Fiona Cazabella Character in Acaelica | World Anvil

Fiona Cazabella

Murmus: Let us know if we make any mistakes!


Fiona: Oh... um... you'll know.


Fiona Cazabella is a young Halfling wizard and artificer in the employ of Inibis Valmeia. She appears to act as a kind of personal assistant to the Volta, enacting or enabling any whim that strikes the famously capricious ruler of Necine.


She claims to have originally come from Necine's Lowtide district, though she shares little else of her life story with those who ask for it. Inibis herself has said of Fiona, "She just kind of showed up one day and wouldn't leave, so I gave her some stuff to do."


Fiona frequently demonstrates a remarkable talent for the arcane arts. Although little is known about the full extent of her abilities, Inibis appears to entrust a great deal to the young woman. Given the volta's well-earned reputation for wreaking magical havoc, this trust would likely not have come easily. Fiona, for her part, is always equal to the often insane requests made of her.



Fiona's personality is surprisingly quiet given the constant companionship of her vibrant and charismatic boss. She is both dutiful and shy, speaking in hushed tones when she speaks at all (and usually only when she is addressed directly).


These characteristics would suggest that her involvement with Inibis is an unlikely one, but although she often seems exhausted by her job, she doesn't fail to insist that she enjoys her work.


Although she often appears dissheveled and flustered at a glance, closer attention reveals that she is highly methodical and organized.


Meeting the Party

The Party first met Fiona while she was assisting in the Perish Day festivities. After a certain local businessman loudly and openly accused the party of stealing from him, it was Fiona's magic that trapped the man alongside the other Perish Day prisoners following Castian's insistance.


After the prisoners were released into the city for the so-called Perishioners to hunt and Inibis approached the party to learn more about her strange guests, Fiona led the Party to Castian's place for the fated after-party (and then later into the Little Acheron arena for their fight with the Froghemoths).


Fiona seems to be fond of the party overall, and in particular Grihymm Phrahdrandon who showed her some simple kindnesses in their short time together.

Black, unkempt

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