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Kasari Dominion

The Kasari Dominion is the Reich of blood, iron, and flame, born in the aftermath of the Age of Blood and certainly shaped by it. The Kasari Dominion is high militaristic and nationalistic Kingdom built upon keen political sense, the blood of the Kasari peoples, and the use of force.


The Kasari Dominion’s territory encompasses the entirety of the Talduras continent. To the North-East is the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy and the Wild Isles, to the North the Ardenals, Uvani Hilllands, and Kingdom of Thaxnoria, to the West the Velgan Empire, and to the South-West the Seat of the last Jarl.   The Kassari Dominion is an Empire composed of a number of Elector-Kingdoms, regions, and Free Cities, who have become strongly linked, politically, economically, socially, and culturally over the existence of the Kassari Dominion.   The Kasari Dominion is comprised of the Elector Kingdoms of Asxony, Cavaria, Hochover, Lekska, Morahemia, Östersar, Prussari, Thurinarz, the Free City and Elector Region of Hamhafen, and the semi-autonomous regions Nordenkleiner, Zwerthaig, and, Aine Aevon


The vast majority of the population of the Kasari Dominion is human; the most common recognised ethnicities are the High Kasari, Cavari, Morehemians, and Lekskis, while the Palemen and Velgans are less common Human ethnicities. There are significant minorities of dwarves, elves, halflings, gnomes, and dragonborn, with smaller minorities of the other races.


The Church of the Crimson Flame is the official religion of the Kasari Dominion and is the most popular religion of the kingdom. The Church is fully integrated into the state structure of the Kasari Dominion. The dogma of the Crimson Flame is based upon belief that the Radiant Lady is the only true faith. The Crimson Flame believe that arcane magic and mages are the greatest threat to all good people of the world, as mages have incredible power with little control; this is demonstrated in the numbers of mages practising forbidden magics, summoning of fiends, and creation of weave aberrations all of which wreak havoc and destruction upon the faithful.   Despite the illegality, there are other deities and faiths worshipped within the Kasari Dominion, some of these are the Seldarine is the most popular pantheon among forest gnomes and elves, and the Morndinsamman among dwarves and rock gnomes. Likewise the Draconic Pantheon are favoured among the draconic races.

Racial Relations

The racial relations of the Kasari Dominion are complex and based upon religious doctrine. The religion of the region following the Age of Blood was the Radiant Lady worshipped through the Church of the Eternal Flame, however the Kasari state intervene and caused a schism resulting in the creation of the Church of the Crimson Flame created; the deviations being on the nature of the races.   As a result racial relations towards nonhumans in the Kasari Dominion can be broadly positive, while discrimination does exists it mostly casual lacking venom, legal discimnation, and violence; however, this is only the case when nonhumans embrace and accept the culture of the Kasari Dominon, and the religion of the Crimson Flame. Those who do not are subject to violent and legal discrimination, similar to that experienced in other kingdoms.

Views on Magic

The Kasari Dominion has amongst the worst outlooks upon magic and mages of Human kingdoms. The Kingdom proclaims that magic is the most dangerous force in all of Runetalras, and has led to the greatest catastrophe in all of history, the Age of Blood. Magic is outlawed within the Kasari Dominion, all who are capable of casting it save for the priests of the Radiant Lady are condemned to among the worst Arcane Bastille in all of Runetalras.


The Kasari Dominion is not legally a hereditary monarchy, but in effect it has been for over two hundred years. Legally the Kasari Dominion is an elective monarchy, with each of the Elector Princes possessing one vote, the Crowned Heir Apparent also possess one vote, additionally the Crimson Hieropatriarch and his Titular-hierophant of the Church of the Crimson Flame both gain one vote. It is the Hozollern dynasty that has ruled for over two hundred years; a task accomplished by keen politicking.

International Relations

The defining feature of the international relations of the Kasari Dominion is their constant vying, conflicts, and war with the neighbouring Velgan Empire. This conflict is the result of overlapping territorial claims and religious tensions between their two competing sects of the faith of the Eternal Lady.   With much of the rest of Runetalras the Kasari Dominion maintains neutral and trade relations. They put a great deal of practical value of their relations with the Republic of Valantia, as their purple sails can prove vital in their conflict with the Velgan Empire.


Like most Human kingdoms the peoples of the Kasari Dominion are not entitled to any form of education. Children thus receive their necessary education from family, friends, townsfolk, or employers. There are exceptions to their rule, the nobles and wealthy are able to afford tutors or to send their children to private schools or academies. Another option is the Church of the Crimson Flame, when children are given to the Church they are instructed in a wide variety of subjects ranging from history, to religion, to brewing. There are also a number of universities that have received charter from the Kaiser sparsely populated throughout the Reich, which educate to a much higher degree.

