Inktober 2019 Day 18: Misfit

Today's Prompt:

A culture of people who live on the edge of society and who generally… do not belong. A sole wanderer, a vagabond of strange character and composure. An organization of extraordinary oddities with a common cause. Who sticks out? Who goes unseen? Who are these misfits?

Here are some recommended templates to get you started, but they are only suggestions, not requirements!

Share, inspire, and learn!

All Templates

These just point to the site's normal templates, but we made extras for the challenge to get your creative juices going!


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Oct 18, 2019 13:30
Oct 25, 2019 17:53 by Jimmy Shrekson

Just out of curiosity how do you get it to be the title of your article that comes up? I can't find a way and am stuck with heretical link-pasting. whatifiboughtfastfoodandpasseditoffasmyowncookingwhatifiboughtfastfoodandpasseditoffasmyowncookingwhatifiboughtfastfoodandpasseditoffasmyowncooking

Oct 25, 2019 19:10

You can use bbcode tags in the comments, not just in the articles.   You can also use the code links available from the edit page.   The WA codex is your friend in these matters ;)

Oct 26, 2019 12:06 by Jimmy Shrekson

Thanks! Remember to hail Shaggy and stay funky.

Oct 18, 2019 13:38 by Asmod
Oct 18, 2019 16:42 by Eric Ehlers
Oct 18, 2019 20:37 by Luiz Henrique P. de Carvalho

Drow size

In dire times, the men in power need very well trained and specialized assassins. In Archana they are locked down and put into a harsh routine of intensive training. From this group the Drow rose, a race born from the use of Dark magic for assassination.

Oct 18, 2019 21:00
Oct 18, 2019 22:53 by Visandar the Unliving

Just something very quick for today. One of these crows feels off? Because he's watching.  

Oct 19, 2019 00:55 by Kai

(this is my first time drawing eri, my story's protagonist. she's the only human in kariem)

Oct 19, 2019 01:46 by Anna

Oct 19, 2019 07:49 by Kelissana Eralyn

Oct 19, 2019 11:28
Oct 19, 2019 16:13 by Ariel Webster
Oct 19, 2019 17:53 by Atena Luna
Oct 19, 2019 23:31

Troublefinder Flag by Erik Baldassano

Oct 20, 2019 13:09 by Wendy Vlemings (Rynn19)

The Dancing Misfits
Organization | Nov 19, 2020

Author of Ealdwyll, a fantasy world full of mystery.
Oct 20, 2019 14:01 by Isaac A. Thompson

The Skardel trio are three half-elf sibling nobles who the rest of the nobility does not want. In the case of the youngest, Zoyaseon, the feeling is mutual.

Inktober 18 - Misfit by Isaac Thompson

Writer of Tiyu Amara, and The Last Line
Oct 20, 2019 18:57 by Sloqush
Oct 20, 2019 20:56 by Catoblepon

A bit late as the last prompts, but here you have.

Oct 20, 2019 21:11 by Melissa White

Day 18: Misfit I wrote a species called Human, Fringer from my continent of Dinoterra.

Oct 22, 2019 15:31 by Jaime Buckley

Day 18: Misfit is DONE! or

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Oct 22, 2019 17:23

Oct 24, 2019 20:55
Oct 25, 2019 17:51 by Jimmy Shrekson

Oct 26, 2019 14:49

A misfit in his own right, King Edward would not conform to the cruelty of his family's history, but defied them to begin the dawn of a new era.

Edward of Caisel
Character | Nov 2, 2020

The founder of the Empire.

Oct 27, 2019 07:26

Oct 27, 2019 19:10

Here is a few notes on a character I've been toying with for awhile. I'd flesh it out more but I need to catch up with prompts. Dhampire, Female

Oct 27, 2019 23:31 by Drew Peppley

Oct 30, 2019 13:53

A tale of two misfits, locked in battle.

Oct 30, 2019 16:25 by Snake Venom

Something needs to change or nothing can fit.

by Snake__Venom

Oct 31, 2019 02:18 by Dragon


Nov 1, 2019 15:48 by Terry-Lynn L