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Seldarine (Sell-da-rain)

The Seldarine are a shadow of what they once were in the time of the Elventine. All that is known of the Seldarine has been pieced together from oral traditions and rare artefacts that have survived steel, fire, and the millenia that have passed since the dawn of the Age of Conquest.   The documenting of the Seldarine, and much else of Elventine culture and history, has been made difficult for several reasons; humanity no doubt played the most destructive role, burning cities, temples, books, and people all the same; the role of successive raids on the successor kingdoms of the Elventine carried of riches and knowledge alike and burnt what they could not or would not take; the historical and cultural distortion and revisionism of humans did and does make the reconstruction of knowledge more difficult as those who captured Elventine cities and records have ubiquity disinherited the achievement of the Elventine. The role of the Elventine in the destruction of their own history cannot be ignored, as during its long death throws the Elventine burnt down its own cities and temples so they would not fall into human hands.   Those that favour the Seldarine worship the pantheon as a whole, but also individual deities when they have a specific desire; for example they may pray to the Seldarine but if they hope to make archaeological discoveries they may also pray to Labelas.   The Seldarine is worshiped, primarily, by the heirs of the Elventine, the forest gnomes and the elves. They receive worship from those within the Elnurian Forest, Legvaren, and the dispossessed elves and gnomes within human kingdoms.   In the vast majority of cases temples are dedicated to the Seldarine as a whole not any specific deity, however, temples to the Seldarine are not equal displays of worship. Most temples favour a few deities in specific depending on differing interpretations and local context. Larethian and Angharradh almost always have a special place within temples to the Seldarine, and within Legvaren Sehanine, Shevarash, and Athbheo receive a special place, within Elnuria Rillifane and Solonor do, and within Old Garstil Rillifane and Sehanine do.

The Seldarine

Deity Deity Snippet Alignments Domains
Larethian Deity of creation, magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare. CG, CN Arcana, Forge, Life, War
Angharradh Deity of safety, family, protection, and fertility. NG, N Life, Light, Nature, Peace, Twilight
Analor Deity of healing, bringing an end to suffering, and death. NG, N, NE Death, Life, Grave
Athbheo Deity of anger, revenge, revanchism, and hatred of humans. LN, LG, N, LE Order, War
Deep Selesh Deity of the seas, rivers, and water, as well as protection from the elements. CG, CN, N, CE Tempest, Twilight
Erevan Deity of trickery, mischief, and thievery. CN, CN, CE, N Trickery
Hanali Deity of romantic love, beauty, and joy. CG, CN Life, Peace
Labelas Deity of history and knowledge. N Arcana, Knowledge
Liothiel Deity of agriculture and harvest. CG, CN Life, Nature
Rillifane Deity of nature and druidism. CG Life, Nature
Sehanine deity of the moon, mysteries and secrets, and protection of the dead and protection during travel. CG, CN Grave, Trickery, Twilight
Shevarash Deity of loss and hatred of the drow N, NE, NG Grave, War
Solonor Deity of the hunt, survival, and the warden against encroachment. CN, N, LN, CE, CG Nature, War
Vandria Deity of justice and punishment. LN Order, War


(Yar-eh-thain) Alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral Domains: Arcana, Forge, Life, War   Larethian is worshiped as a deity of creation, magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare. The First of the Seldarine, is thought by the followers of the Seldarine to be the creator of the Feywild and its inhabitants, including the elves, gnomes, and dryads, although they do not proclaim them to be the creator of Runetalras itself. The First of the Seldarine is also thought to have created the rest of the Seldarine, although tales differ on if this was spontaneous creation or reproduction with Angharradh.   The First of the Seldarine is thought to be the creator of magic and master of the weave which allows all creatures to tap into it. Similarly, they are also worshiped as a patron of music, poetry, and crafts among the faithful. They also receive worship as the deity of protection and warfare, although the exact nature is disputed some believe Larethian to be sole a deity of defence whilst others view them as an aggressive deity devoted to the destruction of enemies and even potential enemies.   The First of the Seldarine depictions are so varied that they were once believed to be multiple different deities. They have been depicted as male, female, and androgynus, although it seems that the androgynus depiction was more common in the days of the Elventine and it has now become the default depiction. The depictions also differ on their garb, in their warrior aspect they wear armour, arcane aspect robes with staff, and aspect and the patron of the arts luxurious clothing with musical instruments.


