Mochi's WorldEmber 2023 Prep!

WorldEmber is coming! This year I have so many plans to smash it out of the park and write some awesome stuff. This will be my third WorldEmber now, and each of the two years prior have been better than the last. I'll introduce myself for those who might not know me. Hi! I'm Mochi, a writer and worldbuilder from England. My main project for the past few years is the Yonderverse, which you are reading right now. It is a low science fantasy world of gigantic proportions; endless planets, peoples, species, places, everything you could imagine.

only 240 days until worldember *smirking face*
— Me, on the 5th April 2023
Can you tell I like WorldEmber?  
Week 1

My Area of Focus

I cannot stay focused on one thing for very long, so my area of focus for WorldEmber 2023 is broad: an entire solar system. But there's something special about this solar system - each planet is inspired by different good Anvilite friend of mine. This past year I have found myself nestled in a small portion of the World Anvil community, and they have endlessly supported me with both my writing and real life projects and shenanigans. I truly cannot thank them enough for being there for me.

Get To Know The Planets

I fully understand it's unrealistic of me to be able to flesh out each and every planet during December. This year I am also saying no to burnout, so I won't push myself either. I will write when I want to write, when I feel like it, and when I'm tired I shall stop. Anyways, say hello to the planets you may meet during WorldEmber!

Planets are in order of their position in the Cheem System.

Click me to reveal planet introductions!


This funky planet is full of extremes of all kinds. A toxic blend of mountain peaks, grumbling volcanoes, acid rains, poisonous rainforests, lava oceans, boiling water oceans, whatever you could think is probably somewhere on this planet. If I ever get the desire to make something completely absurd, I'll run to this planet.

Articles that may be written:
Jynx • Punky • Duc • Messara • Lokath • Ahin

Inspired by Catoblepon


Amelaqua is an entirely ocean planet, one of two in this solar system as I write this. The planet is quite diplomatic, with unique and interesting government systems, States, all the kind of stuff I suck at writing but really want to write.

Articles that may be written:
Amelaqua • Mascot Resource

Inspired by Amélie I. S. Debruyne


Kyrophis is one of the most gorgeous planets, from what is pictured in my brain. I can't wait to explore megacities on the backs of giant whales, said whales fighting mega squids, and intelligent octopi so smart they figured out space travel just two hundred years after first appearing.

Articles that may be written:
Kyrophis • Kephalon

Inspired by Simo


The people and the land of Julious are incredibly colourful and flamboyant. Six different sophontic species, six continents, and diverse but conjoined and intertwined cultures. I'll write in Julios any time I want to write something with a bit of joy, a bit of flavour, and tons of colour.

Articles that may be written:
Julios • Julios Pink Algae • Julios Space Legion

Inspired by JRR Jara


Emycelium's comical name is very fitting; this planet is coated in fungi from head to toe - or rather, core to crust. With over ten million fungi species spanning countless biomes and continents, including oceans, there is no shortage of these delicious organisms. I love mushrooms almost as much as Emy does, so I am desperate to impress her with some fancy fungi.

Articles that may be written:
Emycelium • Serukian

Inspired by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull


Eternal thunderstorms wreak havoc across the planet Temperil. Colossal ancient metal rods stick out of the burnt lands of this planet, guiding the thunderstorms away from civilisations, simultaneously charging them. Places where thunderstorms lie are known as Dead Zones, and are entirely uninhabitable due to the animalistic natures of the lightning, that seem to target any living creature.

Articles that may be written:
Temperil • Temperilian • Trode Bear • The Forever Storm

Inspired by Stormbril


Tihjay is inhabited by some of the most intelligent corvids in the Yonderverse. These people, inhabiting enormous treetop cities, enjoy travelling through space to foreign planets, befriending them, and leaving with a stash of shiny items that they definitely did not have permission to keep.

Articles that may be written:
Tihjay • Corvidian

Inspired by TJ Trewin


Naeranith is a planet of deserts of bones and birds. Like Tihjay, Naeranith is inhabited by intelligent bird species, the corvidians. The people of this planet inhabit the strips of rainforest that dot the planet, while deserts of raging sandstorms and skeletons decimate the lands around them. Tihjay and Naeranith are in a planetary marriage - they orbit each other. A cute nod to the cutest couple on the interwebs.

