
Cuppat by NaelĂ­n
The elusive cuppat is a dangerous and coveted inhabitant of the jungles of the Haan Archipelago, especially the smallest ones in the most humid climates, mainly in the island of Stunveldt and the Delta of Many Birds in Thaur Island, but also being rarely found in Ruh and Dhalmain.   They are mainly known for the use of their skin and bile as the main ingredient of Cuppat's dust, a psychoactive drug used as "creative fuel" by artists.

Physical aspect

Slightly smaller than a trelis, cuppat are reptiles with a green, extremely toxic skin, decorated with bright red and blue patches.   Their thick, strong tail is crowned with triangular red scutes, and on their heads they have very small, floppy ears, and a vertical beak that covers a very small portion of their top mandible, and extends back on their lower jaw.   Extending through their right flank, cuppats have a cavity that opens above the shoulder, where they store their love dart for the mating season.  


Cuppats are skittish, elusive herbivores that feed on roots, tubers and mossy barks they dig up with their beaks, supplementing their diet with thick leaves and some insects.   They are good climbers, but they tend to live solitary lives in the lower areas of the jungle, favouring areas with lots of moss and fallen leaves.  


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Cuppats are a hermaphrodite species that possess both female and male organs but are incapable of self-fertilization.   During mating season, cuppats seek each other and, upon encounter, will engage in a mating dance with a shocking, violent ending.   Upon recognition, they will position themselves parallel to each other, showing each other their right flank. Prior to mating season, the cavity they have on that side would have swollen as it formed a love dart, a chitinous structure in the shape of an arrow-tipped spear, with a hard point and a soft body full of a special toxin they will try to inject on their partner.   The cuppats will engage in a sort of circular dance, showing each other their prepared love dart. The circles will get smaller as they try to find an opening to stab the other.   Once they get sufficiently close, the tension will rise until the careful circular steps turn into a short, violent and sometimes bloody skirmish, as the cuppats try to immobilize their opponent with their claws and beak until one manages to drive their spear into the other.
The second this happens, muscles around the love dart's cavity contract, shooting it inside the other cuppat's body.
  The love dart's toxin acts in seconds, paralyzing the outer muscles in the front right quarter of the victim where the dart is stuck, disarming them and making them unable to escape.
The winner mates quickly, fertilizing their partner and then flees. The toxin's effect disappears in less than two minutes.
  Love darts take weeks to regenerate, a period during which they will rarely manage to win a fight against an armed opponent.   About a month after mating, cuppats lay between 8 and 30 eggs buried in nests made out of decaying plant matter. These will hatch around three months after being laid, ready to fend for themselves.  

The cure to writer's block

Cuppats are best known for their use in the manufacturing of Cuppat's Dust, a coarse green dust made grinding down the dried skin of cuppats, and mixing it with their bile and some other ground organs, as well as several additional ingredients.   When consumed orally, it generates what's known as a "creative ecstasy": The user enters a trance in which they will feel no hunger or tiredness and their creative ideas start flowing like a torrent.   Cuppat's dust is expensive and highly coveted, making the hunting of cuppats a very lucrative business.
Simple Species
12-14 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Related Materials

Cover image: by Naelin


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Dec 20, 2021 02:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oo, they have a really interesting way of mating. Does it hurt to be stabbed or does the toxin dull pain as well?   I love the art. :D

Jan 4, 2022 00:09

I'd reply to that with "Yes" :p All the area goes numb quite fast, but I doubt anything can get numb so fast that the creature doesn't feel getting stabbed hahaha

Jan 3, 2022 14:35 by Simo

I am wondering about potential uses of the cuppat's mating toxin too. Did anyone try to use it? I guess it's too short lasting for it to be useful as a weapon or as a sort of botox, but maybe as myorelaxant for some quick medical procedure? Maybe SoP substitute of atropine for eye exams?

Jan 18, 2022 13:59 by Luca Poddighe

I have a question, do cuppats that have mated recently and are in the process of regenerate their love dart feel any interest in other partners? I ask because it will probably affect the balance of the habitat, furthermore, are unarmed partners considered more or less interesting? The answer is complicate because if in a way will grant the best fighters (that are unarmed because they have used their dart in an early mating) to have more off-spring, in the other hand will possibly leave the best fighters at the whims of very bad fighters that have no other options to mate... Sorry, if I mess about with this crazy questions but I ask because your article has stimulated my curiosity, and an article that I found superficial or uninteresting will not do it.