Gender, Sexuality, and Inheritance

As a result of the Kasari Dominion being made up of several provinces and kingdoms there are differences in views on gender and sexulity, whilst the Kasari kingdoms are generally homogeneous the provenances of Aine Aevon, Nordenkleiner, and Zwerthaig do differ for many of the generally accepted view elsewhere within the Kasari Dominion.   Within the Kasari Dominion the society generally accepts two genders, male and female. It is also not generally accepted that a person can identify as a gender which is different to their biological sex; whilst those that do face social stigma. This is not to say that people of other gender identities do not exist, indeed they are more common within Aine Aevon, Nordenkleiner, and Zwerthaig.   There are also strict gender roles throughout much of the Kasari Dominion. Men take on physical roles which range from physical labour to martial pursuits, however, the halls of economic, financial, and political power are almost wholly the domain of men. Women are generally relegated to the roles within the context of the household, raising children and taking on jobs which can be performed in home such as weaving and looming.   There is little sexual freedom throughout much of the Kasari Dominion, a direct result of the dominant religion, the Crimson Flame, which decrys homosexual acts as an abominantion and sin. These acts, and people whose sexual idenities differ to hetrosexaulity certainly exist but face discimination.   The customs regarding inheritance and landownership are rather uniform throughout the Kasari Dominion. Male-preference primogeniture is customary, although not binding, for most nobles. A man's eldest son is his heir, followed by his second son, then his third son, and so on. In theory, the youngest son is followed in the line of succession by the eldest daughter. A man's daughter generally inherits before her father’s brother. When a ruling lord dies and leaves no clear heir, his widow might lay claim upon his lands and rule until her own death, and in such a case, might name an heir by herself.   Individuals like experienced adventurers and mages are often spared the worst of this system as a result of the power they oft possess.


Much of the domestic trade within the Kasari Dominion is done so through rivers, however the Dominion possesses a decent system of paved roads to facilitate adequate trade time on land. The majority of towns and cities possess an advanced sewage system, and aqueducts allow the peoples of the Kasari's great cities to drink clean water.

Agriculture & Industry

The Kasari dominion is well renowned for the efficiency and quality of its manufactured goods from textiles, to woodwork, to siege weapons. The Dominion’s agricultural production is less desirable, Thurinarz, Hochover, and Aine Aevon are net producers of agricultural products, but Dominion other regions are less prosperous agriculturally.


The Elector-Kingdoms, regions, and Free Cities that make up the Kasari Dominion have long histories, however, the Kasari Dominion itself was established within the Age of Contempt.