(Ang-ha-rad) Alignments: Neutral Good, Neutral Domains: Life, Light, Nature, Peace, Twilight   Angharradh is worshiped as a deity of safety, family, protection, and fertility. The Queen of Kind is believed to have been the first deity created by Larethian or the first to come to the fore, she is also said to have created the rest of the Seldarine pantheon with Larethian. She is worshiped for protection in difficult times, for the safety of family, and when trying for children.   Angharradh is most oft depicted as a beautiful female maid, with long flowing blonde hair, large eyes, wearing a long delicate white dress and with a sword at her side; their have also been depictions that are believed to be of Angharradh found with her in breastplate and armour with a shining helm. There are also common depictions of Angharradh that have been discovered which depict her surrounded by Liothiel, Sehanine, and Celanil with the Queen of Kind glowing radiant, although the meaning of this has yet to be discovered.


(An-nel-or) Aligments: Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil Domains: Death, Life, Grave   Analor is worshiped as a deity of healing, bringing an end to suffering, and death. He is worshiped particularly by healers and those who seek to bring about an end to suffering and pain. There are extremist interpretations of those who favour Analor who believe that all life is suffering and bring the gift of death to others.   Analor is oft depicted as a tall male, with unnaturally pale blue eyes, and silver and white robes.


(Aeh-thay-hoe) Aligments: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Neutral, Lawful Evil Domains: Order, War   Athbheo is worshiped as a deity of vengeance, revanchism, and hatred of humanity. There have been few artifacts discovered of Athbheo, and those have have have been hotly contested with some decrying them for fakary; regardless worship of Athbheo has become are distinct part of the Seldarine, as it appeals to a wide range of peoples abused, discriminated, and brutalised by humans. Athbheo is seen as a angry and violent deity that supports war, murder, and battle against humanity.   Athbheo is oft depicted as a well built male, with harsh features, blue eyes, long white hair, shining full plate armour and a large great sword.

Deep Selesh

(Deep Sell-esh) Alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Evil Domains: Tempest, Twilight   Deep Selesh is worshiped as a deity of the seas, rivers, and water, as well as protection from the elements. The Lord of Seas is seen as an uncaring deity only swayed by whim and devotion. He is worshiped to gain protection from devastating floods, when one needs safety upon the seas, and when weather turns and cold creeps.   Deep Selesh is oft depicted as a blue skinned male with an ornate trident, and webbed hands and feet.  


(ear-van) Alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, Neutral Domains: Trickery   Erevan is worshiped as a deity of trickery, mischief, and thievery. Different interpretations of Erevan place his severity either at playing tricks and fooling other deities and individuals or stealing important objects and causing harm to others for amusement. Some followers of the Seldarine decry Erevan as a rogue deity while others admire him as a well meaning outcast willing to stand up to the high and mighty. Many elves and gnomes who make their homes within human settlements pay particular worship to Erevan for what he represents, as do hermits, outcasts, the isolated, pickpockets, rogues, thieves, charlatans, and even assassins.   Erevan is often depicted as a male human wielding twin daggers and clad in armour and a hooded robe. Erevan has also been depicted as a male devoid of weapons save for a staff.  


(Han-ell-i) Alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral Domains: Life, Peace   Hanali is worshiped as a deity of romantic love, beauty, and joy. She is worshiped by the young and lovestruck, those seeking love, pleasures of the flesh, and all manner of enjoyment. There are multiple interpretations of Hanali, some hedonistic while others have more conservative forms with the faithful administering wedding vows.   Hanali is oft depicted as a young and beautiful maiden, garbed in fine revealing clothing.


(lab-ell-as) Alignments: Neutral Domains: Arcana, Knowledge   Labelas is worshiped as a deity of history and knowledge. There are few that choose to worship Lebelas in particular other than wandering elves, and historians, as they represent a niche aspect to most. Labelas is seen as the most likely deity to reveal the lost history of the Elventine to the world, a task most see as good but few see as likely.   Labelas is oft depicted as androgynus, with silver cloured hair, an eye patch over his right eye, and fine robes.


