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Wild Isles

The Wild Isles are made up of countless islands, known as Hymats, most of which are small, however the largest and most important are the Isles of Tor Bresell, Oilean, Tor Cyfod, Sgiath, and Anvea. Tor Bresell is the north-eastern most isle of the Wild Isles and is known for its rugged landscape and frequent attacks from the Corsairs of the Stormy Seas and the Infernal Draconic Ascendancy. Oilean is known for its rich biodiversity, including tropical jungles, pine forests, and a wide variety of plant and animal life. Tor Cyfod is known for its extensive volcanic activity and hot, boggy marshes. Sgiath is known for its deep, dark forests and the presence of dangerous creatures. Anvea is known for its rugged coast, large forests, and the higher concentration of dinosaurs. The categorisation of the Wild Isles is hotly debated, with most arguing that the Isle of Dragons is a part of the Wild Isle, and the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy persisting that the Isle of Dragons should not be in the same classification as the Wild Isles.


The Wild Isles have a rugged and diverse landscape, with dense jungles, rocky cliffs, and stony beaches. The climate is humid and tropical as a result of extensive volcanic and geothermal activity, with heavy rainfall and frequent storms. The islands are abundant with exotic plants and animals, many of which are unique to the region. The waters around the islands are also teeming with marine life most of which are dangerous to individuals and also entire ships.   The Wild Isles are also home to ancient ruins and mysterious artefacts, including the remains of long-dead civilizations and forgotten temples. These ruins are often guarded by dangerous creatures and powerful magic, making them a popular destination for treasure hunters and adventurers, but they must also contend with the dangers of the jungle, the harsh weather, and the hostile creatures that inhabit the islands.

The Peoples of the Isles

The peoples of the Wild Isles are proud and independent, fiercely defending their autonomy and way of life. Many of the indigenous peoples have formed loosely-affiliated communities and alliances, working together to protect their homes and families from both the pirates and the outside world. They have a deep respect for the natural world and the spirits that inhabit it, and many follow animistic or druidic religions.   There are no large kingdoms within the Wild Isles, instead petty kingdoms and independant towns and cities are common, as the peoples of the Isles are adamant that no one should rule them without their say. Among the largest cities within the Isles are, Abermôran, Beanntean, Coillglam, Croílith, Ddiogwig, Deirinn, Faellaeth, Gáirim, Méarath, and Mynsar. None of the settlements are particularly racially or ethnically homogenous, with humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, kobolds, Lizardfolk, Firbolg, and Goliath living side by side within a harsh environment.  

Religion in the Wild Isles

Religion in the Wild Isles is a diverse and complex mix of pagan, druidic, and formal deity worship. The majority of the population pays homage to the natural forces and spirits of the land, sea, and sky, as well as ancestor worship. These beliefs are deeply ingrained in the daily lives of the people, as they rely heavily on the land for survival and see the natural world as sacred. Religion within he Wild Isles is a mixture of nature worship, ancestor worship, formal pantheons, and even darker, more sinister practices. It reflects the harsh and unpredictable environment of the Wild Isles and the need for protection and guidance in the face of danger.   The Morndinsamman, Seldarine, and Draconic Pantheons are the only formal pantheons that receive widespread worship among the peoples of the Wild Isles. These pantheons are made up of gods and goddesses associated with dwarves and gnomes, elves, and dragonkin respectively, and are particularly popular among the dwarves, gnomes, elves, draconic races that call the Wild Isles home, but worship to them has spread amongst the other races.   In addition to the Morndinsamman, Seldarine, and Draconic Pantheon , a number of other deities also receive some degree of worship. These include Beshaba, deity of misfortune, Gond, deity of craft and invention; Malar, deity of the hunt and beasts; Mielikki, deity of forests and rangers; Milil, deity of poetry and song; Savrus, deity of magic; Selûne, deity of the moon; Shar, deity of darkness and loss; Silvanus, deity of wild nature; and Talona, deity of disease and poison. These deities are typically worshipped by individuals or small groups, rather than entire communities.   There are also darker and older things worshipped within Wild Isles, things that are capricious and demanding for the protections they may offer.They are worshipped by some of the peoples of the Wild Isles who provide them with sacrifices.   Much like anywhere else in Runetalras, there are also cults or secret societies that worship darker, more malevolent entities. These cults are small and operate in secret, and have been known to engage in sacrifice and the practice of forbidden magics.