Articles that may be written:
Naeranith • Corvidian

Inspired by Naelin


The people of Adamne are vengeful, seeking comeuppance for the damage that the Godkins caused. The Godkins are ancient sophonts that date back millions of years. They lived at peace with the other people of the planet, but a few thousand years ago they decided to take control of the planet, as they believed it was their natural right as the strongest people on Adamne.

Articles that may be written:
Adamne • Godkin • Adamnan • Silent Library

Inspired by Ademal


A planet of devastation and lifelessness, Norrab is a perished world of adamnans that rebelled against their home planet. These people felt dirty, worshipping the very people who turned against them, so they abandoned their home altogether and found refuge in Norrab. Both Adamne and Norrab are dark, intense planets, not something I specialise in. They too are in a planetary marriage, as they are both creators of my favourite WA world, Ethnis.

Articles that may be written:
Norrab • Adamnan

Inspired by Barron


Rubrinea is possibly the most blindingly red planet in the Yonderverse. Crimson forests and grasslands paint Rubrinea in a sea of red, while the orange towns and cities add a smidge of extra colour. The rubidians are a friendly bunch, inviting visitors with brightly glowing spaceports.

Articles that may be written:
Rubrinea • Afilan Region

Inspired by Polina "Line" Arteev


Another oceanic planet, Daglaci is a ball of water encased in a thick shell of ice. In the Abyss are behemoth monsters, seeking to destroy the daglacians that live on the Frozen. The poor are forced to fight for their lives against these creatures, while the rich get to live their lives of luxury in the High Skies.

Articles that may be written:
Daglaci • Frozen • Abyss • Daglacian • High Skies • Hyphaxia • Ice Lynx • Ice Worm

Inspired by Dani


The ynarians struggle to live on this planet, while all other life thrives. Ynarians are the only creatures on this planet not to be hyper-adaptive, meaning when the climates rapidly change they cannot handle it. Because of this, the mobile towns, villages and cities are constantly on the move in search of a consistent climate.

Articles that may be written:
Ynaris • Ynarian • Ynaris Space Legion

Inspired by Ynarkaelle


Maresa has by far the most significant presence as a Space Legion. Maresa's combination of lawful good rulers and incredibly advanced magic and technology has caused Maresa to have a great presence around the Cheem System, and a great deal of District 2.

Articles that may be written:
Maresa • Maresa Space Legion

Inspired by Morgan Biscup


Nestled within an asteroid belt is Capepo. This luscious planet is famed for its homegrown crops. The native capsains are a friendly bunch, but the one thing they don't tolerate is slander of their vegetables. The soil of Capepo is unusually fertile; laced with floramancy, any seeds planted grow three times faster than on the average planet.

Articles that may be written:
Capepo • Capsain • Harvest BallHarvest DressHarvest Queen

Inspired by Sh4d0wPh03n1x


Auvarha flicks between autumn and winter year-round; as a relatively cold planet, the people have brought about some magnificent festive traditions. The people of this planet strive to create a balance between technology and nature, and their flora-infused cities are built on the backs of sprawling forests.

Articles that may be written:
Auvarha • Auvarhan • Auvarha Space Legion

Inspired by AP.


Ruled by a group of sophontic robots, Rabalhar is packed full of mystery and horror, hidden behind a thin veil of bright neon lights and monolithic skyscraper cities. It is advised not to visit Rabalhar; people who land on the planet seldom leave, and when they do they are never the same. Even though it's discouraged, many feel compelled to see what's truly going on deep below the planet's surface. So much wonder and mystery surrounds this planet, I'm excited to dive into its horrific secrets.

Articles that may be written:
Rabalhar • Rabalhar World City

Inspired by Han


This planet has almost fallen into the "overpopulated" category for the last thousand years, but they bypass this by making cities that literally stretch from the surface of its oceans to a low-planetary orbit. The inhabitants of Vimowerol are one of the most intelligent in the solar system, using their brains to construct marvellous architectures that break the laws of the Yonderverse. Another vibrant planet, Vimowerol will be an incredible planet for complex and expressive architecture.

