Tales of justice Hearts of Ice

Hearts of Ice

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Dubious motivations are at work when someone creates and activates a prototype cross-reality portal device, which they call a "Stargate". The portal is destroyed by the heroes involved, but not before it transports into our reality a being from an alternate Earth.

  • First recorded contact with parallel dimensions.

  • Contacted dimension is Counter-Earth in the Marvel 616 Dimension. As the portal was destroyed by the heroes involved, the precise stellar coordinates were lost.

  • Victor von Doom of the "2099" limited series, from very early in the first issues, is the transplanted individual. Here is a world with no Reed Richards and no Latveria, where Doom can be a neutral party rather than an automatic villain.

  • Both heroes involved retired from Masked Mystery Woman life within a year, and are no longer available for interview.

Related timelines & articles
Tales of Justice Timeline
Tempest (article)
SAFEGUARD (article)
NYC (article)