Edgarton family
The Edgarton line has held the land magic for the western half of Kent for centuries, based from their estate at Veritas.
Richard Edgarton and Alysoun Edgarton first appear chronologically in Pastiche, when they sort out what it means to be married and in love with each other.
Later books include their children, Gabe (whose romance is in The Fossil Door) and Charlotte, whose romance with Lewis Wright is in Perfect Accord.
Gabe and Rathna's children appear in the Land Mysteries series. They are Rowena, Anthony, and Avigail. Charlotte and Lewis's children have not yet been mentioned in text (other than their general existence), but they are Clarence, Daphne, and Theodora.
They've also accumulated a collection of friends and chosen family including Magni Torham, Gilbert Oxley, Giles Lefton, Elizabeth Mason, and Agatha Witt. They're also close to (and allied with) Geoffrey Carillon, Lizzie Carillon, and by 1935, Alexander Landry.
Their appearances in chronological order:
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Three Tales of Gabe and Rathna (extra)
Scenes from 1907 through 1922 A collection of scenes from various points in Rathna and Gabe's lives. Includes scenes from Avigail Levy, Gil, Witt, Charlotte, and Magni 's points of view.Wards of the Roses
1920 The investigation of a mysterious house surrounded by roses. Richard is supervising the investigation, and Alysoun appears at the end.Ancient Trust
1922 Richard and Alysoun assist Geoffrey Carillon as he returns to Albion and settles into his new obligations. Overlaps with the events of Outcrossing.Extra available by signing up for my newsletter.