Articles that may be written:
Vimowerol • Moonreach City

Inspired by Owen Davies


The land both above and below the oceans are covered in cavities and cenotes, opening up into pristine pockets of fluorishing life. Outside of these pockets the land is dry and desolate, with arid deserts, flat open plains, and chilling tundras. Most of the life on this planet can be found in these little pockets, hidden away from extreme weathers and climates.

Articles that may be written:
Danjevan • Jevan

Inspired by Evan Arix


Planetary Preparation

To prepare myself for WorldEmber and to make writing a little faster, I will try to make a handful of stubs this month, as well as some art, some maps, anything extra to make writing just that little bit easier, so the words can just flow and flow. This is inspired by Annie Stein and NimrodialLibrary, whom I have seen in the WA Discord both prepping for WorldEmber by making art!

Snox by Mochi

Snoxes are a cute little creature from Auvarha that appear as a cross between a snake and a fox. Their fur is incredibly insulating, and auvarhans use ethically harvested fur to create cozy blankets and clothes.

God Snake
God Snake by Mochi

God snakes are menacingly large animals from Adamne. They were ridden by the Godkin thousands of years ago, their wings so large any flap causing great winds. There are few god snakes left as they have been hunted to near-extinction by the adamnans.

I am making much more in preparation, but for now this is all that I will put in this article as to not bloat my pledge with too many words.
Week 2


I would like to create a mini-meta for each planet I want to focus on. The indidivual planets are so different from each other and unique in their own ways, and I want to capture different feels for each one. I could probably write much more in these mini-metas but I have just explained the theme I want for each planet.

Click me to reveal planet mini-metas!



Jynx is full of abstract life and perplexing locations. Lava oceans, boiling oceans, poisonous rainforests, upside-down mountains, pretty much anything weird and dangerous that comes to mind. I don't want my readers to be able to predict what can be found there. I want readers to be joyfully surprised.



Amelaqua is a planet of governing bodies, order, and science. Like Amelie, everyone here is intelligent and has brain power beyond what I can imagine.

The people of Amelaqua are constantly making new scientific improvements to better not just themselves, but their galaxy as a whole. That's my main focus for this planet.



Kyrophis is one-of-a-kind. It acts as an oasis for space-creatures, landing on the planet for a nice swim every once in a while. Kyrophis is full of natural wonders; mile-long cetaceans with cities on their backs, shimmering purple and blue oceans, an atmosphere thin enough to be able to see nearby planets at all times.



If I need a break from the doom and gloom of Adamne or Norrab, then I will head over to Julios. This planet is full of vibrant cultures, peoples, places, and it serves as a breath of fresh air from the intensity of other planets. Expect a lot of happy articles from here.



Emycelium exists as a nod to Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull's love of mushrooms. I love mushrooms too, so you can expect a ton of little mushrooms articles, equipped with crappy little art. Readers will explore the quaint little swamp towns of the serukians, and maybe meet some real fun-guys.



Life on Temperil is bleak. If I'm in a grumpy mood and I need to wreak havoc on the people of my world, I will run to Temperil. The world could be classed as post-apocalyptic in all honesty, with ravenous bears that could overpower your typical deity and a storm that hasn't cleared in a million years.



The people of Tihjay are mischievous, collecting all the shiny items that they can. They don't steal things, let me make that clear. They just charm people, using their gorgeous personalities, bodies, and a little bit of magic. If I want a bit of mischief then I'll come to Tihjay.



Naeranith has the same people as Tihjay, of course. The corvidians of Naeranith are an underground group of people, who love archaeology, collecting bones, and of course more shiny items. Archaeology and bone collecting interests me so it will be nice to show that in a bit of worldbuilding.



Adamne is probably the darkest planet overall in the bunch. Both the adamnans and the godkin are being persecuted by each other, the land is dying, curses are cursing, everything bad that could happen is happening. It's rare I write something with truly dark tones, so it'll be nice to attempt that here.



Norrab is full of adamnan refugees and carnivorous coral. A weird combination, I know. Norrab and Adamne revolve around each other, so a lot of their key concepts and themes overlap. I will fill Norrab with lots more devilish and deviant species, so keep an eye out for those.



Rubrinea's main theme is red. I have a lot of freedom with Rubrinea because the only article I have are the Crimson-Bellied Bats. I'm excited to explore people, cultures, places and species with a very specific colour palette, it will be a fun little challenge.



