Naelin Character in Symbols of Power | World Anvil

Naelin (naɛˈlin)

King and founder of Thaur

King Naelin Of Thaur

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Naelín es el rey de Tháur y es considerado su fundador.
Comenzó su vida como ciudadano de Merthiorn en la ciudad costera de Birdland, y trabajo por varios años como cazador y luego mercader intercambiendo bienes con otras islas y aprovisionando Birland de carne y cueros, para un pequeño pero exitoso negocio cuyo dueño es un conocido mercader llamado Chariot.
  La Corrosión Alta no afectó a la mayoría de los compañeros de su negocio, por su ubicación cercana al mar, por lo que pudo seguir transportando bienes en barco con una pequeña tripulación por varios meses.
Si bien Chariot fue afectado y pasó un tiempo incapacitado de trabajar, el negocio para ese entonces ya tenía la capacidad de manejarse por sí solo.

Durante uno de sus viajes, Naelín se separó del resto de su grupo para cazar algunas pequeñas presas en las inmediaciones.
Cuando regresó al barco, cargaba consigo a un cachorro de tetsu, desorientado y herido pero consciente, que no parecía tener interés en atacarlo.
Este evento causó pánico en su tripulación, que amenazó con abandonar a Naelín a su suerte y lo forzó a permanecer fuera del barco durante el resto de su estadía en esa isla.
Sin embargo, con el correr de los días la tripulación pudo confirmar que el tetsu se comportaba amistósamente con él y no tenía interés en atacar a otros societarios. Reticentemente, lo dejaron abordar y llevar al tetsu de regreso.

La llegada de un tetsu amistoso a Merthiorn fue escandalosa en un principio pero velozmente los habitantes, que habían quedado sin reina recientemente, comenzaron a verlo como una ventaja estratégica y a discutir si podría protegerlos de otros tetsus o incluso utilizar los pactos de los tetsus con otras especies a favor de los habitantes de la isla.

Lentamente el estado de desasosiego y acefalía de Merthiorn causó su disolución, y las personas comenzaron a clamar por la protección de Naelín y su tetsu, a quien nombró Dinner. De esa forma se dio lugar al ascenso de Naelín al estatus de rey del nuevo reino de Tháur, nombrado en base al sonido que producen los tetsus al llamar refuerzos. Naelín tuvo éxito levantando su nuevo reino sobre los cimientos de su predecesor, el Reino de Merthiorn y logro mantener la paz entre sus habitantes.

Naelín es el primer y único societario en establecer una relación amistosa con un tetsu.
Motivado por lo excepcional de su relación con Dinner, Naelín pretende formar Tháur como una nación con pactos más extensivos y estrechos que otras, reconociendo las posibles ventajas de formar alianzas con especies usualmente pasadas por alto.

Aspecto físico

Naelín es un peludo, de apariencia entre felina y canina. Tiene pelo corto azul tornasolado oscuro en todo el cuerpo, y pelo largo en la cola, la punta de las orejas y los codos. Es digitigrado, y sus brazos son más largos de lo usual.

En los antebrazos y la parte baja de la pierna (el dorso del pie) tiene marcas color cian en forma de V con las puntas dobladas hacia adentro. La punta de su cola, en la parte dorsal, tiene tres mechones distinguibles color cian, ligeramente más largos que el resto.

Naelín tiene un hocico y orejas largas y finas, dentadura de canino, y ojos cian brillantes, con pupilas redondas.
La punta de sus orejas tiene pelo más largo que el resto, y el interior de sus orejas es gris a diferencia de el resto de su cuerpo, en el que la piel es bordó bajo el pelo.   Naelín lleva como corona una diadema dorada que muestra iconografía intrincada en toda su extensión. En el centro, lleva la V de Tháur, en el medio las alas de un Ave pasionaria, y las puntas tienen la forma de los cuernos de Dinner.
Thaur Island
The Kingdom of Merthiorn saw its end as the High Rust claimed both its queen, her family, and its capital.   Amidst the chaos of the following months, a Merthiornite merchant called Naelin went back home having achieved an impossible feat: He was carrying a tame cub of a tetsu, a species with such hatred for societarians that just getting too close to one could trigger a chain reaction of tetsus swarming the area to kill the insolent.   Seeing this taming as a sign, the Merthiornites sought Naelin's and the tetsu's protection and crowned him the king of their new country, the Kingdom of Thaur.  

Physical aspect

Naelin is a furry societarian born with an exotic phenotype, meaning his physical aspect differs from the common phenotypes seen on his race, and even has traits that are usually never seen within it.   His general aspect is in between these of felid and canid phenotypes, with elongated ears, arms and muzzle.
He is covered in short, shimmering dark blue fur, with longer hair on his tail, elbows and the tip of his ears. His tail ends in three bright cyan tufts. Markings of this colour are also present on his forearms and feet, in the shape of a V with tips curved inwards.
His skin is dark red, visible only on his palms, paw pads and nose, and his eyes are cyan like his markings.  


Naelin is regarded as caring, gentle and ready to give second and third chances. He is also a disorganized man and more often than not he trusts his advisor more than he trusts himself.
He likes the peace and quiet and enjoys spending time with creatures of any species, as well as reading at the side of his companion.  

Early History

Born in the city of Birdland on the 26th of Resting, 2993 E.Alz, Naelin spent most of his life in there, and since an early age he showed a great interest in communicating with creatures of any kind, pactual or simple.   By the year 3010 E.Alz he started helping Marrow's hunters as an apprentice, and in two years he was already working full time with a close relationship with Chariot, the son of Marrow that managed most of the business at that time.  

