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Humans are the most widespread, and some would say successful, race of Runetalras, and can be found throughout the known world. Humans can be disagreeable and racist towards the nonhumans, which has sometimes lead certain other races to view them with contempt. They were renowned for their diversity and ambition, and although they lack genetic specialization, they have excelled in many areas.

Physical Appearance

Humans are, on average, somewhere from 5'‒6'4" (1.52‒1.93 m) in height and usually weigh around 114‒270 lb (51‒123 kg), making them taller than both elves and dwarves, but shorter than Dragonborn and half-orcs. Humans possess skin tones from pale to ebony, and a similarly large array of hair colours from blond, red, brown, to black.

Lifespan and Maturity

Humans lifespan, like most races, varies greatly based upon their conditions, with the typical human living anywhere between fifty and sixty, and in rare cases up to one century. Humans age visably throughout their lifespan, and being losing their vitality from the age of forty onwards, typically becoming infirm from the age of sixty. Humans reach physical maturity from the age of eighteen, but most societies consider a human to have reached maturity from the age of sixteen.

Human Abilities

Perhaps humanity's greatest feature is its adaptability, which has allowed them to thrive in virtually every corner of the known world; this adaptability has allowed humanity to become the dominant race of Runetalras in a relatively short amount of time. The elves, on the other hand, have argued that humanity’s greatest ability is that they can out breed many of the Elder Races.

Psychology and Culture

As humanity is so varied, diverse, and spread out humans can not be said to either possess a unified culture or Psychology, but do however, ideanity with the psychology and culture of the kingdoms and city-states which they belong to.

Human Kingdoms

As humanity is both the dominant races of Runetalras and has spread to virtually every corner of Runetalras it is unsurprising that have created a great number of kingdoms and city-states; those being the Free States, Atarsid City-States, Kasari Dominion, Kingdom of Thaxnoria, Republic of Valantia, Velgan Empire, and Yhess Kingdoms

Human Ethnicities

Groups of humans have had a history of categorising themselves into groups who share some cultural and skin deep physical characteristics. The commonly accepted human ethnicities are:   Atarsie pronounced Ah-tar-cee The Atarsie are a group of peoples that typically make their home within the Atarsid Isles. They are believed to have travelled from, what now is known as, the Seldori Range during the Age of Contact   Avmans pronounced Ah-vuh-mans The Avmans are common throughout the Kingdom of Thaxnoria and Free States. They are humans who remained within the Kingdom of Avadel within, what now is known as, the Seldori Range until the Age of Blood where Avadel was destroyed and the land underwent massive geographical change. Since then a mass wave of migration was thrust upon the Avmans as they travelled for habitable lands in a wave of migration known as The Exodus. The Avmans settled within the lands now known as Thaxnoria and the Free States, coming into conflict with the peoples already settled in those lands. The Avmans and the Barites have effectively become one ethnicity with the difference being a matter for historians and noble houses within the Kingdom of Thaxnoria.   Barites pronounced Bar-rites The Barites are common throughout the Kingdom of Thaxnoria and Free States. They are believed to have migrated to the continent of Runedastil from the Seldori Range and the Kingdom of Avadel during the Age of Contact and the Age of Conquest. It was the Barites that carved out kingdoms both pretty and grand from the elder races during the Age of Conquest. The Barites came into conflict with the Avmans when a mass migration of them occurred as a result of the Age of Blood. The Avmans and the Barites have effectively become one ethnicity with the difference being a matter for historians and noble houses within the Kingdom of Thaxnoria.   Hevessie pronounced Huh-ves-sea The Hevessie are the dominant human ethnicity within the Yhess Kingdoms, and also the northernmost Free States. They are believed to have migrated from, what now is known as, the Seldori Range during the Age of Contact to southern Undras eventually forming the Yhess Kingdoms. Another wave of migration occurred during the Age of Conquest, where populations of Hevessie crossed the Seiube River coming into conflict with the elder races and Barites and colonising the region. The Northern Defensive Union is made up of majority Hevessie Free States.   Kasari pronounced Car-sar-re The Kasari are the largest ethnicity within the Kasari Dominion which takes its name from its ethnic group. The Kasari have at varying times classified subgroups of Kasari, those being High Kasari, Cavari, Morehemians, and Lekskis, however, these would be more aptly described as cultural differences. The Kasari are believed to have migrated from, what now is known as, the Seldori Range to the continent of Talduras during the Age of Conquest, coming into conflict with the elder races already populating the region.   Mossada pronounced Moss-add-dar The Mossada are an ethnicity of people who are common within the Yhess Kingdoms, but also further north in the Mossada Wastes where they are said to have hidden kingdoms. The Mossada are believed to have migrated from, what now is known as, the Seldori Range during the Age of Contact to Undras.   Ordess pronounced or-dess The Ordess are the largest human ethnicity within the Wild Isles and populous within the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy. There are competing claims upon the origin of the Ordessie, most believe that they migrated from, what now is known as, the Seldori Range during either the Age of Contact or Age of Conquest. However, the records of other races and some archaeological evidence may indicate that the Ordessie predate conventional contact with humanity.   Palemen The Palemen, or as they call themselves the Runemanic, are the largest human ethnicity within the far south of both Talduras and Taunas. There are competing claims upon the origin of the Runemanic, most believe that they migrated from, what now is known as, the Seldori Range early in the Age of Contact as the Kasari and Velgan note they were already present. However, the records of other races and some archaeological evidence may indicate that the Runemanic predate conventional contact with humanity.   Velgan pronounced Vell-gan The Velgan are the largest ethnicity within the Velgan Empire which takes its name from its ethnic group. The Velgan have at varying times classified subgroups of Velgans, those being Great Velgans, White Velgans, and Donars, however, these would be more aptly described as cultural differences. The Velgan are believed to have migrated from, what now is known as, the Seldori Range to the continent of Taunas during the Age of Conquest, coming into conflict with the elder races already populating the region.

Human Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores each increase by 1.   Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the Languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.

Human Variant

Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.   Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.   Feat. You gain one Feat of your choice.

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