Council Members

While I keep a complete list of Council members (from before the Great War through the 1940s), many of their names have not yet appeared in the books. This list focuses on the ones that have been mentioned so far in published works. Here they're listed in alphabetical order.   Click on the linked names for more details about a number of Council members.  

Alcesta Romilly

Heraldic image: Azure sea horse on a black ground
Challenged: 1930
  A diviner, with a knack for finding missing people. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Richard Edgarton mentions that she's easty to work with and measured about what information she'll commit to. Seal House.  

Alexander Landry

Challenged: 1897   A ritualist , duellist , and Materia specialist with a particular interest in naming magics and related workings. He is a member of Dius Fidius. Hespiridon relies on him as a war dog, sent to do whatever necessary distasteful tasks fall to the Council. He spent the War leading a small party on magical attacks that included Isembard Fortier and Perry Judson. After the War, spent until 1924 entirely away from Albion, dealing with Council matters mostly in the Commonwealth countries.   Returned in 1924 due to curse damage to teach Ritual magic at Schola. Best Foot Forward finds him working with Geoffrey Carillon on a project of interest to the Council. (See his page for full details.) In Old As The Hills and Upon A Summer's Day he turns his focus to the needs of the Council during WW2. Fox House.  

Cyrus Smythe-Clive

Challenged: 1889   A specialist in Ritual magic, Theory, and Duelling. During the Great War, he had a role in Intelligence and Logistics. Member of Animus Mundi. During Old As The Hills and Upon A Summer's Day he rises to the challenge of holding things together through the challenges of WW2. (See his page for complete details.) Fox House.  

Desmond Belling

Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Challenged: 1930
  A member of the Astronomer's Guild with an interest in locational magic for ritual and scrying. Rathna suspects he's had a lot to do with warding magics, but doesn't know him well. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Owl House.  

Drisella Martin

Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Challenged: 1863
Died 1926.   Specialist in magical research and theory, as well as Incantation. She had a particular interest in making sure the Fatae kept their side of The Pact. Her escritoire appears in Fool's Gold. Owl House.  

Spoilers for Upon A Summer's Day

click to read
Gabriel Edgarton makes a successful challenge for the Council in November 1940. He insists that if he is successful, he have the right to share what he deems relevant with the Council from his experiences. The Council has a variety of reactions to his success - some in favour, some resisting change, some with other priorities of their own. It particularly puts him at odds with Silvia Warren. See his page for all his details. Salmon House

Garin Fortier

Challenged: 1907   Lord of Arundel, married to Livia Fortier (also a Council Member). He is the older brother of Isembard Fortier. Alchemist, and skilled duelist. He appears in Eclipse and With All Due Speed. His life changes dramatically as a result of the events of Old As The Hills and he is further challenged in Upon A Summer's Day. Fox House.  

Godfrey Peran

Heraldic image: red boar on a white field
Challenged: 1939
  Had a career in the Army before returning to Albion and eventually challenging for the Council in 1939. Richard Edgarton mentions that he's well-respected, knows his work, and both the Martial and Protective magics. Richard thinks he spent some time with Arthur Gospatrick on his way up the ranks. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Boar House.  

Hesperidon Warren

Challenged: 1883
Head of the Council: from 1896    A charming and ruthless leader, specialist in Duelling and Incantation. He is married to Silvia Warren (who joins the Council in 1925), his third wife. They have one son, Claudio, and Hesperidon had no children with his first two wives. Fox House.  

Hestia Palgrave

Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Challenged: 1887
Retired: 1926   A resourceful mentor. Briefly appears in Eclipse in a discussion of the building of Dinas Emrys: The Council Keep, a particular interest of hers. Owl House .  

Laodamia Noble

Heraldic image: Azure sea horse on a black ground
Challenged: 1938
  Has a knack for Sympathetic magic and Materia, publishing a few papers Gabriel Edgarton deems interesting. She's particularly interested in the locational implications and Mason has consulted her several times. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Seal House.  

Lettice Knole

Heraldic image: golden horse on a green field
Challenged: 1915
  A specialist in chronological magics, well-read, but not interested in social complexities. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day, where she wishes Rathna might be a little more moderating on Gabe. Horse House.  