As I'm preparing a handful of ideas an art pieces for each planet, Daglaci is quickly becoming one of my favourites. In the cities of this planet there is a clear divide between those who live luxury lives without troubles, and those who have to literally fight for their own lives. This societal divide will be quite an emotional thing to write about, I think.



I will need Ynarkaelle's help with writing about Ynaris, since languages are the main focus. I struggle making languages, while Ynar excels at them. It will be a challenge, but I'm excited at developing mobile settlements, constantly shifting climates and trying to figure out how people cope on this desolate planet.



Maresa is the first truly lawful good planet in its entirety. The planet is partially based on the Good Place Architects from, "The Good Place", but toned down. The rulers truly want what's best for their people, and will do everything in their power to make sure their citizens are well-kept. While our real world goes to shit, I want Maresa to remind me that people can be good sometimes.



Ahhh, Capepo. This planet will have my favourite aesthetics alongside Auvarha. The land is filled with gorgeous farmlands and fields, market towns galore, harvest festivals, all the autumn stuff you could ever imagine.

Capepo is filled with joy and love, and hearty meals.



Auvarha is a strict solarpunk planet. Autumn and winter are my two favourite months, so they are the only seasons Auvarha experiences. I want readers to feel cozy and warm when reading these articles, like they're sat next to a cozy fire in a log cabin in the middle of a snowy forest.



Rabalhar is full of mystery, even I don't know entirely what's going on. Readers will never know what actually goes on deep below Rabalhar's shiny exterior, but I want them to be able to give a good guess.



I've always been a fan of mythological beings and creatures in worldbuilding. Vimowerol is full of these, as is Auvarha. Vimowerol contains cities that stretch from the surface of the lands to the space itself, these wonders of architecture breaking the laws of physics. I quite enjoy writing about settlements; Vimowerol's will give me a fun challenge.



I love putting creatures in difficult environments in my world and trying to figure out how they survive. The natives of Danjevan live in cenotes and cavities worldwide, packed full of life while the rest of the planet is dry and desolate. I'll have a lovely time exploring the ecosystems of these environments.



Great timing for this week's homework, as I am just in the process of recategorising my world. The only categories that will change are all of the "Encyclopedias". The current way I organise my categories is by having one for each:

The Atlas and Encyclopedias go in more depth into their respective fields; I typically make sub-categories in the Atlas for Continents or Countries, and for the Encyclopedia I make sub-categories for just about everything, and it feels too cluttered. The past few days I have spent laying out different ways of organising these sub-categories, trying to find a system I feel best. I will not update these categories until I have found the "perfect" one, but I hope to get that done by the end of the month.

I spent twenty minutes counting but I have 573 categories... what the actual hell.

Categories have been re-organised!

It's only a day after writing this and all of my categories inside of planet Atlases and Encyclopedias have been reorganised. The Encyclopedia now contains three subcategories: Biota, Knowledge, and Peoples. These expand into further categories depending on how many articles are there. See for yourself by swimming through the categories of my world!

Inspirational Worlds

I read a lot. I've seen a lot of worlds. I've been on WA for years now, I follow hundreds of worlds, so I've seen my fair share of awesome. Here are a few worlds that really do inspire me, and keep me motivated to keep writing.


Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull's world of Etrea makes me feel at home. I can't describe it any other way. Even if there are some, unnerving, spooky, and emotional, aspects to Etrea, whenever I read an article from the world I feel like I'm there. Emy is a powerful writer and Etrea is one of my favourite worlds out there.

Five and a half thousand years ago, the world of Etrea awakened with no memory of what had come before.


First off, the recent CSS revamp of this world is gorgeous. Whenever I read an article in this world I am in awe at the time, effort and love that Rin Garnett puts in every single article. Talos is truly a breathtaking world (that is getting close to 50 followers, wink wink).
wow that's a lot of stars

a sci-fi adventure of dubious intentions

12 planets connected by metadimensional space, divided by ideals, and held together by one beleaguered organization.


I'm pretty sure Ademal and Barron know this, but Ethnis is my favourite WA world. I can't explain the feelings I get when I even glance at this world, it just makes me want to write. It makes me want to read. The sheer expansiveness of this world is something I strive for in my own, and it's truly a work of art.

