Cyan Tower of the Stars Building / Landmark in Symbols of Power | World Anvil

Cyan Tower of the Stars

Formerly known as the Cyan Tower of the RuhRics

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La torre cían es el edificio más alto de la Ciudad de la Piedra Cian, en Ruh. Servía de hogar de oficio al RuhRic de Piedra Cian, la mayor autoridad de Ruh, y se utilizaba como punto de encuentro de los Ric de toda la isla. Fue enormemente afectada por la Corrosión Alta y luego remodelada como observatorio.  


La Torre Cian fue construida originalmente para ser el edificio más majestuoso de Piedra Cian y de Ruh, distinguible desde la lejanía y adornada con vibrantes turquesas en toda su extensión. Cuando se elegía el RuhRic de Piedra Cian, la tradición dictaba que la persona y su familia pasasen a vivir en la altísima torre con su majestuosa vista, mostrando el estatus de estos. En aquellas situaciones donde los diferentes pueblos de Ruh debiesen unirse para tratar temas que afectasen a toda la isla (políticos, militares, económicos, etc), la reunión se efectuaba en la torre, a la que cada RuhRic de la isla y sus acompañantes viajaban y se hospedaban en ella. Luego de que la corrosión se llevase consigo a la familia del RuhRic y a los pisos altos de la torre, los Ruhks consideraron que no debía volver a ser usada para este propósito. Comenzaron la construcción de un gran edificio relativamente bajo pero igualmente majestuoso para reemplazarla como hogar de oficio del Ric de Piedra Cian, y la torre cian fue remodelada para su uso como observatorio para los astrónomos de Ruh.   Nuevo Uso Por supuesto, la Corrosión Alta tuvo un efecto devastador en la torre y sus habitantes. Prácticamente todos los habitantes del area alta de la torre sucumbieron a los efectos de la corrosión, y los pisos altos de la torre, sobre todo las areas más expuestas, se corroyeron y debilitaron. Luego de la corrosión, se decidió dejar de utilizar la torre como hogar del Ric, pero a partir del insistente pedido de los astrónomos de la isla, comenzaron las remodelaciones para transformarla en un enorme observatorio. Se hicieron obras de mantenimiento sobre las estructuras corroídas, se construyeron aleros y balcones en los pisos más altos, y se comenzó la construcción de un enorme telescopio, el más grande del archipiélago. La torre ya se encuentra en uso, aunque las remodelaciones no hayan terminado.
Ruh Island by Naelin
The Cyan Tower is the tallest building in Cyan Stone City, the biggest city in Ruh.
Before the High Rust, it served as the seat for the Cyan Stone's RuhRic, the biggest authority in Ruh, and was also used as a parliamentary building of sorts, to house meetings with all of the RuhRics from the island.   It was later remodelled as an observatory for Ruh's highly esteemed astronomers, and renamed accordingly.  

History and use

The Tower was originally built to be the most impressive building in Cyan Stone City and in Ruh, distinguishable from afar and adorned with vibrant turquoise stones in all of its extension.   Each time a new Cyan Stone's RuhRic was elected, tradition dictated that the person and their family would move to live in the looming tower with its majestic view of the island, to better show their status.
Whenever an issue that encompassed all of the island needed to be discussed, the Ruhs of each of the island's towns would gather and stay in the tower for the duration of the meetings, as the tower was prepared with luxurious guest rooms, and dozens of people were hired in such situations to take care of the leaders and their companions.  

The Rust

The High Rust, a calamity ocurred in 3014 E.Alz that destroyed most things that stood too high above floor level, caused a huge dent on the tower as well as claiming the lives of the current RuhRic, their family, and most of the other workers in it.
Most of the highest floors corroded away, with walls and floors that became brittle and uneven, though the main structure remained standing.   After this event, the people of Ruh considered that the tower should not be used as the house of the RuhRic anymore. They built instead a shorter but equally majestic manor in order to replace it as the governor's seat.
The remains of the tower were going to be demolished, but several organisations of astronomers, the highest esteemed profession in the island, begged for it to be turned into an observatory.  
Their request was granted, and the rebuilding efforts started in the year 3 E.Ru, with the goal of replacing the affected structures, adding eaves and balconies, and building the biggest telescope in the island.   Though the building is still under repairs, it has already been occupied by the astronomers, who have started using it with delight.

The Eve of Vulkenar

Every 13th of Birthing, folk from all of Ruh go stargazing, and all observatories open to the public as part of the Mourning of Vulkenar celebration.   Even while the Cyan Tower is being rebuilt, it has already become an important touristic attraction during this date.
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
The Haan Archipelago
Portrait of Danae, a holding his peace bird pen and a book containing a map
Danae by Naelin
The cartographer Danae from the City of Birdland in Thaur was commissioned to draw a map of the Haan Archipelago for the second edition of The Book of the Habits and Beasts, published in the 3rd of Birthing, 3 E.Ru.   Danae took advantage of the enclyclopaedia's team of researchers to gather precise information and went himself into research expeditions to survey remote areas. His work resulted in what is considered the most accurate and widespread map of the Archipelago to this day, which details even most of the coasts of the Savage Isles.
Cult to the Stars
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Mourning of Vulkenar
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 24, 2022

A Ruhk tradition celebrating Vulkenar, a star that died more than 1600 years ago

Cover image: by Naelin


Author's Notes

This article was translated as part of Spooktober 2021's Prompt 8: "Stone"  

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