Introductory Briefing Prose in Tales of Justice | World Anvil

Introductory Briefing

Welcome To Safeguard

originally written and posted by Agent Chameleon's player on Thu, 04/18/2013; takes place during the "Up for GRABs!" adventure

"Gentlemen," Agent Chameleon said to his new colleagues as their recruiter quickly left them, "Welcome to the team. You'll shortly be receiving a message from me with an address on your new phones. That will be the location of the introductory briefing where you'll be given information pertinent to your new status as members of Safeguard. Attendance is not mandatory but you will learn details that would enhance your ability to fulfill your new duties and function as members of this cell. I hope to see both of you there."


And with that he faded from sight, departing the scene. Shortly afterward, Psypher and Gray Lama's Safeguard-issued phones alerted to them that they had a message. It contained the address to a house in Suicide Slum, along with a message.


Please make sure you travel to this site unobserved and enter discreetly through the back door.


Be seeing you.


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