Neverwinter Stories: Campaign 1 — Session 40 Report in Forgotten Realms: AW Edition | World Anvil

Neverwinter Stories: Campaign 1 — Session 40

Book One: The Trees of Life and Death — Chapter Forty: Beautiful Competition

General Summary

Despite Alessandra and Lilith being swept away with verdant whimsy, the Redwings were still aware of their location due to Markus' familiars accidentally being brought with them. Using them as a compass, the point group spent the next few hours crawling through the deep woods after them. Soon they came across another barrier formed by a fairy ring, one much larger than before.
  A pixie, Penelope, followed our heroes, and when she saw they try to breach through the barrier, she offered them an invitation. With her permission, they made their way through a space filled with small versions of biomes both native and foreign to the Neverwinter Woods. The pixie explained that this was the Sylvan Circles, a diplomatic meeting ground where feyfolk of all kinds can come together, settle disputes, and form pacts. The enforcers to the laws and customs of this protected grove was an awakened tree known as The Judge. When brought before the mighty tree, it explained that their friends were bound by oath to champion their chosen dryad. Until the dispute was resolved, they wouldn't be able to continue their search for Furtîlorn.
  After the group paid their friends a visit in The Judge's underroot, Penelope offered to give the point group a tour of the circles. Erazek, Ilyra, and Askra accepted, while Markus and Trogo "Good Shot" decided to watch the competition from The Judge's crown. The cheery pixie showed many of the biomes, such as tiny deserts and tundras. When asked about the river that ran through the center of the Sylvan Circles, she said it was called the River of the Lost and explained how it got its name. However, when pressed for answers about the river, she was unable to answer. They traveled to where the north side of the barrier meets the river. What Ilyra found was a stone with worn, gnomish script on it. Askra couldn't understand it, but she could make out the name "Benjalem" sign below it. Erazek recognized the name, and together the four returned to The Judge's crown.
  The competition proceeded: Lilith started with a commanding lead, winning the Dryad and Saytr's challenges. Alessandra didn't go down without a fight and made a comeback by winning the Quickling and Korred's challenges. It came down to the last bout, the hag's challenge. The rules of the challenge were simple: perform acts for the hag until she determines a winner. However, the hag had far more sinister intentions and wasn't going to declare a winner until the other members of her coven said otherwise.
  Belak the Crimson Prophet, dressed in the garb of the Emerald Enclave, revealed himself to those in The Judge's crown. He explained that he infiltrated the Sylvan Circles by posing as a member of the enclave and that he proposed the last challenge, and the hag was his ally. He demanded that the party find and open the way to Furtîlorn. If they didn't submit, then the hag's challenge would never end, and the two girls would be forced to torture themselves to death.
  Not taking this sitting down, the Redwings and company retaliated. Ilyra took Belak hostage while Markus went to reveal the evil druid's plot to The Judge. However, it became apparent that the awakened tree was under some form of spell and could not take action against Belak. Understanding The Judge's implications of having a "heart condition," he reported back, gathered Ilyra and Askra, and left Belak with Trogo and Erazek. The three then delved into the awakened tree's underroot with Penelope as their guide. She showed them the way to The Judge's heart, where they found cursed chains and a conjured sword wrapped around it. It was clear to Markus that to break any of the rules written on the blade would curse the tree and transform it into a blight. Looking to break the spell as quickly as they could, the three worked together to destroy the sword and chains. Although they were successful, it came at a great cost. Ilyra sacrificed her arm to the curse. As she passed out from the trauma, Askra carried back through the tunnels toward the surface. Lilith could hear a loud bellow as the enraged ancient tree called out to Belak, and a fireball exploded from within their crown.

Rewards Granted

Due to her incredible performance during the saytr's challenge (and due to her player actually singing), Lilith was enamored by the praise and attention she was given, gaining inspiration.

Character(s) interacted with

The Redwings worked with Trogo "Good Shot", Ilyra Saevel Nylathria, and Erazek to guide the expedition.
  They encountered may fey when they arrived at the Sylvan Circles. Penelope invited the point group into the circles and served as a guide. The Judge hosted them and explained the rules of the circles. Maephera and Arilisa continued to obsess over their new champions.
  The leader of the Crimson Enclave, Belak the Crimson Prophet, revealed himself and his plot to the party.


  • Markus gave each of the girls an item to help them during the competition. To Lilith, he gave a saturated pellet of dust of dryness. To Alessandra, he gave his murder blanket.
  • Ilyra attempted to get Alessandra to drink a foul concoction that would "cure her hangover." Fortunately, She didn't believe her.
  • Lilith wore a silk dress decorated with roses to the contest. Alessandra had woven mesh of flours draped over her armor.
  • Alessandra nearly broke her geas during the quickling's challenge.
  • The conjured sword had rules written on it that said, "To speak of us is to become one. To oppose us is to become one. To break this is to become one."
  • Markus captured Ilyra's living arm and stored it in his bag of holding.
  • Alessandra fell unconscious from mutilating herself.
Report Date
31 May 2021
Primary Location



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