Neverwinter Stories: Book One – Chapter Twenty-Three Report in Forgotten Realms: AW Edition | World Anvil

Neverwinter Stories: Book One – Chapter Twenty-Three

Book One: The Trees of Life and Death – Chapter Twenty-Four: Spring Break

General Summary

Not long after collecting the heads of GeorGedor and his magical trinkets, the party returned to the dungeon's martialing area. With Grnak as their guide they freed the remaining prisoners. Chief among them was the elvish knight Sheldanna, who pledged a year of her service to Askra, and wandering carpenter named Pickled Pete. Soon followed Zalak, who, after signed a devil's contract with Jekyll, was more than a little confused about the party having fought the giant at Xantharl's Keep. He said that GeorGedor had been at the steading the entire time. The party tried to interrogate their ettin hostage's mind, but they had little success. Not soon after did they come across Miguel, who added the map he copied down to Alessandra's collection, completing the set. Wanting the fill their pockets even more, the tabaxi led the party through a secret door—straight into the sorcerer's treasure horde. There they not only found a wealth of magic items and valuables, but they also discovered the mortally wounded Unit 7-5-3. Quick as lightning Markus and Askra rushed to heal the construct. While they couldn't reattach his severed arm, they did keep him from the clutches of death.
  Suddenly, from the secret entrance they had come through, emerged the towering figure of GeorGedor. He shouted at the party and demanded that they return his urn and mindstone. Following him in was an even larger fire giant, one who introduced himself as King Gommoth; a Calimshan tiefling merchant named Merihim, the shadowy elf from before, and Evanolhis. To the party's surprise, the ettin's entourage was scolding him on how unsuccessful he has been in his mission and how the returns on their investments has been lackluster. They were also surprised to see that GeorGedor couldn't even handle the orcish uprising. Forced into a corner, the party sought to turn this to their benefit. Slowly yet deftly, Alessandra, Lilith, and Markus manipulated the conversation. Together they learned of how GeorGedor managed separate his minds and how he controls two bodies, won the favor of the investors, defamed the ettin, and brokered a deal to be rid themselves of GeorGedor for good. He would forfeit the duel between him and Zalak, making him the new chief of Heim Haug, the orcs would be given their freedom, and he would be exiled from the prime material plane. In return he would be given his urn and mindstone back. Reluctantly, the sorcerer agreed to the deal, and he was exiled to the shadowfell.
  Now free of the threat the wicked giant posed, and all four maps to Furtîlorn collected, our heroes were free to finally rest and refocus. Their next mission was to use the maps to find Furtîlorn, so they all agreed to go their separate ways, prepare for future trials, tie up loose ends, and finally reunite in 65 days at Heim Haug for feasting an planning. Evanolhis, Zalak, and Miguel also offered their help, as did the investors, who all extended to them the same offers they gave GeorGedor. Promising to elaborate at the coming feast, they left our heroes alone to rest and finalize their plans.

Character(s) interacted with

Erazek, "Frog Face" Frank, GeorGedor, Grnak, King Gommoth, Merihim, Pickled Pete, Sheldanna, Unit 7-5-3, Worvil "the Weevil" Forkbeard, and Zalak Dillon the Tiny Giant.
Report Date
22 Sep 2020
Primary Location


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