Deep Cue Garn Settlement in Symbols of Power | World Anvil

Deep Cue Garn

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Situada al borde del mar y en medio de un paraje rocoso y lleno de precipicios, Deep Cue Garn es un remoto pueblo pesquero y agricultor en la costa oeste de la Isla de Tháur.   En el año 2998 E.Alz, una inundación enorme sacudió la costa oeste de la isla de Tháur (entonces Isla de Merthiorn) y el norte de Dhalmain, sumergiendo casi completamente el pueblo de Deep Cue Garn. Varios de los habitantes murieron, y los frentes de madera de las casas fueron arrasados. Una gran parte de la población emigró a la Ciudad de Goldwaste, que había sido construida hacía pocas décadas, y con el correr de los años, Deep Cue quedó casi desierta, con una población reducida a alrededor de dos decenas de personas que sobrevivían como podían.   Pero La Corrosión Alta llegó, 16 años más tarde y con el pueblo de Deep Cue abandonado y pudriendose en el sentido más literal, y destruyó completamente a Goldwaste y a sus habitantes. La vida en las montañas se volvió imposible y temida, y los pocos sobrevivientes de Goldwaste, que era hasta entonces una enorme y joven ciudad llena de gente y proyectos, debió emigrar hacia las costas. Deep Cue Garn resultó una alternativa lógica a los minúsculos pueblos que se habían formado en las inhóspitas zonas al norte de GoldWaste, y, con varias docenas de personas buscando un nuevo hogar, las casas y el puerto de la ciudad costera volvieron a ser levantados. Hoy en día, Deep Cue Garn es el pueblo más habitado de la costa oeste de Tháur, y en poco tiempo logró volver a tomar gran parte del color y la viveza que tenía antes de la catástrofe.  


La mayoría de las construcciones en Deep Cue Garn previo a la inundación del 2998 E.Alz estaban construidas contra los riscos, en muchas ocasiones aprovechando cuevas naturales como parte de la casa, o generando cuevas artificiales. Usualmente, estas viviendas tenían una mitad construida de madera levantada aproximadamente un metro sobre el nivel del mar, y la mitad trasera dentro mismo de los riscos. Otros edificios, como molinos, el puerto, etc, solían estar construidos en piedra o sobre pilotes no muy altos.   Luego de que el pueblo volviese a ser levantado tras la caída de la Ciudad de Goldwaste, algunas edificaciones tradicionales se mantuvieron, pero las casas construidas contra el risco en la zona más baja permanecieron abandonadas.
  Located next to the sea on a rocky area surrounded by cliffs on the west coast of the Thaur Island, Deep Cue Garn is a remote, small fishing town that based its economy on trading with the peoples from the Dhalmain Island and the surrounded towns in what was then the Kingdom of Merthiorn.  


The Flood

During the year 2988 E.Alz, the north of Dhalmain and the west coast of Thaur were hit by a massive flood.
Saltwater submerged Deep Cue Garn almost entirely, killing most of its inhabitants. The wooden fronts of the houses were destroyed. The remainders of the townspeople emigrated to the recently founded new capital of the Kingdom of Merthiorn, the City of Goldwaste, leaving the town turned into a deserted salty husk inhabited by only a couple dozen people struggling to survive.   With the entirety of the town having been under saltwater, the soil of the entire area became infertile and barren, destroying all of the towns' crops and making livestock rearing close to impossible. The landscape turned into a uniform white-grey ruin with whitened dead trees and chunks of destroyed buildings littering the space.  

Double tragedy

16 years after the flood, with the Deep Cue town abandoned and literally rotting away, the High Rust catastrophe hit the entire Haan Archipelago, destroying the City of Goldwaste and its big and active population.
The survivors had to flee to the coasts, ironically turning Deep Cue Garn into a logical alternative to the minuscule camp-towns that formed on the inhospitable area north of Goldwaste.
With dozens of people in search for new homes, the houses and port of the coastal town were raised again and re-inhabited by both new people and even some of the survivors from the original flood that by that point were going through their second settlement destruction.   Nowadays, Deep Cue Garn is the most densely inhabited town on the west coast of the new Kingdom of Thaur, and has managed to regain a lot of its original colour and life.  


Prior to the great flood, most of Deep Cue Garn's building were built directly against the cliffs, most of the time making use of natural caves as part of the structure, or carving new ones to expand the surface of the house. These buildings would have a front half made out of wood raisen approximately a meter above sea level, and a back half inside the cliff, providing a great storage space for fish and other goods.   Bigger non-residential buildings such as the port or the mills were built completely or partially out of stone or above short pylons.   After the reconstruction of the town after the fall of Goldwaste, some of the original buildings were kept or reconstructed, but the residential are mostly moved to higher grounds, and the houses located in the lower areas of the cliffside stayed abandoned.
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Included Locations
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The Haan Archipelago
Portrait of Danae, a holding his peace bird pen and a book containing a map
Danae by Naelin
The cartographer Danae from the City of Birdland in Thaur was commissioned to draw a map of the Haan Archipelago for the second edition of The Book of the Habits and Beasts, published in the 3rd of Birthing, 3 E.Ru.   Danae took advantage of the enclyclopaedia's team of researchers to gather precise information and went himself into research expeditions to survey remote areas. His work resulted in what is considered the most accurate and widespread map of the Archipelago to this day, which details even most of the coasts of the Savage Isles.

Articles under Deep Cue Garn

Cover image: Banner for Thaur by Naelin


Author's Notes

This article was translated as an answer to Spooktober 2022's prompt 5: Misfortune  

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