Livia Fortier

Challenged: 1905
Died: 1940   Intense and difficult to be around (her husband Garin and brother-in-law Isembard Fortier often find her so. As do many others.) Fierce, highly skilled duellist, with an interest in Materia and Martial magics. Member of Dius Fidius. She appears in Eclipse and With All Due Speed and is referenced in The Hare and the Oak. Her death takes place during Old As The Hills. Fox House.  

Lucas Holder

Heraldic image: black salmon on a gold field
Challenged: 1924
  Has a specialty in Ritual and illusion magic. He's part of several meetings in Old As The Hills about Gabriel Edgarton's work for the Council. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Salmon House  

Mabyn Teague

Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Challenged: 1895   Specialist in Materia, with a strong background in Alchemy and Incantation. Member of Many Are The Waters. She has a circle of women among the Council she considers allies, including Silvia Warren (who she mentored), Hestia Palgrave, and Rhoda Morwen. (See her page for full details.) She's busy in Upon A Summer's Day as a moderating influence and as a support for Cyrus and Alexander. Owl House.  

Magister FitzAlan

Challenged: 1880
Retired: 1925   Specialist in Duelling, Warding, Protective, and Judicial magics. He collaborates with the Guard and judicial system around council matters, and appears in Pastiche (as well as a mention in The Fossil Door). Fox House.  

Malcolm Rolls

Heraldic image: white bear on a blue field
Challenged: 1927   Fair and consistent, Malcolm Rolls is the main contact between the Council and the Guard and Penelopes after Magister FitzAlan retires. He appears in Old As The Hills, assisting Cyrus. Specialist in Protective magics. Gabe gets on fairly well with him. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Bear House.  

Matthias Sisley

Challenged: 1908
Died: 1938   Specialist in Materia. Gregarious, cheerful, optimist. Nephew of Lord Sisley and father of Orion Sisley. He appears briefly at a bohort match in Eclipse to see his son play. Fox House.  

Orion Sisley

Challenged: 1945
Failed challenge: 1938   Orion challenges for the Council in 1945, in the wake of coming to grips with major changes shortly before and during the events of Illusion of a Boar in 1944.  

Nonus Powell

Heraldic image: Azure sea horse on a black ground
Challenged: 1931
  A former specialist from the Guard. He challenged for the Council when he wasn't up for that kind of physical work anymore. He did a fair amount of logistics work there, and he's either somewhat reclusive or avoids unnecessary conflict. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Seal House.  

Rhoda Morwen

Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Challenged: 1919
  Incantation and Enchantment specialist. She and her husband have a rather modernised trendy home (they host one of the gatherings in Eclipse) and she is very future-focused. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Owl House.  

Silvia Warren

Challenged: 1925   A talented and innovative Alchemist, also skilled at Materia. Married to Hespiridon Warren, and mother of Claudio Warren. She is insightful and perceptive, and Orion Sisley at one point describes her as steadily good at what she does, but not showy. She was mentored by Mabyn Teague to succeed in her Challenge, and they are close friends despite a significant age difference. She is discussed several times in The Hare and the Oak. A significant secondary character in Upon A Summer's Day. Fox House.  

Theo Carrington

Challenged: 1903
  Somewhat notorious for his affairs. At the party during which Temple and Delphina Carillon die in 1922. Mentioned to be a snob about background in Upon A Summer's Day. Fox House.  

Troilus Watts

Heraldic image: golden horse on a green field
Challenged: 1913
  A member of the Council since 1913, the events of Upon A Summer's Day make him uncomfortable. He's uncertain about people standing out (a somewhat odd perspective given his colleagues.) His brother Paulus was also on the Council from 1910 until his retirement for ill health in 1939. Horse House.  

Ulric Monkton

Heraldic image: white bear on a blue field
Challenged: 1932
  Specialist in Protective magics and warding. Apparently difficult to deal with. Son of the Major Monkton mentioned briefly in Pastiche who was at the end of a long career in the Guard at the time. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. Bear House  

Vidya Archarya

Heraldic image: black salmon on a gold field
Challenged: 1933
  A Healer, a niece of Dipti Archarya (deputy headmistress at Schola). Unusual in her background on the Council, both from her background and her profession. She has a particular interest in healing research, but she's also competent with emergency care. Appears in Old As The Hills and Upon A Summer's Day. Salmon House. Description. Mentioned in Upon A Summer's Day. House.
