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Elector-Kingdom of Lekska

The Elector-Kingdom of Lekska was once a fiercely independent kingdom which distinguished itself from the other Kasari kingdoms with its own culture and traditions. However, the Kingdom greatly declined during the Age of Contempt when the Golden Privage took hold. This decline lasted until its absorption into the Kasari Dominion, where new life was breathed into the Kingdom.  


Lekska is a large kingdom, consisting of many low density woods, fields of green, rolling hills, and large open plains, the latter of which has led to horse riding traditions among the population. Lekska is also one of the western kingdoms that must contend with incursions from the Velgan Empire in normal times, and are a battleground during the Great Chills. In the north large mountains break the plains and snow never leaves them. Lekska like the rest of the Kasari Dominion, faces chills in summer and very cold during winters, with large snow drifts being common.  

Level of Autonomy

Within the Kasari Dominion power is greatly decentralised, as the Holy Kasari Emperor is not an absolute ruler; they act as the primary arbiter within the judicial system, the ceremonial head of state, and only a member of the Council of Elector-Princes. Given the Holy Kasari Emperor is not considered the ruler of all provinces and Elector-Kingdoms, each has broad power to act autonomously and as a semi-sovereign entity. Given this they have their own set of laws and traditions, however, they must make some tributes to the Holy Kasari Emperor and in times of war must contribute to the Kasari Army, however each Elector-Kingdom retains command of its own forces.  

Race Relations

The racial relations of the Kasari Dominion are complex and based upon religious doctrine. The religion of the region following the Age of Blood was the Radiant Lady worshipped through the Church of the Eternal Flame , however the Kasari state intervene and caused a schism resulting in the creation of the Church of the Crimson Flame created; the deviations being on the nature of the races. As a result racial relations towards nonhumans in the Kasari Dominion can be broadly positive, while discrimination does exists it mostly casual lacking venom, legal discimnation, and violence; however, this is only the case when nonhumans embrace and accept the culture of the Kasari Dominon, and the religion of the Crimson Flame . Those who do not are subject to violent and legal discrimination, similar to that experienced in other kingdoms.  

Views on Arcane Magic

The Kasari Dominion has amongst the worst outlooks upon magic and mages of Human kingdoms. The Kingdom proclaims that magic is the most dangerous force in all of Runetalras, and has led to the greatest catastrophe in all of history, the Age of Blood. Magic is outlawed within the Kasari Dominion , all who are capable of casting it save for the priests of the Radiant Lady are condemned to among the worst Arcane Bastille in all of Runetalras.  


The Elector-Kingdom of Lekska was once a fiercely independent kingdom which distinguished itself from the other Kasari kingdoms with its own culture and traditions. At no time was Lekska greater than under King Kasamir the Great, who improved the country’s infrastructure, doubled the size of the country, codified its laws, and made it wealthy. Kasamir extended royal protection to nonhumans. Kasamir recognised that the country needed a case of educated people of any race, especially lawyers, who could codify the country’s laws and administer the courts and offices. His efforts also created the University of Krakcor.   Kasamir faced difficulties in the liberalisation of his country, and in gaining investment for infrastructure of educational facilities. To accomplish this he was forced to provide rights, protection, and leniencies to the nobles of the country. Kasarmir died unexpectedly during a hunting accident, and as he had only female heirs the nobles took power, greatly expanded their power and rights at the expense of the Monarchy, leading to a period known as the Golden Privage. Over time the country became disunited, and ripe with political strife and military conflict between nobles who had carved up the country for themselves.   It was within the context of the Golden Privage that Lekska was faced with the Wars of Kasari Unification. The country was unable and unwilling to field an army to oppose the Kasari Dominion, as nobles squabbled and warred with one another; the war lasted but six weeks as the Kasari armies moved almost unopposed. As Lekska was brought into the Kasari Dominion the line of Kasamir was brought into ascendance once more with the Elector-Princes’ power restored.  


The Church of the Crimson Flame is the official religion of the Kasari Dominion and is the most popular religion of the kingdom. The Church is fully integrated into the state structure of the Kasari Dominion . The dogma of the Crimson Flame is based upon belief that the Radiant Lady is the only true faith. The Crimson Flame believe that arcane magic and mages are the greatest threat to all good people of the world, as mages have incredible power with little control; this is demonstrated in the numbers of mages practising forbidden magics, summoning of fiends, and creation of Weave Aberrations all of which wreak havoc and destruction upon the faithful.   Despite the illegality, there are other deities and faiths worshipped within the Kasari Dominion , some of these are the Seldarine is the most popular pantheon among forest gnomes and elves, and the Morndinsamman among dwarves and rock gnomes. Likewise the Draconic Pantheon are favoured among the draconic races.  


The people of Lekska have since the reign of Kasamir the Great had a strong conection to the arts, human or nonhuman; indeed Lekska has been hospitable to dissident or nonhuman artists of all kinds.   Lekska cuisine shares many similarities with Kasari and Velgan cuisines, being rich in meat, especially pork, chicken, an beef. Winter vegetables are common, as is the characteristic of noodles notably Kluski, and the hearty use of cream and eggs. Traditional alcoholic beverages include honey mead, and vodka.

God, Honour, Fatherland

Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization

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