after rescuing a pair of baby white dragons.

    The Fellgleam
    More reading
    Lilli Longshadow
  • 1166 CR

    29 Arc Radia

    Roach's Release
    Civil action

    After Lilli Longshadow was able to probe Roach for the information that The Party themselves were unable to communicate, she gave the party a choice of whether to kill the creature or allow him to live--indicating that it was probably a mercy to kill him.


    After some deliberation, The Party decided to release Roach to his fate in The Fellgleam, arming him with a book containing a cinnamon bun recipe and nothing else.

  • 1166 CR

    29 Arc Radia

    The Abduction of Roach
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Descending into the bowels of The Primeval Archive with the help of some handholding "ghosts," The Party unlocks the private athenaeum to find Rochenion the nothic.


    Once there, they battled undying sentinels and a madness that threatened to consume them the longer they stayed. However, with the aid of a paralysis poison, Murmus' Command spell, and Algernon's Mage Hand, they managed to get Roach to drink the poison before carrying him out of the room, locking it forever behind them.

    More reading
  • 1166 CR

    32 Arc Radia

    Aloha, Riverrock

    The party arrived, with Marin's guidance, to the settlement of Riverrock. After receiving a tour from Grisha, they would meet with King Cyrus, and offer him a trade for a box of Threads of the Old Weave. Cyrus accepted, and The Party made haste to leave before Algernon's disappearing gold ruse could be discovered.

  • 1166 CR

    32 Arc Radia

    Meeting Vornaar
    Gathering / Conference

    While battling some monstrous froglike creatures, The Party was greeted by a timely ally in Vornaar--a brass dragonborn druid. After summoning 8 wolves, he helped to turn the tide of a difficult battle. He would later lead them to his cottage before leading them on to the town of Witchmill.


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