As the Cold War ended, the political theater of the world dramatically changed. Coupled with this was the abrupt appearance of individuals who displayed both miraculous – and alarming – abilities.   The need to observe and record, perhaps even intervene, in these para-normal situations, the United States formed a covert organization intended to cope with these situations. Their initial mandate was to record, observe, protect. This in turn grew a bit broader as the need arose to quietly intervene to protect innocent citizens.   This organization was called the “Strategic Analysis, Forensics, Enforcement Governance United Action Response Division” … or S.A.F.E.G.U.A.R.D.   At first, they were a collection of loosely organized ‘cells’ of agents. These cells knew little of each other, or the structure within which they operated for safety and security. With the rise of vigilante activity, the discovery of the legendary Captain America found frozen under the ice, the intermittent appearance of the ‘hero’ dubbed the Green Lantern, it was obvious that SAFEGUARD needed to slowly expand its operations.   Labs were built yet a loose structure was maintained. Then a bomb was detonated under Metropolis that sunk a large quarter of the city, and meta-powered gangs started to make an appearance.

Public Agenda

SAFEGUARD doesn't have a public presence. They are a covert agency, at times accused by conspiracy theorists to be the mythical 'Men in Black'.


As the Cold War ended, the political theater of the world dramatically changed. Coupled with this was the abrupt appearance of individuals who displayed both miraculous – and alarming – abilities.   The need to observe and record, perhaps even intervene, in these para-normal situations, the United States formed a covert organization intended to cope with these situations. Their initial mandate was to record, observe, protect. This in turn grew a bit broader as the need arose to quietly intervene to protect innocent citizens.   This organization was called the “Strategic Analysis, Forensics, Enforcement Governance United Action Response Division” … or S.A.F.E.G.U.A.R.D.   At first, they were a collection of loosely organized ‘cells’ of agents. These cells knew little of each other, or the structure within which they operated for safety and security.   With the rise of vigilante activity, the discovery of the legendary Captain America found frozen under the ice, the intermittent appearance of the ‘hero’ dubbed the Green Lantern, it was obvious that SAFEGUARD needed to slowly expand its operations.   Labs were built yet a loose structure was maintained. Then a bomb was detonated under Metropolis that sunk a large quarter of the city, and meta-powered gangs started to make an appearance.   In reaction to this, an oversight council was created in the United Nations that reported to the United Nations security council. This council was code named "Overwatch". Overwatch directs the actions of SAFEGUARD in response to threats from the Hammer Empire, AIM and other organizations that threaten safety of United Nations members.

Old notes

OOC note: the following is from a prior version we had of this particular Organization on a different site. Each part is under review as we decide what to keep, what to revise, and what no longer fits our world building at all.
  • Originator and leadership:
    Show spoiler

    The organization was initially founded by Cliff Secord, the WWII hero known as the Rocketeer.


    On Senator Secord’s retirement, he stepped down from the directorship. It was offered to Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde who turned it down. Dr. Gironde felt he would not do the position justice.

  • Connections worth checking: ally of group category
    Secret Society

Articles under SAFEGUARD


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