Ethnis sprawls 1800 years into the future, beyond holocene extinction, alien occupation, and the discovery of magic. It's a canvas for roleplay, stories, and a card-based TTRPG ruleset. Come get lost in our dreams and nightmares.


Han is one of my favourite writers on World Anvil. I have always enjoyed Istralar, but after Summer Camp 2023 and seeing Han write 42 high-quality articles in just a month, I had a new love for Han and her world. Istralar is breathtaking, and deserves all the love in the world.

Deific wars spill toxic waste on mortal shores. Empires clash in bitter competition, and revolution brews in bodies left behind. Among it all, the world just wants to live. So rise the Champions - chosen mortals burdened with the chance to save their home.


I first discovered Rosepetal in January this year, and ever since it has been one of my favourite worlds. The way Nimin N can write so much about any topic and keep my attention is inspiring, and the word itself is absolutely gorgeous.
The Rosepetal


Gabrielle Decker's Eivrall is a magnificent world. The world feels real, feels like it could reach through my screen and punch me in the face, in the nicest way possible. And Gabrielle is a powerful writer. You can feel the emotions as you read, and she's so deserving of the Best Article Award from WAWA earlier this year.
  Click me to see more worlds that inspire me!
Apologies, but I simply don't have the energy, nor the time, to write about what I love most about each of these worlds. I am so inspired by every single person in this community, seeing such diverse, creative, and unique worlds makes me so happy. I'm probably missing some worlds on this list, because I am inspired by just about everything I see because everything is just so gooooooooooooood!

Necromancy is a Wholesome Science

Vazdimet is a character-focused science fiction fantasy setting exploring the meaning of life, family, and belief in a spacefaring universe where death has become optional.

Special mention to Morgan Biscup who is releasing a novel on the 17th November! Find out more information here!

Week 3

Homepage Review

For Week 3, we must put ourselves in our reader's shoes and review our homepages. Does it draw you in? Does it make me think "oooh, I gotta know more about this cool world". I don't know, I'm biased, but I've been working on reorganising and restyling my world homepage and find something I enjoy. This world was, and still is, designed for me first, but I want readers to enjoy and I want readers to want to continue reading after landing on my homepage.

Currently, my homepage contains: two introductory paragraphs that describes the scope and a major ongoing conflict of my world; a quote and a link to an introduction article/primer; links to three different categories and how else to navigate the world; a section for ongoing challenges (right now there is a link to this prep article and lastly, recent articles, featured articles, a world codex, and other little links and buttons like my discord (which you should join!) and a Secret Notes subscriber group. What else I could add I don't know, but I am always open to suggestions.

Unofficial Species Challenge!

I am sticking a section on my unofficial challenge within Week 3, as I published the article on the 23rd November, a day before Week 4's prep is released. This is my first time hosting an unofficial challenge, so I am super excited and a tad nervous!

Ever since unofficial challenges became popularised I've always wanted to make a little something. But unfortunately my brain has never been on board, and I've put it off for ages. So today I randomly decided, let's make a challenge. It's less of an actual challenge and more of an invitation for people to write about species, because if you know me, you know much I love animals.

I want to see jaw-dropping species, colourful species, dangerous species, fungi species, plant species, because both are underrated, domestic species, all kinds of species! Participating in this challenge will give you a shiny badge (not yet drawn, will be drawn before WorldEmber begins), which requires one whole species article of any length. Could be a stub, could be thousands of words. i want WorldEmber to finish knowing that a bunch of worlds are at least one species richer. Find out more below, and you'll also find a link to another world of mine, the A to Zoo!

Week 4

Enjoy some art I made to prepare myself so this week's prep is not just a big ol block of text.
Grumpy Siren Orca Baby by Mochi

Writing Treats

I should be receiving a little care package from the ever-so amazing Sh4d0wPh03n1x, containing some yummy foods and a crochet penguin, which will fuel some intense culinary worldbuilding in WorldEmber. Not only that, I have an absolute ton of treats in various cupboards, hidden in my office so nobody steals them, that can motivate me to keep writing. What can I say, I like food.

I have made small private playlists for each of my planets, to get my brain in the zone for the various themes and moods of different areas of the Cheem System that I want to flesh out in WorldEmber.

Support Group: Cheems!

