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Morndinsamman (Morn-din-sam-an)

The Morndinsamman, also known as the Dwarven or Rock Gnome Pantheon, is a pantheon of deities that receive the vast majority of their worship from the dwarves and rock gnomes of Runetalras. Like the dwarvesand rock gnome themselves, worship of the Morndinsamman has spread throughout much of Runetalras, from the Velgan Empire and Kasari Dominion in the south to the Atarsid Isles in the north.   The methods and core tenets of the Morndinsamman remain remarkably consistent throughout Runetalras, perhaps the results of strong written and oral history traditions amongst the faithful of the Morndinsamman; the sole exception to this is the worship of Kalerdun, which as a rule is only found within the Atarsid Isles.   It is rare for priests to dedicate themselves to individual deities within the Morndinsamman, although it is not unheard of, instead most pay worship to the deity of the Morndinsamman most relevant to them at the time.  
Deity Deity Snippet Alignments Domains
Moradin Father of the Morndinsamman, creator deity, patron of crafting, research, nobility, and lawful order LG, LN Forge, Knowledge, Order
Berronar Matriarch of the Morndinsamman. and patron deity of hearth, home, peace, and protection LG, LN, NG Life, Peace, Twilight
Brightmantle Patron diety of knowledge, discovery, and innovation LN, N, CN Arcana, Forge, Knowledge
Dumathoin Patron diety of wealth, mining, subterranean exploration, and the dead LN, N Grave, Trickery
Hanseath Patron deity of war, battle, carousing, and alcohol N, CN, CE War
Kalerdun Patron deity of the seas, fire, and survival in the deserts; typically only worshipped within the Atarsid Isles CN, N, LE Flame, Light, Nature, Tempest
Sharindlar Patron deity of the arts and romantic love CG, NG, CN, N Life, Peace, Trickery
Thard Patron deity of survival, hunting, and nature CN, LN, N Life, Nature
The Silverbeard Patron deity of battle, valour, and honour LG, LN War
Vergadain Patron deity of trade, commerce, bartering, wealth, and ambition, but also luck and chance CG, CN, CE Forge, Trickery


(Mor-ra-din) Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral Domains: Forge, Knowledge, Order   Moradin is worshipped as the head and first of the Morndinsamman pantheon, and the deity of creation, craft, and the noble races as a whole. Moradin is believed to be the creator of Runetalras, the cosmos, and breathed life into the noble races. Moradin is seen as the father of the dwarves and rock gnomes. As well as creation, Moradin is also worshipped as a deity of crafts, ranging from intricate work of jewellery, to the more physical acts of construction and forging; all of these acts not only require skill but also intricate knowledge of their art. His priests also strive for innovation and improvement of individuals and their creations. As the head of the Morndinsamman, Moradin and his worshipers are the chief source of justice, with his teaching being stern, harsh, but also fair. The priests of the Morndinsamman also believe that kings have a divine right to rule over the noble races, and are tied to political establishments where dwarves and gnomes thrive.   Some priests of the Morndinsamman dedicate themselves to individual deities of the pantheon, these priests are the minority as most are dedicated to the pantheon as a holistic religion; Moradin has more of these priests than any other member of the Morndinsamman. These priests play a role of moral guardianship and political legitimacy. These priests loudly proclaim the importance of producing something physical of worth through acts of mining, smithing, engineering, and other acts of crafts and production. These priests also play a role in annoying political heads of kingdoms, notable examples being Aran’Nack, the Craglands, and Makthoria. The priests of Moradin are typically patriarchal, with females being excluded although this is not to say that no women dedicate themselves to Moradin but they are excluded from the establishment. Priests of Moradin typically clad themselves in heavy armour and silvered helms.   Although Moradin is the deity of the Morndinsamman with the largest following, there are few temples solely dedicated to Moradin. The few temples that exist are large grand structures, filled with gold, mithral, and objects of innovation. These temples are typically found within capital cities and are used for religious and state ceremonies.   Moradin depiction has settled upon a dwome (the offspring of a gnome and dwarf), but has historically also been depicted as a dwarf and gnome. He is depicted as well-muscled and wide built, his eyes are blue glowing to white and he has long hair and a longer beard. He wears gilded intricate gold armour and is depicted with an anvil and hammer oft in the process of forging.


(Bear-o-nar) Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good Domains: Life, Peace, Twilight   Berronar is worshipped as a deity of hearth, home, peace, and protection. Berronar is the matriarch of the Morndinsamman, and the wife of Moradin. Berronar is a figure of unity, compromise, peace and reconciliation. The faithful of Berronar act as they believe their deity would, acting as negotiators between clans and kingdoms during conflict and hostilities, teachers, and even marriage counsellors. The priesthood believes themselves to be the moral compass of the noble races and is conservative; with sone opposing same-sex relations, as well as those outside of the noble races as they do not contribute to the strength of the culture and peoples.   Like much of the Morndinsamman there are few priests dedicated to the worship of a singular deity. Berronar is no exception, but her clergy are outspoken for their numbers.   Berronar is oft depicted as either a gnome or dwarf, who is normally larger, buxom, and perhaps in her middle age. In peace she is depicted in simple dresses while in war, she wears the finest armours.


(Bright-Mantle) Alignments: Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral Domains: Arcana, Forge, Knowledge   Brightmantle is worshipped as a deity of knowledge, discovery, and innovation. There are few followers dedicated to Brightmantle among the faithful of the Morndinsamman. There are also few amongst the faithful of the Morndinsamman who worship Brightmantle as a deity of the arcane. Those who direct their worship towards Brightmantle are made up of arcanists, scholars, scribes, as well as inventors. Various shrines to Brightmantle have over the years become homes to fraternities of arcanists and scholars revealing in discovery, invention, and knowledge.   Brightmantle is often depicted as a robed man the good pulled up to obscure his features. A book or scroll is often within his hands or under an arm.


