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United Five Kingdoms of Bar Sunda, Hunters Wrath, Loc Now, Surentra, and Warthnow

The United Five Kingdoms of Bar Sunda, Hunter's Wrath, Loc Now, Surentra, and Warthnow, more commonly known as the United Five Kingdoms, are made up of the Free States Bar Sunda, Hunter's Wrath, Loc Now, Surentra, and Warthnow. The Free States are united by the shared threat that Orrak Aahgith and the Fel Wood pose.   The United Five Kingdoms was created in 540:Contempt as a reaction to the emergence Orrak Aahgith, and that kingdom's efforts to unify the Rugged Pass and beyond under their rule.  


It is said that there is a deity for every person within the Free States; while this is clearly false there is some merit to it. By far and away the Free States pay reverence to the largest number of deities. This is because the Free States lack general hegemony, especially in the cultural and religious. For more information see Religion in the Free States.  

Racial Relations

The United Five Kingdoms have a relatively positive system of racial relations, however, it comes with a cost, nonhumans are able to gain the full protection of the law by assisting the state, though taking up essential professions (merchants, blacksmiths, woodcrafters, etc.) or by serving in a military arm. Those who do not are legally considered second class citizens, and not subject to legal protections, nor defended form crimes and other racial discrimation and abuse.  


The United Five Kingdoms is an economic, political, and military union of Free States, it is comprised of the Bar Sunda, Hunter's Wrath, Loc Now, Surentra, and Warthnow. It is ruled by the Grand Council in which monarchs represent the Free States of Bar Sunda, Hunter's Wrath, and Loc Now, while appointed council member envoys represent the Free States of Surentra, and Warthnow.  

International Relations

Within the Free States the United Five Kingdoms maintains broadly positive relations with the Northern Defensive Union and the Union of Crowns. Since its creation there has been frequent conflict with Orrak Aahgith with them being effectively in a state of war. The United Five Kingdoms have made overtures to the Kingdom of Aran'Nack and Kingdom of Selu’Qidar in an effort to form an alliance to destroy Orrak Aahgith, thus far they have not been successful.  


Like most Human kingdoms the peoples of the United Five Kingdoms are not entitled to any form of education. Children thus receive their necessary education from family, friends, townsfolk, or employers. There are exceptions to their rule, the nobles and wealthy are able to afford tutors or to send their children to private schools or academies. Another option are the various churches and cults who instruct children in a wide variety of subjects ranging from history, to religion, to the natural world.

The Time for Arms Has Come

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
United Five Kingdoms
Predecessor Organization

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Articles under United Five Kingdoms of Bar Sunda, Hunters Wrath, Loc Now, Surentra, and Warthnow


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