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'…but it was truly the Dracoplague the work of the Aen Selath, … that led to their current situation. Today true dragons… are near extinction.' - The Dracoplague, unknown author

True dragons are winged reptiles of ancient lineage and fearsome power. They are known and feared for their predatory cunning and greed, with the oldest dragons accounted as some of the most powerful creatures in the world. Dragons are also magical creatures whose innate power fuels their dreaded breath weapons and other preternatural abilities.   Though their goals and ideals vary tremendously, all true dragons covet wealth, hoarding mounds of coins and gathering gems, jewels, and magic items. Dragons with large hoards are loath to leave them for long, venturing out of their lairs only to patrol or feed. True dragons pass through four distinct stages of life, from lowly wyrmlings to ancient dragons, which can live for over a thousand years. Legends tell of even older and more powerful dragons known as greatwyrms whose powers could rival deities, although it is not known if they have ever even existed. In that time, their might can become unrivalled and their hoards can grow beyond price.  


The appearance of dragons varies depending on their species, but most have a reptilian appearance with scaly skin, sharp claws, and large wings. They also typically have long tails and horns, with some species sporting additional features such as spikes, frills, or even multiple heads. The colours of their scales can range from metallic hues such as gold and silver to more earthy tones like green and brown.


Dragons possess a wide range of magical abilities, including the ability to breathe fire, ice, acid, lightning, or poison, depending on their species. They are also highly intelligent and can speak various Languages, including their own draconic tongue. Dragons are known for their incredible strength, endurance, and agility, making them formidable foes in combat. They are also capable of flight and can travel great distances with ease.

Society and Culture

Most of draconic society and culture was destroyed with the fall of the High Empire of the Dragons, now dragons are known for their solitary nature, preferring to live alone or with a mate rather than in groups or societies. They are highly territorial and will fiercely defend their lairs and hoards from intruders. Dragons are also known for their love of treasure, often hoarding vast amounts of wealth and magical artefacts.   Dragons are highly intelligent and possess a deep understanding of magic and the natural world. They are known to collect and study arcane knowledge, often seeking out powerful magical artefacts or ancient tomes of lore.

Language and Names

Dragons have their own language, Draconic, which is a complex language with many subtleties and nuances. They are also capable of speaking the common Languages of the humanoid races, as well as telepathy with other creatures.   Dragon names are often long and complex, reflecting their ancient and powerful nature. They may also be named after features of their environment or their unique abilities. Most dragons may also adopt more common names for use with humanoids or other races.


The Draconic Pantheon has perhaps the longest and most interesting history of all pantheons and cult worshipped by the humanoid races. The history of the Draconic Pantheon is known to date back to the Age of Titans, when dragons and giants ruled Runetalras, it was in this Age when the High Empire of the Dragons is first known to have venerated the Draconic Pantheon; Dragons of Runetalras are keen to point out that they do not truly worship anything, but rather venerate powerful dragons from myth and history the actual difference between the two is unclear.