Hrm... do I have a group of friends that can support me and my writing throughout WorldEmber? Possibly ones that are participating too? HELL YEAH I DO! These friends are going to have to put up with me for the entire month as I shove all of my articles in their faces that I'm super proud of, complain that I can't write in class, and they'll get to admire planets carefully curated to fit their likes and personalities.

Cleaning up the Writing Space

Wellllllll... this might be a hard one to do. I don't write in any particular place. I write in bed, at my desk, at another desk, on the sofa, on the floor with my dog, on the sofa with my dog, on the roof if I could, outside, in classes, literally anywhere I can access World Anvil on a desktop because mobile makes me want to rip my hair out, strand by strand.

I can't sit in one place for long without feeling uncomfortable, so I am always migrating. I do try and do a good deal of my writing sat up at my desk, so that could use some tidying. I have folders on my laptop for worldbuilding resources, which I will use an absolute ton during WorldEmber.

Writing Schedule

I am still a student, so the majority of my days I am away from World Anvil and in classes. That's not the worst thing, since I write best during mornings and evenings. I can't really squeeze much writing time in mornings, but I can churn out an article or two in the evenings, if I'm not absolutely dead from a long day. I'll have more time available during the Christmas holidays, which I will 100% spend most of my time intensely typing away.

Sunset on Capepo's Savanna #1 by Mochi

Support Group: Writing Circle

The amazing Myth Cross set up a small WorldEmber writing circle, to support each other and give feedback throughout the month. I showed interest and was invited, alongside spleen, Elizabread, Icarus Crow, and Catoblepon, and we will be reading each other's work, offering feedback, general check-ins, and stuff like that! I'm super excited; I've never participated in a small writing circle before, and it'll be a great opportunity to really get into the following worlds:


Comment Caroling

This year Annie Stein has given us an exciting little thing for us to do. Run around articles, leaving nice comments, spread some love. No stressing about leaving tons and tons of comments, only do as much as you feel comfortable doing.
  Also, the badge is ADORABLE and I just want to either hug it or eat it.
Annie's Worldember Prep
Event | Dec 6, 2023

Preparing for World Ember 2023, planning what to write, and announcing the ~comment carolers~! You're invited to join, badge included in article.

Ember Cottage

Not only that, Catoblepon has invited us to the Ember Cottage. Sit down, relax, and write until your heart is content. Support other authors, make sure you prioritise your own health and wellbeing, and share some love.

I wish I had access to a cottage to live in for the duration of WorldEmber, but the Ember Cottage is more than enough for me.

Worldember 2023
Generic article | Nov 30, 2023

Worldember is coming and thus, the prep is sparking


This was all taken from my "WorldEmber 2023 Prep Months in Advance Because Why Not" article.

WorldEmber 2021

WorldEmber 2021 was a great introduction to the event. By that time (I joined in March 2021) I felt settled into World Anvil and its community, and I felt like I had a place here. I wrote 29 articles and just over 16 thousand words, which meant I sailed past the 10k minimum for the badge. I came fifth in the total number of likes; getting most likes is never my goal, but I'd be lying if I said they didn't make me smile and a tad more confident in my worldbuilding.

WorldEmber 2022

Hooooooooo boy, this WorldEmber was epic. I dove into this WE with the plan to solely write about species. I wrote a good handful before throwing this plan away and just writing about things in the moment, and I am glad I did so. I came somewhat close to burnout several times but managed to avoid them. This WE I wrote 34,000 thousand words and 53 articles, leaps and bounds ahead of the previous year. I also recieved 797 likes which is absolutely INSANE - I don't even know where they came from or what the hell happened for me to deserve them, but I am so honoured to have recieved each and every one.

Final Notes

I am so excited for WorldEmber 2023. Like, I can't even explain. I've been holding off on writing about the Cheem System ever since I first created it, because I was worried that I wouldn't write up to the standards of what I wanted since this was my way of saying thank you to the Anvilites that have been there for me so much this year.

I've decided to say F that, and just have fun. That's what writing is supposed to be. Fun. So, why not have some fun?

Articles under Mochi's WorldEmber 2023 Prep!


