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Yhess Kingdoms

The Yhess Kingdoms, also known colloquially as the slave states, are amonst the richest and most powerful city states in the known world; this is the result of the economic prosperity which has result from their extensive use and trade of slaves. The Yhess Kingdoms share a common culture, similar architecture, and a shared prolific use of slavery.


Yhess Kingdoms are located on the continent of Undras and the northern shores of the Seiube River. The territory held by each Yhess Kingdom is in a state of constant flux, with wars and subversion between the Yhess Kingdoms affecting the territorial control of each Kingdom. Their lands of the Yhess Kingdoms are, for the most part, arid and desert-like with rivers being the focal point of agriculture and are the lifeblood of the Yhess Kingdoms.   The Yhess Kingdoms share a small border with the Kingdom of Legvaren in the East. To the South is the Seiube River, across it are the Free States, Republic of Valantia, and Kingdom of Aran'Nack.


population of the Yhess Kingdoms are split between free citizens and slaves, with slaves representing about ninety percent of the population. The population of the Yhess is one of the most diverse in the known world, in terms of both the slave and free citizen populations. The largest racial of both the slave and free population is human, but it is by no means a majority in either. Virtual every race is represented and neither the system of master nor slaves is based upon either race or ethnicities.


There are no official religions of any of the Yhess Kingdoms, for the Kingdoms themselves are made up of those who worship every deity in existence. Indeed Unjurel is home to the Temple of the Hundreds said to have an idol to every deity in existence. In truth the only true god of the Yhess Kingdom is gold and wealth.

Racial Relations

Within the Yhess Kingdoms races and ethnicity are not considered a significant or relevant factor; what is important is social status and class, neither of which are affected by race or ethnicity. The Kingdoms are divided between slaves and slavemasters, with the former being simply objects.

Views on Magic

The Yhess Kingdoms care little for magic, if a slave is found to possess magical capabilities then they can be sold for a higher price. If a master is found to possess magical capabilities no one bats an eye, even Forbidden Magic is not held with any particular horror providing one uses it upon their own slaves and not slavemasters.


The Yhess Kingdoms are not united, each of the Yhess Kingdoms, which are effectively aggrandised city-states, possess its own government. Virtually all of the Yhess Kingdoms are ruled by councils of the wealthiest and most powerful family houses, though notable Iganosa and Xangarath have monarchs of a kind.

International Relations

The Yhess Kingdoms maintain positive relationships with the Atarsid City-States and Kingdom of Sarvartar who collectively support the slave trade thoughout the known world. They also have friendly relations with the Republic of Valantia who support the economic system of slavery. The other kingdoms of the world have much more hostile relations with the Yhess Kingdoms, as the Yhess Kingdoms reave and slave from the lands of the Kingdom of Aran'Nack, Free States, Kingdom of Thaxnoria, and the Elnurian Allaince. So hated are the Yhess Kingdom south of the Seuibe River that an alliance of Free States and Kingdom of Aran'Nack has been formed known as the Seuibe Alliance.


Much of the lower classes and most certainly the slaves of the Yhess Kingdom are uneducated, and likewise illiterate. It is only the wealthy middle and upper classes that have any form of education, ranging from history, politics, and teachings of trade and slavery.

Gender, Sexuality, and Inheritance

The Yhess Kingdom are a kingdoms which have two parallel societies both existing side by side, one for the citizens and slave masters and another for slaves.   The society in which slave masters exists recongises and validates the male, female, and intersex people; all of whome are generally accepted are normal which little discrimination perpetuated by the social system. Slaves on the other hand are not able to idenifiy as a gender that differs from their birth sex, as they are viewed as little more than cattle to be used and reproduce.   There are few gender roles within the Yhess Kingdoms for citizens and slave masters, be they male, female, or intersex, however, males are generally over respesented within governing and politics. Slaves on the other hand, are forced into strict gender roles which males proferming physical labour while women perform less physical tasks.   Sexuality for slave masters and citizens within the Yhess Kingdoms is remarkably free, with homosexuality and hetrosexuality been seen as just valid as one another. Slaves in contrast are forced into ‘relationships’ to produce offspring for their masters, with there being little care for what else they do when they are no performing their duties.   The customs regarding inheritance are Male-preference primogeniture, although it is not binding, for most masters. A man's eldest son is his heir, followed by his second son, then his third son, and so on. In theory, the youngest son is followed in the line of succession by the eldest daughter. A man's daughter generally inherits before her father’s brother. When a ruling master dies and leaves no clear heir, their widow might lay claim upon his lands and rule until her own death, and in such a case, might name an heir by herself.   Individuals like experienced adventurers and mages are often spared the worst of this system as a result of the power they oft possess.


The Infrastructure of the Yhess Kingdoms is extensive, with roads connecting the major cities, aqueducts bring what water they can down from mountains, and extensive sewage systems, all constructed by slave labour.

Agriculture & Industry

The Yhess States exist in a barren and arid region of Runetalras and as such their farming efforts for foodstuffs has been lacking, they do however, farm significant amounts of luxury goods, like spices and silk. The Yhess Kingdoms are renowned for their work with gold and gemstones, in both jewelry and in architure, but the true industry of the Yhess is their enormous slave trade.


The region that the Yhess Kingdoms occupy were dominated by three fallen empires, each existing in different Ages. They were the Vrael, Startouched, and Cinderblood empires, all of which are noted for their brutality and use of slavery. Whilst the Yhess Kingdoms could not be considered successors to these empires, certain cultural elements have influenced the Yhess, particularly the acceptance of slavery.   The Yhess Kingdoms themselves were founded towards the end of the Age of Blood in 962:Blood. Since the Yhess Kingdoms were found they have been steeped in conflict. Most of these conflicts have been small in scale, and were either conflicts between the Yhess Kingdoms or between the Yhess Kingdoms and kingdoms across the Seuibe River. There have, however, larger scale conflicts, with the Republic of Valantia, Aran’Nack, Northern Defensive Union, and the Unvanquished Domain.

The Chains That Bind

Population: 8,240,000
Founding Date
Political, International
Alternative Names
The Slave States
Power Structure
Economic System
Major Exports
Dimeritium, Gold, Coffe, Glass, Jade, Dyes, Salt, Incense, Ivory, Spices, Slaves, and low quality industrial products.
Major Imports
Timber, Silk, Mithral, Platnium, Cocoa, Arcanium, Copper, Livestock, Ironwood, Wine, Beeswax and Honey, and as well as extra-regional foodstuffs.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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