There are many different types of dragons, each with their own unique abilities and characteristics. Dragons are generally categorised as chromatic, metallic, and gem and Dracoplague dragons:   Chromatic Dragons are known for their evil alignment and destructive tendencies. There are five types of Chromatic Dragons, each associated with a different element and breath weapon:   Red Dragons: These are the largest and most powerful of the Chromatic Dragons, and are associated with fire. They are often depicted as arrogant and brutal, and enjoy hoarding treasure and dominating lesser creatures.   Blue Dragons: These dragons are associated with lightning and are known for their sharp intelligence and cunning. They are often depicted as being aloof and disdainful of others, and enjoy manipulating and controlling those around them.   Green Dragons: These dragons are associated with poison and are known for their deviousness and deceitfulness. They are often depicted as being cruel and manipulative, and enjoy using their intelligence to trick and manipulate others.   Black Dragons: These dragons are associated with acid and are known for their cruelty and sadism. They are often depicted as being vicious and brutal, and enjoy tormenting and torturing their victims.   White Dragons: These dragons are associated with cold and are known for their primal ferocity and aggression. They are often depicted as being feral and unpredictable, and enjoy hunting and killing for sport.   Metallic Dragons are known for their good alignment and noble qualities. There are five types of Metallic Dragons, each associated with a different element and breath weapon:   Gold Dragons: These are the largest and most powerful of the Metallic Dragons, and are associated with fire. They are often depicted as being wise and noble, and enjoy protecting and helping others. They are known for their healing abilities and are sometimes called upon to act as mentors to young adventurers.   Silver Dragons: These dragons are associated with cold and are known for their intelligence and wisdom. They are often depicted as being kind and benevolent, and enjoy helping those in need. They are also known for their powerful illusions and their ability to shape-shift.   Bronze Dragons: These dragons are associated with electricity and are known for their love of knowledge and learning. They are often depicted as being curious and inquisitive, and enjoy exploring the world and discovering new things. They are also known for their breath weapon, which can stun their enemies.   Copper Dragons: These dragons are associated with acid and are known for their playful and mischievous nature. They are often depicted as being friendly and outgoing, and enjoy engaging with others in conversation and games. They are also known for their breath weapon, which can slow down their enemies.   Brass Dragons: These dragons are associated with fire and are known for their love of conversation and debate. They are often depicted as being talkative and opinionated, and enjoy engaging with others in lively debates. They are also known for their breath weapon, which can put their enemies to sleep.   Gem dragons are unique among dragons in that they are not associated with a particular element or breath weapon, but rather with different types of precious gemstones. There are five types of Gem Dragons, each associated with a different gemstone:   Amethyst Dragons: These dragons are associated with the purple gemstone amethyst. They are known for their psychic abilities and their ability to communicate telepathically with other creatures.   Crystal Dragons: These dragons are associated with clear quartz crystal. They are known for their reflective abilities and their ability to use their bodies as mirrors to reflect magical spells back at their casters.   Emerald Dragons: These dragons are associated with the green gemstone emerald. They are known for their healing abilities and their ability to control plants.   Sapphire Dragons: These dragons are associated with the blue gemstone sapphire. They are known for their ability to breathe cold air and their control over ice.   Topaz Dragons: These dragons are associated with the yellow gemstone topaz. They are known for their electrical abilities and their ability to control lightning.   Dracoplagues: Finally Dracoplagues are an artificial species that were created by the Dracoplague which fundamentally degenerated a large number of dragons minds and bodies leaving them little more than violent beasts.

Noteable Dragons

  Caraki- Gold Dragon - Freed by the Heroes of the Free States from the City of Brass in the Elemental Plane of Fire, and later aided them in the Wars of Undeath.   Krasstron- White Dragon - Was the leader of The Fangs, a criminal organisation found within the City of the Sky, in the Elemental Plane of Air. Killed by the Heroes of the Free States.   Ralok- Blue Dragon - known as the Predator of the Peaks, made her home Savage Peaks on the continent of Undras. She was killed by the Heroes of the Free States in her lair.  


Dragons once dominated the skies and ruled much of Runetalras in their High Empire of the Dragons through the Age of Titans, only being rivalled by the Behemoth Kingdoms of giants. Much of what we know of the High Empire of the Dragons is myth and legend, some claim the dragons were benevolent rulers uplifting the races they held sway over, while others that the dragons were brutal despots who enslaved entire races to do their bidding. Whatever the case may have been, the dragon created a vast civilization with a unique culture, all of which were brought to an end with the Dracoplague.   The Dracoplague is a mysterious disease that haunts all of dragon kind, reducing them to more beastial creatures of violence and rage, and fundamentally altering their physiology. The disease affected more than just dragons, it also affected Dragonborn, kobolds, half dragons, Lizardfolk, drakes, fortails, slyzards, wyverns. The disease spread fast throughout dragon kind, and brought an end to the High Empire of the Dragons, an end to the domination of dragon kind, and end to the culture and civilization of the dragons. Since the Dracoplague the dragons have become a shadow and a mockery of their former selves. Dragons have been brought virtually to the point of extinction, they number few, and whatever culture they is destroyed with dragons now being solitary and hidden creatures. So reduced that dragon that they have become targets of professional hunters from the mortal races. Alchemy ingredients from the dragon's body are among the most expensive and highly sought after by mages. Dragon roasted tails are also considered a true delicacy, and their ground bones old women claim to aid in curing erectile dysfunction.
up to 1000 years

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