Lone Hill Duchy

The Duchy of Lone hill is in the northern portion of Southeast region of Swynfaredia, geographically and culturally more similar to the Old Swynfaredia Region than the rest of the Southeasterners.   The region is dominated by sweeping flat plans but it has one large hill that the ducal castle is built on along with a small walled town.


The duchy is run by a Duchess of House Fremiss-Angharad from her personal demense, the County of Stone Hill.   The three other counties are County of Gruffyl run by House Gruffyl, House Fremiss-Angharad and House Kovenoth.


The realm is old enough that all of the counties and most of the baronies have a fairly impressive and well-maintained ancestral castle.

Industry & Trade

The region has lots of fertile farmland and little else. They export surplus food and alcoholic beverages and import nearly everything else.


This is one of the very first provinces that Kingdom of Swynfaredia. The land has changed hands a lot between different Dragon blood rulers during the Swynfaredian Civil wars and periodically between the Civil Wars due to shifting diplomatic currents.

Points of interest

The literal city on the hill is a local center of commerce and has drawn a lot of talented magical item crafters not affiliated with any of the major house powers.   It is also the center for one of the main Hallisan temples in Swynfaredia.


The region is dominated by sweeping flat plans but it has one large hill that the ducal castle is built on along with a small walled town.


Temperate with hot summers and cold winters.

Natural Resources

Fertile crop land, mostly foodstuffs, a little bit of cash crops.   Limited woodland areas for firewood.
National Territory
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Articles under Lone Hill Duchy

Cover image: Fremiss Heraldry V by Me with Midjourney


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