(Leo-fell) Alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral Domains: Life, Nature   Liothiel is worshiped as a deity of agriculture and harvest. She is believed to be a relatively newer deity as the artifacts discovered of her date to the late period of the Elventine. She is worshiped by those who make their living from farming in its various forms and is particularly prayed to before the harvests are brought in to gain her blessing.   Liothiel is often depicted as a larger well-muscled female garbed in simple clothes, with a sickle, and is often depicted with flowers or wheat.


(Rall-i-fane) Alignments: Chaotic Good Domains: Life, Nature Rallifane is worshipped as a deity of nature and druidism. Rallifane receives wide worship among the followers of the Seldarine, and especially those in areas of deep woodland. Those who favour Rallifane evoke him when they must protect their lands from encroachment.   Rallifane is oft depicted as an elderly man, in earthy robes, armed with an enchanted staff.


(Sell-han-aine) Alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral Domains: Grave, Trickery, Twilight   Sehanine is worshiped as a deity of the moon, mysteries and secrets, and protection of the dead and protection during travel. Sehanine is prayed to during long nights, when trying to hide or uncover secrets, or during travel in harsh or brigand filled lands. Sehanine is also the protector of the dead, who is believed to guide the dead to the afterlife; followers devoted to Sehanine call themselves moonbows and act to guard graveyards and certain roads.   Sehanine is often depicted as a young woman with large dark eyes, long black hair, silver armour, a blade of shining light and a pale white longbow.  


(She-var-rash) Alignments: Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral Good Domains: Grave, War Shevarash is worshiped as a deity of loss and hatred of the drow. Worship of Shevarash seems dated back to at least the Age of Contact based on artefacts dated to the Age. Shevarash is prayed to by those grieving and by those who wish to take vengeance upon the drow. Based on the number of artefacts discovered it appears that Shevarash had a much larger following in the days of the Elventine that contemporarily, perhaps suggesting the drow were more of a factor in Elventine life, perhaps through raiding. There are two major interpretations of Shevarash, a vengeful and violent one and a mournful and protective one. The followers of shevarash regularly make common cause with those of Athbheo.   Shevarash is oft depicted as a female with harsh features, grabbed in armour over dowager robes, and carries mace and shield.


(So-low-nor) Alignments: Choatic Neutral, Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Evil, Choatic Good Domains: Nature, War   Solonor is worshiped as a deity of the hunt, survival, and the warden against encroachment. It seems that Solonor was a long-standing deity within the Elventine, however, based on a seeming increase in artefacts and depiction, it appears that Solonor’s importance increased during the Age of Conquest. This importance has endured the collapse of the Elventine and fall of Elventine culture as the protection from encroachment is appealing for many. Solonor is seen as a deity that supports both violent and nonviolent means to preserve what remains where the Seldarine thrives. Those who pay particular worship to Solonor are rangers, hunters, and the peoples of the Elnurian Forest who face lose of home and habitat persistently.   Solonor is oft depicted as a lean & muscular male clad in a cloak of leaves, and earthy toned armour, holding a bow and with a scimitar at his side.


(Van-dre-ah) Alignments: Lawful Neutral Domains: Order, War   Vandria is worshiped as a deity of justice and punishment. Based on ruins and artifacts it seems that Vandria was a far more significant time in the Elventine than she is today. Strangely despite Vandria’s description as a deity of justice and punishment, she seems heavily connected to war and martial aspects. There is little to suggest what type of justice and punishment Vandria was connected to in the Elventine; this has lead to greatly divergent interpretations of Vandria, within Legvaren she is seen harsh and retributive deity while in the Elnurian Forest she is generally view as a forgiving deity if the guilty is remorseful and willing to improve.   Vandria is oft depicted as a female in her middle age, with dark hair in a braid, eyes surrounded by shadow, and a stern look upon her face. She wears chainmail and a balanced double bladed sword.
Religious, Organised Religion

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