Age of Contempt

Wild Cleansing 3-23:Contempt. Wild Cleansing was the initial form that the Grand Cleansing took, it was disorganised, chaotic, and bloody. People sought to take vengeance upon those they blamed for the Age of Blood, which at first were mages, but then turned towards the elder races, they were hunted down, tortured, and burnt at the stake.   The Eternal Flame takes hold of Kasari Kingdoms 10s-60s:Contempt. The Faith of the Eternal Flame became the Largest Religion in the Kasari Kingdoms, particularly driven by the Kasari Kingdom Cavaria (now the Elector-Kingdom of Cavaria).   The Fall of Oxenfurt 20:Contempt. Oxenfurt (now the Imperial City of Oxengrad) was conquered by the Velgan Empire in 20:Contempt. The growth in the Velgan Empire's strength led to an anxiety and concern in political thinkers of the Kasari people.   The Controlled Cleansings 23-105:Contempt. Witch hunters and demagogues were gaining great power from capitalising on the Wild Cleaning, great economic harm was being done to the kingdoms paralysed by bloodshed. Brightswords took control of the Cleansings, while Kingdoms legalised much of the discrimination and persecution of mages and elder races.   Crimson Flame is Founded 36:Contempt. The faith of the Crimson Flame is founded within the Elector-Kingdom of Asxony.   Springtime of the Nation 98:Contempt. The anxiety from the Fall of Oxengrad manifested first in the Springtime of the Nation, a series of revolutions that took place during 98:Contempt. The revolutionaries formed popular diets (assemblies) and demonstrations. The revolutions were largely led by well-educated students and intellectuals, they called for Kasari national unity or a Kasari state, freedom of publication, and freedom of assembly. The revolutions were poorly organised and factionalism ran rampant as groups argued over minute details, they were largely united by their rejection of traditional, autocratic structures and desire for Kasari unity. The Springtime of the Nation was put down violently by the conservative rulers of the individual Kasari states.   The Crimson Flame takes hold of Kasari Kingdoms 110s-180s:Contempt. The faith of the Crimson Flame became the dominant religion within the Kasari Kingdoms and then the Kasari Dominion.   Wars of Kasari Unification 126-132:Contempt. The threat of the Velgan Empire and the memory of the Springtime of the Nation inspired political thinkers, key among them Otto von Schonmarch Chancellor of Prusari. Schonmarch convinced the monarchs of Prusari and Östersar to form a union and launched the Wars of Kasari Unification which were a series of military and diplomatic conflicts which took place between 126:Contempt and 132:Contempt. The Wars resulted in the formation of the unified Kasari Dominion.   Crimson Flame State Religion of the Kasari Dominion 140:Contempt. The Kaiser proclaimed the Crimson Flame to be the Official State Religion of the Kasari Dominion.   First Kasari-Velgan War 141-144:Contempt. The First Kasari-Velgan War was launched by the Kasari Dominion. The short and limited war began with an invasion of the Velgan Empire across the Bloody Strait; it resulted in the liberation and restoration of Oxenfurt at the expense of the Velgan Empire. A fragile peace, supported by great diplomatic effort, took hold.   Second Kasari-Velgan War 204-216:Contempt. The Second Kasari-Velgan War was begun by the Velgan Empire, who recaptured Oxengrad and restored it status as an Imperial City of the Empire. Small scale battle took place on either side of the Blood Strait and the War lulled to an end with no official peace, however, the conflict is generally seen as at an end by 213:Contempt.   Lekski Rebellions 270-278:Contempt. The Lekski Rebellions were a series of rebellion and insurrection against the Kasari Dominion, and sought the return to Lekski independence. They were primarily led by disaffected members of the Lekski nobility, which in turn were secretly supported, in terms of finance and additional forces, by the Velgan Empire. The Rebellions bleed into the Third Kasari-Velgan War 278-292:Contempt.   Third Kasari-Velgan War 278-292:Contempt. The Third Kasari-Velgan War was preceded by the Lekski Rebellions of the 270s:Contempt. Under the guise of the offer of full military support the Velgan Empire was welcomed into much of Lekski, and garrisoned its fortresses and castles. This led to open war between the Kasari and Velgans once more. Soon the Velgans betrayed Lekski and imposed Imperial rule. The War lingered for over a decade with few decisive battles, and little territorial movement beyond the initial large seizure of territory at the start of the War. The Third War like the second stalled to an end, an official treaty was signed between the Kasari Dominion and Velgan Empire, however, it did not recognise the territorial changes of the war.   Fourth Kasari-Velgan War 333-339:Contempt. The Fourth Kasari-Velgan War was launched by the Kasari Dominion to reclaim its conquered territories. The Kasari attempted to make use of their imprisoned mages to combat the Velgan mages. This resulted in disaster for the Dominion, when the Kasari imprisoned mages, led by Bilgaforth Thalmann, rebelled in Bilgaforth’s Rebellion; the chaos it caused within the Dominion let it to sue for peace with the Empire, in return the Empire gain more territory than it started the war with.   Fifth Kasari-Velgan War 361-442:Contempt. The Fifth Kasari-Velgan War was launched by the Velgan Empire and coincided with the hundreds years freezing. The Velgan Empire mounted a multi-front invasion of the Kasari Dominion, much of this matched across the frozen Bloody Strait; the Battle on the Ice took place in the southern stretches of the Strait, wherein the Kasari turned back the Velgan invaders. While the Battle on the Ice ended the hopes of the invasion of the south of the Kasari Dominion, the north faced difficult, slow, and protracted warfare. The conflict stopped and started, and was distinctly slower than past wars which had hoped to avoid the worst of past hundreds years freezings. When the freezing came to an end in 425:Contempt and the ice landbridge thawed the Velgan Empire’s position on the continent of Talduras became tenuous, and by 427:Contempt it has lost all it territory it has conquered from the Kasari Dominion since the Third Kasari-Velgan War.   Sixth Kasari-Velgan War 499-501:Contempt. The Sixth Kasari-Velgan War was a wholly different kind of war. The Sixth war escalated from a series of navel conflicts. This resulted in mass conflict in the seas around both kingdoms, whilst both combatants raided the shorelines of one another. Unusually cold and severe storms affected the Velgan and Kasari lands for two decades starting in 500:Contempt, this led to the destruction of much of both fleets, whilst bitter combat destroyed the remainder. By the end of the War, nothing material was gained by either side, both lost any claim to strength at sea, and both began to rely upon the Purple Sails of the Republic of Valantia. Some have, without evidence, claimed that it was Valantia itself that had started the conflict to increase their presence in the south of the world.   Crystalline Convergence 533:Contempt. The Crystalline Convergence caused chaos within the Isles, as it did much of Runetalras. The Convergence vastly increased the danger that the manipulation of magic poses as allowed Weave Aberrations to enter into the Prime Material Plane. It also introduced Corestone and Arcane Tempests into Runetalras, both of which are incredibly disruptive and dangerous forces. Within the Kasari Dominion, the persecution of mages was redoubled and the Kaiser himself endorsed witch hunters and populist violence against magic users.

Kasari, Kasari über alles, über alles in der Welt (translation: Kasari, Kasari above all, above all in the world)

Kasari Army motto: Loyalty wins battles, organisation wins wars

Population: 23,050,000
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The United Kasari Kingdom, The Holy Kasari Empire, the Kasari Kaiser Reich
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
In order from high to low value, respectively, these are Platinum Eagles, Golden Crosses, Silver Flames, and Copper Swords
Major Exports
Animal Furs, Animal Hides, Timber, Fowl, Cereal Grains, Copper, Flax, Marble, Iron, Fish, Swine, and high quality industrial products.
Major Imports
Yew Wood, Adamantine, Cocoa, Coffee, Incense, Ivory, Jade, Spices, Sugar, Tea, Mithral, Weaveite, Dimeritium, Ironwood, as well as extra-regional foodstuffs
Legislative Body
Bunderstack, a parliament representing various nobles, civil servants, and guilds, the Bunderstack is led by the Reich Chancellor, who is appointed by the Emperor
Official State Religion

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