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Nov 3, 2023 22:16 by Annie Stein


Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Nov 3, 2023 23:19 by Mochi


I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 3, 2023 22:17

Can't wait to see what you are cranking out <3

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Nov 3, 2023 23:19 by Mochi

Thank youuuu!! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 3, 2023 22:54

Of course youd go so much overboard, Mochi <3 Never change, and lets crush WorldEmber without any burnout together :)

Yours truly, Nino.
Its Worldember!I am building out a spooky world, which you can read about here! (psst, its a link)
To learn about my main world click on this link! (if you want to ;) )
Nov 3, 2023 23:26 by Mochi

Hehehehe, good luck to you too!! <33

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 3, 2023 23:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

So excited for many more Yonderverse articles to read. Yaaaaay! <3   Good luck, Mochi <3

Nov 3, 2023 23:27 by Mochi

Thank youuu!! <3 good luck to you too!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 4, 2023 05:11

Whoohoo I love it I love it I love it <3   You're so cool, I cannot wait to sit by my (imaginary) fire with a hot cuppa tea to read all the awesome things you'll be writing this WE. Best of luck! <3

Nov 4, 2023 08:02 by Mochi

Thank youuu!! Can I join you by that imaginary fire? xD

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 5, 2023 15:22 by AP.

Can I join you guys too? There's little else I can say that's already been said by Shadow and all the others. Cannot wait to see what you do this WorldEmber! <3

Nov 5, 2023 16:26 by Mochi

Yes you can! and thank you AP, hope you have a lovely WE <33

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 5, 2023 17:35

Hell yeah! The more the merrier! And I'll bring along all the penguins for a true fluffy penguin army to attack WorldEmber with the cutest fury we can muster. x3

Nov 4, 2023 07:05 by Elspeth

An entire solar system?! Wow! I love this. Can't wait to read all about it!

Nov 4, 2023 08:02 by Mochi

Yesss! I hope you enjoy! Best of luck if you participate <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 4, 2023 13:17

Good luck! Can't wait to see what you come up with

I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
Nov 4, 2023 14:20 by Mochi

Thank you so much! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 4, 2023 13:34 by Doug Marshall

Go Mochi go!! You're gonna do great! This is a really sweet idea honestly! Really looking forward to reading more of your work.

ASP | AV | OE | SPH | TMS | CDL | LOR | PR | HTH
Nov 4, 2023 14:21 by Mochi

Thank you so much!! Good luck if you're participating <33

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 4, 2023 20:50

It will be a great funtastic antibournout WorldEmber, I swear and keep my finger crossed, all the best for your goal.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Nov 5, 2023 08:56 by Mochi

Thank you so much!! <3 hope you have a great worldember :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 5, 2023 16:52 by Kwyn Marie

You are ready to bask in WorldEmber! Very inspirational. :)

Nov 5, 2023 17:19 by Mochi

Thank youu! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 5, 2023 17:14

I can’t wait to see what you come up with! I’m with you on no burnout.

Want to check out more read my bard article
Nov 5, 2023 17:20 by Mochi

Thank youu! Yessss, no burnout this year >:)

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 5, 2023 17:56 by C. B. Ash

FANTASTIC! More Yonderverse! (stares intently until updates happen... no pressure) :D

Nov 6, 2023 09:30 by Mochi

<333 I never stop writing anyways, you'll always have more stuff to read xD

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 6, 2023 21:09 by C. B. Ash


Nov 6, 2023 09:18

Best of luck and inspiration to you!
looking forward to read about the Cheem Solar System!

Have a look at my entries for:
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Nov 6, 2023 09:40 by Mochi

    Thank you so much!! <33

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 7, 2023 00:21 by Olarae & Astaroth Arcaine

    Here's to the no burnout positivity!! Wishing you a very far-out Worldember this year ^^ Can't wait to read what you have lined up!!

    _______________________________________________________________   Please check out our project Chronicles of Evalaw or come chat with us on our Discord Server!
    Nov 7, 2023 07:53 by Mochi

    Thank youuuu!! So excited to see more from you, and read all about dragons! :D

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 10, 2023 14:22 by Nimin N

    I've decided to say F that, and just have fun.
      For World Ember! For FUN!   Looking forward to seeing you expand the Cheem system. :) And omg those animals are so cute. Maybe I should comment carrol too and be the 'can I pet them???' voice.