Flora & Fauna

The extensive volcanic activity, has created hot boggy marshes, which can be surrounded by trees from tropical jungles on one side, with forests of pine trees on the other. The disparity in climate caused by volcanic activity has led to the Wild Isles being the most biologically diverse region in the known world. The Wild Isles are the source of the cocoa beans, potatoes, and coffee beans.   Humans are the most common of the humanoid races, Lizardfolk, kobolds, Dragonborn are common throughout, and dwarves and elves are also a common sight. The Wild Isles are also home to a great deal of nasty creatures; alligators, bloedzuiger, the dreaded Gernichora, glustyworps, kayrans, lizard-lions, and is the only location in the known world where dinosaurs exist.


Much of the history of the Wild Isles has been lost to time through both disaster and a lack of cultural emphasis on the creation of physical historical records.

Age of the Titans

It is within the Wild Isles, more specifically on floating cities about them, that a significant portion of The High Empire of the Dragons is believed to have once existed. This is both inferred through the myths and legends of those present in the Wild Isles, and the numerous ruins present throughout the Isles from both structures built upon the ground and the ruins of those that collapsed to the earth and sea of the region.

Serpentine Age

The Serpentine Age was an era of recovery within the Wild Isles, the newly arrived elves made the Isles home and the other races likewise found new homes from themselves in the ruins of Empires. The Isles proved as inhospitable as ever, volcanoes erupted often as if Runetalras itself were angered but the sheer violence and end of the Empires, vicious storms grew frequent as did planar inclusions. It is also in this Age that there are references to upright hairless apes forming settlements.

Age of the Elder Races

Within the beginning of this Age the Isles were a hotbed of city states of countless different races each with their own architectural styles, cultures, and religions which prospered and warred with one another and greatly developed the area. This was brought to an abrupt end by the Rewilding of the Isles; violently new forests and marshes burst through the earth and settlements alike and darker creatures stalked the lands. The peoples of the Isles began praying to strange and darker deities, including the Star’s Whispers and the Ladies of the Isles. The Rewilding of the Isles greatly added to the ruins that haunt the whole region.

Age of Contact

Humanity, it seems, found its way quickly from the Seldori Range to the Wild Isles and established small settlements along with the other races who likewise once again settled the isles once more. Whilst most races lingered in petty city-states at best in the far west of the Isles the Holy Draconic Empire was formed from the draconic races, half-dragons, Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, and kobolds. They established a great empire that reached further into the Isles and also spread beyond it into the Arm of Runedastil and north-eastern Talduras, the Empire supposedly brought civilization to savages and sought to destroy the abominations that are the mutated and accused Draconian ‘race’.

Age of Conquest

The peak of the Holy Draconic Empire was in the early Age of Conquest with its tendrils reaching across the Wild Isles, as well as the Arm of Runedastil and north-eastern Talduras. As the Age wore on the strength and reach of the Empire waned until it began a series of civil wars. The remainder of the Wild Isles resisted the Empire, but what else is little known save for tales of heroes and villains who may not have ever existed.

