Royal Mount, Breifel the hierde
Breifel is a hierde from the island of Thaur, known for the individual pact he made with Naelín, the king of Thaur.
Rough Times
Life for hierdes became difficult in the last century of the Era of Alzufhars. These creatures live in a symbiotic relationship with the sceapilion, a herd creature for which the hierdes act as guide, protector and leader. Usually, one hierde (or sometimes two) leads an entire group of sceapilions and protects them against danger, in exchange for using them as a source of food and status. Constant movement on the societarian population, however, had pushed the herds into difficult areas and disseminated the populations, making both species endangered, and subjecting the hierdes to an extreme difficulty for finding mates and to successfully manage their herds in the new terrains.I am the master of my own life
While hierdes are classified as a pactual species, it is highly unusual for them to make pacts outside of their own species and the nature of their relation to the sceapilions is believed to be instinctive. They treat societarians as they do with any other species, and can turn extremely aggressive if one tries to hurt one of their sceapilions. Here is where the hierde known as Breifel becomes a first for his species: The high rust happened when he was at the young age of 6, starting the second wave of massive internal immigration of societarians and further pushing the herds to dangerous territories. At this point, Breifel abandoned his already maimed herd and, determined, made his way into Birdland City, the capital of the newly created Kingdom of Thaur. He crossed the streets all alone in front of hundreds of amazed societarians and alzufhar and reached the (Half-destroyed back then) Birdland's Royal Castle. He stood there at the main entrance, signalling at it to the bypassers until someone got the newly crowned Naelín to come out of the building. In front of a crowd that gathered in there in no time, the solitary hierde made a pact with the king, to be his mount in exchange for treatment as an ambassador creature, shelter and food. This was not just remarkable for being the first recorded instance of a hierde going on his own to offer a riding pact to a societarian, but also because it is unknown how Breifel learned about the new kingdom, or how did he know who was the king.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
1.61 to the withers
Aligned Organization
As always, I love your art! :D Really nice history behind how Breifel became famous. I like the image of him just chilling out quietly with The Servant. :D
Thank you Emy <3 Breifel and The Servant are good pals, even when The Servant's steed is actually an alzufhar called Holi :3