    Nov 10, 2023 15:47 by Mochi

    FOR FUUUN!   I wouldn't say to no a few of those comments *smirk*

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 11, 2023 20:36 by Polina "Line" Arteev

    MOCHIII YOU'RE GOING TO DO SO GREAT THIS YEAR! I'm so excited for all of the things you have planned! And thanks for compiling this giant list of excellent worlds to inspire us! I'm definitely scribbling them down in my little notebook for later <3

    Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
    Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
    The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
    Nov 11, 2023 20:38 by Mochi


    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 11, 2023 20:41 by Mochi

    *ahem* thank youuuu!!! <3333333 I am so excited to see more Malkora next month!!

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 11, 2023 20:44 by Polina "Line" Arteev

    Listen, there are SO MANY GREAT WORLDS OUT THERE! It's so easy to miss a few here and there while making a list hehehe

    Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
    Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
    The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
    Nov 12, 2023 21:39 by Ademal

    You're gonna kick ass this WorldEmber!

    CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
    Nov 12, 2023 22:01 by Mochi

    you too! so excited for more Ethnis :D <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 13, 2023 06:24

    Wow... so much wonderful worldbuilding already done, and such an impressive array of things you can work on. I can imagine that if you get stuck on anything, you can maybe just pick something else to run with instead... or however you want to do it, of course! Just amazed at the breadth and depth you've already got here, looking forward to seeing just how far out of the park you're going to hit WE this year...!

    "Wherever you go, there you are" - Buckaroo Banzai   "Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda   "No plan survives contact with reality intact" - Me
    Nov 13, 2023 07:38 by Mochi

    Wow, thank you so much! <3 I've been working on this world every day for almost three years now, and as time goes on I just get more and more excited to work on things and it keeps growing. And yes, I picked such a biiig scope for WorldEmber so when I do get stuck/bored, I've got so much more that needs writing!   Hope you have an amazing WorldEmber! <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 17, 2023 21:55

    Beautiful page as always and I can totally relate to have such a broad scope. Why do something narrow when you can do it all??? It's gonna be exciting to see the things you create for it. <3

    What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
    I'm a Comment Caroler! Click to learn more
    Nov 21, 2023 07:55 by Mochi

    Thank youuu!! Yessss, a big scope is always fun. My brain likes to wander to the next project half way though finishing the current one but this year I want to stay on track, and a broad scope should help with that xD

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 21, 2023 16:27

    Easy to stay on track when the track is the entire universe XD

    What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
    I'm a Comment Caroler! Click to learn more
    Nov 20, 2023 12:17 by Jacqueline Taylor

    I also struggle with not burning out! It is so easy to get excited about a project and hyperfocus on it and then I find myself spending WAY more everything on it then I have to spend. That is also one of my goals with the building of my world: Good, healthy pacing. This is my first Worldember and I'm excited to see what others are doing as much as I am excited to write in my own world!

    Nov 21, 2023 07:56 by Mochi

    Hope you have a great worldember and don't burnout!! <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 21, 2023 00:55 by Chaewon Choi

    Hi there!!   Your formatting is beautiful!! Like absolutely stunning, I'm in awe. I'm honestly a little jealous of how gorgeous your article and world looks. I wish you good luck on your WorldEmber journey.

    Thank You, Choi Chaewon.
    Aonani Expert. Multiverse Walker.  

    I'm a Comment Caroler! Click to learn more

      Currently Researching: Armonía
    Nov 21, 2023 07:58 by Mochi

    Awwww, thank you <3 it just comes with practice, over the years I've learnt lots of neat tricks and things on layout and formatting and it builds up over time. Also, hello fellow kpop stan :P Hope you have a fantastic worldember! <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 25, 2023 13:20 by Rin Garnett

    I politely request a picture of the crochet penguin :) Looking forward to reading more about the Cheem System!

    Nov 25, 2023 15:40 by Mochi

    When it is in my hands, I will throw pictures all around my discord server :D <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 30, 2023 05:26 by Gabrielle Decker

    You make me feel like I put no effort in for my stuff, twin D: How do you even have time to do all this?! LOL!

    Nov 30, 2023 07:55 by Mochi

    OI! I've been waiting since April to develop the Cheem System, so my sheer determination to get this shit done has powered me through this prep. As well, I love preparing for WorldEmber so much and I've done more prep than worldbuilding this month xD

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 30, 2023 11:39 by Gabrielle Decker

    I have.... existed. Not much else ;.; lmfao

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