(Doom-a-thorn) Alignments: Lawful Neutral, Neutral Domains: Grave, Trickery   The faithful of the Morndinsamman believe that Dumathoin is the incarnation of the noble races’ love for mining, gems, and subterranean exploration. Dumathoin is also the deity associated with the dead among the Morndinsamman, though the culture of the noble races is not to dwell on their dead as they have returned to the stone. With the Morndinsamman mythology Dumathoin is seen as distant, and more interested with mining than the exploits of the other deities.   The few priests that do exist explicitly to Dumathoin watch over mining exploits to maintain safety, prospect for minerals and gems, restrict areas for the burial of the dead, and scout for threats from the Underdark.   Dumathoin is oft depicted as an older gnome, wearing exploration gear and with a pickaxe.


(Han-sarth) Alignments: Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil Domains: War   Hanseath is worshipped as a deity of war, battle, carousing, and alcohol. He is viewed as a deity who is at home in the throes of battle and when he has a horn of ale in his hand. Hanseath has a mixed reputation among the faithful of the Morndinsamman. Those who favour Hanseath are at home in fights fending back invaders, enjoying the honours of battle, drinking to excess, whoring around, and getting into mischief. The detractors of Hanseath find the veneration of Hanseath to be antithetical to civilisation and culture but find the bloodlust and revelry to be an occasional necessity.   The faithful of the Morndinsamman who favour Hanseath tend to be mercenaries, warriors dedicated to endless combat, and drunkards who surround themselves in revelry.   Hanseath is oft depicted as a strong and fat male, clad in little armour. He also wields a battleaxe in one hand and a horn overflowing with ale in the other.


(Kal-er-dun) Alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Evil Domains: Flame, Light, Nature, Tempest   Kalerdun is worshipped as a deity of the seas, fire, and survival in the deserts. Kalerdun has virtually no purchase outside of the Atarsid Isles, as the deity of seas, fire, and the desert. The faithful of Kalerdun have an aversion to the subterranean lifestyle, believing that the best lifestyle is among the sands and seas where they can feel the warmth of the sun upon the skin and reave among the seas to support their families. It is said that Kalerdan came to the exiles of the Black Mountain and taught them to reave and construct dragonsmouths upon their ships to aid them.   Kalerdun revives a great deal of veneration from all those faithful of the Morndinsamman throughout the Atarsid Isles.   Kalerdun is oft depicted as a dark skinned male, in ill fitting pale robes and a head wrapping.


(Shar-in-del-R) Alignments: Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Domains: Life, Peace, Trickery   The faithful of the Morndinsamman believe that Sharindlar represent an aspect of the noble races that are rarely seen by outsiders, for Sharindlar is the noble races’ deity of fertility, love, life, and healing. Sharindlar is worshipped when love is first sparked, at weddings, and when the noble races are courting one another. Sharindlar is also worshipped as a deity of the arts and music, as such is the favoured deity of bards, musicians, artists, and romantics.   The few priests of Sharindlar act to spread beauty and love among the faithful of the Morndinsamman.   Sharindlar is oft depicted as a young and beautiful woman, large of hips, bosom, and wide of build. Her hair is long and red.


(Th-ard) Alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil Domains: Life, Nature   Thard is worshipped as a deity of survival, hunting, and nature as such receives little attention from the majority of the faithful of the Morndinsamman; the sole exception of this is the faithful within the Wild Isles where Thard receives significantly more attention. Thard is viewed as a harsh deity that only takes pity on those who strive and fight to eke out an existence in the hard world.   The faithful of the Morndinsamman who pay homage to Thard specifically tend to be outlanders, rangers, and those who must make a living in the wilds.   Thard is oft depicted as a female clad in worn leather armour and a thick hooded cloak. She carries a bow and sometimes is depicted with a dead monstrosity at her feet.

The Silverbeard

(The Silver-beard) Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral Domains: War   The Silverbeard is worshipped as a deity of battle, valour, and honour in combatThe faithful of the Morndinsamman view The Silverbeard as a noble warrior who fights not because he enjoys it but because it is necessary. The Silverbeard viewed as strong but not cruel, skilled at battle but dislikes bloodshed, and loyal but not headstrong, he is an exemplar to the followers of the Morndinsamman and those who devote themselves to The Silverbeard.   Those who specifically devote themselves to Clangeddin tend to be made of warriors, soldiers, and the most honourbound of mercenaries.   The Silverbeard is most often depicted as a well built man, clad in platemail and wielding two axes.


(Ver-ga-dane) Alignments: Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral Domains: Forge, Trickery   The faithful of the Morndinsamman believe that Vergadain is the epitome of the ambitious nature of the noble races. He is a deity of trade, commerce, bartering, wealth, and ambition, but also luck and chance; detractors proclaim the deity as a deity of little more than wealth hoarding and trickery. Vergadain is perhaps the deity with the largest amount of iconography, as the gold bars in a scale symbol of Vergadain are displayed within noble race banks throughout Runetalras, and worship to him is known throughout ambitious members of other races and kingdoms.   Those who devote their worship to Vergadain tend to be merchants and bankers, charlatans, thieves, and gamblers, and all those who ambitiously seek wealth.   Vergadain is most commonly depicted as an elderly man, with a grey beard and balding head marked with liver spots. He is finely dressed, chains and rings of gold and gems. He wears the short cap common amongst bankers of the noble races.
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