Age of Blood

The Horrors of the Age of Blood were visited upon the Wild Isles much like most of Runetalras. Demonic incursions burst from the swamps of the isles, while mass warbands of Draconian wreaked widespread havoc. The peoples of the Wild Isles drew together against these threats, with shaman, witches, and druids provided vital. The Holy Draconic Empire put aside its civil wars in the defence of the Empire, although its capital was sacked by demonic forces of the Demogorgon. The peoples of the Isles and Empire joined in the Siege of Runia and its aftermath, which drew an end to the planar invasions.   Following the Siege of Runia the peoples of the Isles returned to their clan lifestyles and continued to favour independence over the creation of kingdoms. There was no peace for the as they were savaged by wild witches, Yuan-ti, and cultists to old and cruel powers, it is also rumoured that some rare dinosaurs of the Isles were somehow altered into powerful and cruel abominations. The humans, dwarves, gnomes, elves, firbolgs, dryads and even lizardmen, kobolds, and tortles relied on one another and magic to survive.   The Empire had suffered greatly, cities and the Empire itself were in ruin, however, the civil wars that plagued the past Age reemerged as claimants warred of the ashes of former glory. Would-be kings brought about the death of the Empire when dissident lords, rebel armed forces, and disaffected citizens rose up against their masters in the years long Time of Reckoning. Once the Time of Reckoning was at an end much that had been left standing was ruined.

