Broad Overview of Swynfaredia's regional divisions

Old Swynfaredia Region (northeast quadrant)

  Duchies:   Duchy of Greater Numaness controlled by House Numaness (counties are Numanessx2, Gareth, Fremiss-B)   Duchy of Greater Gorisonad controlled by House Gorisonad     Duchy of Greater Fremiss controlled by House Fremiss-Angharad (counties are Fremiss-A x2, Kovenoth)   Duchy of Gareth controlled by House Gareth (counties are Garethx2, Fremiss-C)   Duchy of Greater Numaness, controlled by House Kovenoth (counties are Kovenoth x2, Fremiss-B, Gorisonad)  

Swynfaredian Grey Forest (northeast-east quadrant)

  East of Old Swynfaredia are two land rich but sparsely populated duchies that are dominated by the Grey Forest.   Duchy of Amethysts controlled by House Numaness (counties are Numaness, Gareth, Fremiss-C)   Duchy of Caedwin controlled by House Fremiss-Caedwin, (counties are Fremiss Cx2, Kovenoth)    

Old Talama Region (NW quadrant)

  Duchy of Dwyns       Duchy of Peredur (counties are Numaness, Numaness, Gareth)   Duchy of Sion (counties are Fremiss-Bx2, Numaness, Countess of Castlestone controlled by Countess Erian ap Kovenoth III, Gareth)   County of Victory   Duchy of Crescent Rock      

Southeast region of Swynfaredia

  This is divided into six duchies averaging four counties each.   Duchy of Andras (Gorisonad, Selwyth, County of Manasch, Fremiss-C)   Duchy of Dragons' Mooring (Numaness x2, Gorisonad, Fremiss-B, Cefnor)   Duchy of Volodar (Kovenoth x2, Cefnor, Gareth)   Duchy of Nerseo (Numaness, Gareth, Manasch, Fremiss-A)   Lone Hill Duchy controlled Fremiss-A (County of Stone Hill (ducal) seat, Fremiss A, County of Gruffyl, Kovenoth)   Duchy of Bryallan controlled by House Fremiss-Bryallan (Fremiss Bx2, Gorisonad, Kovenoth)    

Southwest Region of Swynfaredia

  Duchy of Trysor controlled by House Numaness (counties are Numanessx2, Gorisonad, Selwyth, Kovenoth)   Duchy of Tirmyn controlled by House Gorisonad, counties are Gorisonad, Fremiss-B, Numaness, Fremiss C, Gareth   Duchy of Gwynllan controlled by Gorisonad. Counties are Gorisand, Fremiss-Ax2, Selwyth, Fremiss-B   Duchess of Caregdya controlled by House Fremiss-Angharad (Counties are Fremiss Ax2, Gorisnad, Fremiss-B, Fremiss-C)   Duchy of Arfordir controlled by House Kovenoth (counties are Kovenothx2, Fremiss A, Cefnor, Numaness)

Cover image: Swynfaredian Coat of Arms by Me with Worldspinner's Heraldry program


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