Dolmin Evengift Character in Acaelica | World Anvil

Dolmin Evengift

Dolmin Evengift was a Dwarven archaelogist and dungeoneer born to the city of Thon Khaldur in the year 21CR. His honorifics include such titles as The Godsend, the Father of Magic, and most recently, the First Volta. Today, he is all but universally recognized as the most significant figure in Acaelican history for his expedition into The Corruption (through which he gained access to the The Ark of the Bygone).


In his final years, Dolmin would come to find his memories were beginning to fade and warp. Having come to treasure these above all else, he arranged for his most precious and significant memories to be mnemomancically extracted and stored inside the Ark--the indisputed capstone of his extremely illustrious life.


Following this extraction on his 300th birthday, Dolmin is believed to have committed suicide by leaping alone and unarmored into the lair of the Tarrasque, miles beneath the land now called The Blightstrand Desert. He has not been seen since...but neither has the Tarrasque.


Dolmin's Day

His death on 16 Arc Rima, 321CR was mourned by virtually every Acaelican citizen and feasts were held in his honor across the entire continent in the weeks following. This tradition has continued for many through to today. 16 Arc Rima itself is still celebrated by many as Dolmin's Day (or otherwise as Remembrance Day), and in many settlements it marks the beginning of a festival season.


Mnemomancy and the Ark of the Bygone

The discovery of the Ark would re-introduce the art of mnemomancy to the continent. This effected the reclamation of vast swaths of arcane knowledge long thought to be lost following The Spellplague. It is fair to say that the discovery of the Ark utterly transformed all future life in Acaelica nearly overnight.


Following the Spellplague (a time during which arcane magic had ceased to function), magic education died out entirely. Over time, arcane traditions simply faded away as fewer and fewer could justify learning them. However, once magic unexpectedly began working again centuries later (as evidenced initially by the birth of new wild magic sorcerers), the quest to recover lost knowledge began in earnest across Acaelica.


While many were certain that the heart of The Corruption assuredly contained invaluable information, all who attempted to reach it had failed and perished in the attempt. Evengift and his party were the first to reach the heart, and there they found a chamber the world would come to call the Ark of the Bygone.


Inside the Ark, Dolmin located an immense mnemomantic archive which contained the stored memories of wizards long dead. These wizards were capable of magics that had not been seen anywhere in Acaelica following The Spellplague, and Dolmin immediately recognized that his find was more significant than anyone had dared dream. In an act of generosity unlikely ever to be equaled, Dolmin put this knowledge in the hands of those best equipped to disseminate it. Although Dolmin was not ever called The Father of Magic in his time, it is a title that few today would dispute he earned.

Date of Birth
16 Arc Rima, 17CR
Date of Death
16 Arc Rima, 321CR
Circumstances of Death

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