The rise of the Kingdom of Thaur

As the High Rust hit the Haan Archipelago during 3014 E.Alz, his employer Marrow died, and Chariot was gravely affected by the Rust.
Naelin and the other workers took temporary charge of the business, which by then had drifted from hunting to trading goods between islands.   It was at this time that Naelin's country, the Kingdom of Merthiorn, was dissolved after being left without government or capital.

The fateful trip

Esponjositos by Samono
Just a month and a half after the death of his queen, Naelin went on a trading trip across several islands. On their last stop on the island of Ruh, Naelin came back from a hunting trip carrying a tetsu cub, hurt and disoriented, that didn't seem aggressive towards him.   Though initially his companions panicked and didn't want them to approach, they quickly found out that the tetsu was friendly and even playful with him.
Reluctantly, they agreed to go back to their home carrying the cub.
As they set foot back in Birdland, the population was both amazed and terrified at the apparent friendliness and even loyalty of the rescued tetsu towards Naelin. In a matter of weeks, the news spread like wildfire, and though some people had suspicions and fear, most saw in the tetsu a potential guardian, and in Naelin a man that achieved an impossible feat.   As the first months after the royal family's death passed and it became apparent that the island was ungoverned, Merthiorn was considered a fallen state, and people started looking towards the man that tamed the societarians' arch enemy as the person to organize around.  


The Royal Crown of Thaur by Naelin
Naelin's and Dinner's growth in reputation amidst the circumstances ended up on a sizeable portion of the Merthiornite population claiming for Naelin to be chosen as the new king as the only remanant of the queen's family was Virgilim, the extremely unpopular prince of Red Crest.   Naelin decided to rename the country as the Kingdom of Thaur, based on the sound of a tetsu's call for reinforcements, and to make Birdland its new capital.
He was crowned on the third of Swimming, 1E.Ru, using a circlet made by surviving blacksmiths from Goldwaste, Merthiorn's former capital.

Naelin of Thaur

As the tradition goes in the Island of Thaur, nobility add the name of their city to their name, and royalty does the same with the name of their country.
For this reason, Naelin is now known as "Naelin of Thaur".

A hasty coronation

Naelin's circlet sports no gems and was cheaply and hastily made compared to the royal distinctives of other countries. For this reason it is a common saying in Thaur to call things made with less dedication than they deserve "A Crown of Thaur".

Road & Servant

Heroforge Road
Road by Naelin
Heroforge Servant.PNG
The Servant by Naelin
As Naelin started his mandate, he claimed a castle in Birdland left behind by victims of the Rust and started working in repairing and fortifying it to turn it into the royal castle.   He tried to ease the transition to the new government by keeping as many of the surviving officials from Merthiorn as possible. One of such people was Tazyl, appointed as captain of Birdland's guard and in charge of the Birdland Dungeons, built under the claimed castle.
Unfortunately, Tazyl ended up being the author of horrid crimes committed in the dungeons and, upon being discovered, he fled the island. During the exhaustive search for the fugitive, a tall person accompanied by a very short one, both of goat phenotype, requested an audience with the king, and showed him the existence of underground roads used by Tazyl to escape the city.   The pair, who presented themselves as Road and The Servant, became extremely close to the king after sharing this and many other secrets with him.
Road became the king's right hand, advisor and somewhat of a personal guard, while The Servant became a loyal companion and, some say, the king's lover.  

Unlikely pacts

Naelin's affinity for building relations with other creatures became his personal mark. He quickly reinforced the existing pacts with their alzufhars and most other working and guarding species, and built new pacts with previously overlooked species, such as the hirschmall that became quite good at cleaning the Thaurian roads and alerting of dangers.


The idea that Naelin has a special ability to connect with other creatures had a rush of popularity after the coming of Breifel, a young hierde.
Hierdes are a species endemic to the island of Thaur, but despite being pactual, they rarely if ever interact with societarians more than to defend their sceapilion herds. With the population of both species plummeting after large movements and expansions of societarian populations in the island, this hierde found a peculiar way to ensure his survival: He came into Birdland on his own, having abandoned his herd, and stationed himself in front of the Birdland Castle until the king himself came out to see him.   The hierde pacted with the king, and became his mount. While this on itself is a once in a lifetime ocurrance, it is even stranger for the hierde to have figured out Birdland's situation and who was the leader of the societarians.


Exotic (Furry)
True Neutral
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
26th of Resting, 2993 E.Alz
Short and shimmering blue/black colour.
Cyan markings on his legs and tail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Burgundry skin, visible on his palms and nose.
51 kg
Aligned Organization
Kingdom of Thaur
Organization | Nov 22, 2022

Risen from the wreck of the Kingdom of Merthiorn after the High Rust, Thaur is the youngest kingdom of the archipelago, led by the first societarian that tamed a Tetsu.

Character | Aug 9, 2021

The only tetsu cub that is friendly to societarians. The Kingdom of Thaur was formed around his arrival, and he acts as its symbol of power.

Articles under Naelin

Character Portrait image: Naelin by Naelin


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Aug 16, 2021 10:06 by TC

This is a really cool character! I wonder how Naelin first felt when he was pushed into the role of leader- it feels like a lot of responsibility to suddenly get thrown on you.

Creator of Arda Almayed
Sep 5, 2021 12:51 by JRR Jara

Beautiful article and beautiful art!! <3

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.