Age of Contempt

Reconstruction and Renewal 0-164:Contempt. Much of the Wild Isles were left devastated by the Age of Blood. The Isles and its peoples were forced to rebuild or find new homes and communities. Its inhabitants chose to stick to their old ways, smaller communities largely made up of several extended families and clans that work together, instead of being ruled over by monarchs as is the case elsewhere.   Second Rising of the Draconians 166-203:Contempt. In 166:Contempt, throughout the Wild Isles, Draconian warbands plagued settlements on every one of the Isles. By 171:Contempt the warbands of draconians swelled to veritable armies that rampaged and brought devastation with them. By 158:Contempt a hero rose, from Sgiath, Ragneth an Narah she sought to avenge Clan an Narah, who had been slain by draconians. Ragneth united the peoples of Sgiath to turn the draconians back to the mountains, deep forests, and bogs of the Isle. Ragneth was not content to allow the other Isles to fall to the draconians, she and her followers scattered the draconians upon each of the major Isles by 203:Contempt.   The Kingdom of the Isles 203-283:Contempt. With the Second Rising of the Draconian put down the Clans of the Isles were not content to allow Ragneth an Narah to return to obscurity. Instead the Clans of the Wild Isles chose for the first time to elect a monarch Ragneth an Narah. Ragneth was reluctant to accept a crown but was eventually persuaded to take it up and became the first Queen of the Kingdom of the Isles at the age of 30. She ruled until the age of 107, after a battle with a unknown illness, she left no children behind nor was there any obvious contender to take Ragneth’s crown and place as elected monarch of the Isles.   Civil War and the Break Up of the Kingdom of the Isles 283-302:Contempt. With no obvious candidate, or even small group of candidates, who could unite the Isles conflict erupted as dozens upon dozens of unworthy would-be monarchs brought war upon the Isles to put a crown atop their head and a throne beneath their arse. After nearly thirty years of conflict any bonds of unity were destroyed and the Kingdom of the Isles were at an end.   Time of Dragons 298-325:Contempt. Throughout the Wild Isles attacks from Dracoplagues and lesser forms of dragons ,including forktales, dracolizard, and wyverns, became incredibly common. The dragons wreaked havoc upon the peoples of the Isles, before they mysteriously returned to normal levels.   Rampage of the Dinosaurs 329-359:Contempt. Within the Wild Isle on Anvea a strange illness affected the dinosaurs that make their home upon the Isle. The illness caused large caustic pustules on the affected and made them incredibly aggressive. The rampages made perhaps the most inhospitable of the Isles, even more dangerous. The Rampage was only brought to an end by the arrival of the black Dragon known as the Skulking Dread who burnt away the affected with acid breath and an end to the epidemic. The Skulking Dread then made the Isle its home.   The Hour of the Witch 345-364:Contempt. Within the Wild Isles upon Tor Bresell, a large coven of Wild Witches became extensively active. They dominated the Tor Bresell and forced many upon it to pay tribute to them. Their works of magic greatly damaged the environment and wayward arcane forces likewise killed the peoples of Tor Bresell. In 364:Contempt, the wild witches conducted an extensive ritual, which required all the wild witches be present, to take control of nature and magic within the Isles. Circles of druids banded together to disrupt the ritual, they failed. However, the ritual was disrupted in a massive arcane explosion which killed or scattered the wild witches; druids who survived claimed it was the Ladies of the Isles who intervened to end the ritual.   The Short Second Jöur’ant 360-432:Contempt. It started slowly, upon Sgiath in the Wild Isles, in 360:Contempt giants began to band together and carve out settlements made of each kind of Giant. By 396:Contempt the giants had declared their petty Kingdom the great Giant empire reborn, the Second Jöur’ant. In 407:Contempt the Second Jöur’ant began its efforts to conquer all of Sgiath, whilst the Jöur’ant was initially successful the willingness of the peoples of Sgiath to cede land, melt away into the environment, and then attack when the giants were at their weakest took its toll; as they broke down from constant attacks the Jöur’ant turned on itself as Giant killed Giant.   The Great Sea Devil Raid 431-474: Contempt. Throughout the 430s-450s:Contempt the Wild Isle Oilean’s coasts were plagued by persistent raids from the sahuagin, who would loot, pillage, and then melt away into the depths of the Sea of Storms. In the 460s:Contempt the raids greatly increased in frequency as the sahuagin changed their targets, they began to capture slaves and arms at an astounding rate; however, as a result of this the sahuagin were forced to remain on surface to maintain slave labour and storehouses. Between 470-470:Contempt the peoples of Oilean were able to inflict significant losses upon the sahuagin, they freed slaves, looted storehouses, and by 474: Contempt largely drove them back to the sea.   Rise of Nature 476-507:Contempt. Starting in 476:Contempt the whole Isle of Tor Cyfod began to be blighted by animated plant creatures who killed with abandon and turned whole settlements to ruins. The People of Tor Cyfod were forced to keep bonfires and torches constantly aflame in an effort to keep the forces of nature at bay. In 469:Contempt an adventurers group, Mercy’s Wing, set out to discover why these attacks were happening and put an end to them. In 507:Contempt Mercy’s Wing were successful, however, only one of six ever returned Angharad of Y Wlethfa. Angharad spoke of a terrible price that was paid to old and dark forces to ensure that nature would rest.   Red Fever 509-513:Contempt. In Spring of 509:Contempt a new illness spread like wildfire throughout the Wild Isles. The illness was known as the Red Fever, it was characterised by a fever which caused a deep red flush throughout the face and caused a delirium. Of those affected four of five perished. The peoples of the Wild Isles reacted in a variety of ways, some fled the Isles, others became recluses to avoid contact, whilst others attempted to burn away the illness and the people affected. By the Fall of 509:Contempt the illness all but disappeared, however the Red Fever reappeared each Spring before disappearing each Fall until 513:Contempt.   Pillaging of the Wild Isles 527:Contempt -. The Pirates of the Outlaw Isles turned to pillaging the countless settlements throughout the Wild Isles; they raped, reaved, looted, and slaved across the shoars of the Wild Isles.   Crystalline Convergence 533:Contempt. The Crystalline Convergence caused chaos within the Isles, as it did much of Runetalras. The Convergence vastly increased the danger that the manipulation of magic poses as allowed Weave Aberrations to enter into the Prime Material Plane. It also introduced Corestone and Arcane Tempests into Runetalras, both of which are incredibly disruptive and dangerous forces. Within the Wild Isles its peoples struggled to adapt to these threats, they increased the focus on the natural force of magic and ensured those with it were tutored by druids, witches, or any other with the capabilities.   Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy Invasion of the Wild Isles 553:Contempt -. In 553:Contempt the Ascendancy launched an invasion of the rest of the Wild Isles, as yet it is unclear what the long term impacts will be.
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