Neverwinter Stories: Campaign 1 – Session 26 Report in Forgotten Realms: AW Edition | World Anvil

Neverwinter Stories: Campaign 1 – Session 26

Book One: The Trees of Life and Death – Chapter Twenty-Six: There's Something in the Water

General Summary

With the feast finally over and a plan to enact, the Redwings and company did their finally preparations and Alessandra had some parting words with her brother Dariander. Everyone set out at noon: the Redwings to Icebrook Dairy, Miguel to Blackford Crossing, and the Forkbeard Family to the location marked on the 4th map.
  Our heroes arrived late in the day and decided to check on the Icebrooks before returning to and solving Benjalem's magic riddle. However, when they visited Ester Icebrook they soon discovered that the well water was foul and something was amiss. Apparently a sinkhole opened up just beyond the nearby stream. Lukas claimed to have seen stonework at the bottom of the pit, so he led the other farmhands down to investigate. Aware of the possible danger, The party promised Ester they would go and help the group and the cause of the tainted well water.
  After quickly answering Benjalem's riddle and acquiring the second lapis armillary ring, the Redwings descended into the sinkhole and explored the crumpling ruins below. Not long into their investigation they found three of the farm hands cocooned to the ceiling in corrupted foliage and guarded by a swarm of twig blights. After Lilith dispatch the evil plants the party extracted the farmhands from their leafy prisons. Lukas was fine, but the other two, Enma and Other Big Lou, were strangely diseased and acted near feral. The girl fled, but Markus subdued the halfling. After some questioning an assessing their health, Askra asked Sheldanna to guard the farmers while the adventurers delved deeper into the blight infested ruins.

Character(s) interacted with

The party had some partying words with Dariander Corlinnar, Miguel, and Worvil "the Weevil" before heading to the dairy with Sheldanna.
  When they arrived the questioned Ester Icebrook about the situation with the well and the sinkhole. After delving into the sinkhole they successfully rescued Lukas and Other Big Lou, and attempted to save Enma, but she fled the scene.
Report Date
20 Oct 2020
Primary Location


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