United Nations of Earth

The United Nations of Earth (UNE), commonly known as the United Nations (U.N. or UN), or Earth is an interstellar government organised as a representative democracy. Its capital is Earth, located in the Sol System. The primary population of the United Nations are Humans, who evolved on Earth, achieving manned spaceflight in 1959 CE (Earth calendar). The population of the UNE is notable for its dedication to egalitarianism, as well as its fascination with foreign cultures. The UNE is comprised of a large number of nation-states, which are represented in the United Nations General Assembly through elected representatives. In addition, the UNE is noted to have strong idealistic values towards species rights and democracy, and holds the values of liberty and individual freedoms to the highest regard. The UNE is one of the founding members of the Interstellar Concord, an alliance of egalitarian nations.

Table of Contents


The United Nations of Earth is structured as a federal parliamentary representative republic. It is typically classified as a liberal mixed-market democracy, with low levels of corruption.

The General Assembly is the sole legislative body for the UNE, and has 2,501 members. The General Assembly is elected on a district basis, where citizens vote for a local representative, who then attends the General Assembly on Earth. The General Assembly has significant political power when compared to the executive and judicial branches of goverment. The head of government is the Secretary-General, who is elected by a majority vote upon commencement of the General Assembly.

The President is the head of state of the UNE, and is elected through a popular vote among all citizens of the UNE. The President's powers are limited compared to that of the General Assembly, and is responsible for signing or vetoing legislation, pardons, acting as the diplomatic representative of the UNE, acting as the Commander-in-Chief of the UNE, and several other duties. The executive function of government is handled through the United Nations Executive Council, which consists of the President, the Secretary-General, and cabinet.

The UNE has an independent judiciary separated from the executive and legislative branches of government. Local or planetary courts handle smaller crimes, while the United Nations Court of Justice is the highest court of appeal, as well as matters of constitutional importance. In addition, the UNE operates on a civil law system.

The smallest division of the UNE is an electoral district, which is typically confined to a section of a single planet or orbital. In cases where a colony or outpost does not have enough people to justify a district, it is placed within the nearest district. Electoral districts are purely for electing members of the General Assembly, and do not constitute an administrative division.

The lowest tier of administrative division is instead a planet or system habitat complex. Planets are permitted to elect their own governors and organise themselves as they see fit, as long as they adhere to the rules set out in the constitution. In exchange, planets have rights provided by the constitution, such as limited interference from the federal government and the ability to create military units for self-defence.

The middle tier of administrative division is that of sectors. A sector includes multiple planets and star systems, and is overseen by a sector governor appointed by the federal UNE government. Sector governors are responsible for managing uninhabited systems, maintaining relations between the member planets of the UNE, and coordinating the development of those planets where possible. Sectors are not represented in the General Assembly, and only exist as an administrative layer. Above the sector administrations is the federal government, which governs the entirety of the UNE from Earth.



During the first half of the twentieth century CE, Earth was divided into a number of warring states and competing alliances. In the aftermath of the First World War (1914-1919 CE), an international organisation called the League of Nations was formed in order to maintain world peace. However, it failed in its mission, and on 1 September, 1939 CE, the Second World War broke out. The Second World War was primarily fought between the egalitarian Allies and the militarist Axis, with mobilisation numbers in the hundreds of millions. The Allies won the war in 1945 CE, when two atomic weapons were used on the last remaining Axis member. Following the war, the victorious Allies created the United Nations on 24 October, 1945 CE. Like the League of Nations, its goal was to promote world peace and diplomacy, but unlike its predecessor, it did not require unanimous approval to undertake actions.

The immediate aftermath of the Second World War saw the two main Allied powers - the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - split apart along ideological lines. The United States believed in liberal capitalism, while the Soviet Union believed in collectivist socialism. As the two superpowers had nuclear weapons, outright war was impossible without destroying the planet. Instead, the two engaged in economic and political competition to prove the superiority of their ideologies. This became known as the First Cold War.

First Cold War

On 4 October, 1957 CE, the Soviet Union successfully launched a satellite named Sputnik 1 into low Earth orbit. This was the first Human-made object placed into a stable orbit, and began a period known as the Space Race. The Soviet Union was also the first nation to successully place a Human in orbit, with the Vostok 1 mission on 12 April, 1961 CE. However, the Space Race was ultimately concluded by the United States on 16 July, 1969 CE, when the Apollo 11 mission landed two Humans on Luna, Earth's natural satellite.

The First Cold War came to a conclusion in 1991 CE, when the Soviet Union voluntarily dissolved, emerging as a number of democratic successor states. The United States and its allies were left as the uncontested world superpower, and their ideology was viewed by some as the ultimate conclusion of Human political thought. However, by the 2020s CE, the People's Republic of China had emerged as another competitor to the United States, and a resurgent Russian Federation, born from the ashes of the Soviet Union, began aggressively expanding its territory. This period marked the beginning of the Second Cold War.

Second Cold War

At the same time, Human industry was causing significant effects on Earth's climate. Chemicals released into the atmosphere by heavy industry began absorbing sunlight and raising the planet's temperature. Throughout the 21st century, the issue of climate change came to dominate the politics of the planet. In desert regions, resource wars began over dwindling water supplies, fuelled by the two superpowers in an effort to secure petrochemical resources. The United Nations, which many considered a failed organisation by this point, was nearly overwhelmed with requests for aid by nations across the planet. However, the UN was able to successfully stabilise multiple countries. By the late 2040s, several nations had ceded their national authority to the UN as trust territories, to positive results.

A new Space Race began in the late 2020s CE, as American astronauts once again landed on Luna. Several nations set up permanent settlements on the moon, as well as stations orbiting both celestial bodies. In 2039 CE, the United States the first nation to land on another planet, this time Mars. In the decades that followed, the International Space Agency was formed to coordinate the acitivites of the various nations of Earth in space, and small colonies were established on Mars.

On 13 August, 2044 CE, the president of the Russian Federation died, throwing the nation into political turmoil. A civil war broke out, and neither of the two superpowers trusted the other to intervene to secure nuclear weapons. Instead, a multinational coalition under the United Nations intervened with the support of both China and the United States. Its mission gradually expanded, until it was effectively a third belligerent in the conflict. By the end of the decade, however, UN forces had seized the capital city, and a provisional government under UN supervision was declared.

The BosWash Riots of 2067 CE, centred in the northeastern United States, had a profound effect on both the country and the rest of the world. Sweeping changes to legal systems across the world were made, and police were generally demilitarised. However, the global power and prestige of the United States was greatly diminished as a result of these violent weeks.

Climate change and great power competition worsened over the second half of the 21st century CE, but the UN was able to attain more and more power. Before the century had concluded, over two-thirds of Earth's nations had ceded their sovereignty to the organisation, while retaining their own self-rule. Chinese and American armed forces clashed during the Second Korean War and the Taiwan War, but nuclear war was averted thanks to the intervention of the United Nations.

Continuing Unification

Despite the best efforts of the UN and scientists, climate change worsened in the late 21st century CE. This was compounded in 2072 CE by the impact of the asteroid 711494 Satis into the nation of Canada, destroying its most resource-rich province and causing significant devastation to the rest of the continent. To deal with the increasing chaos on the planet, the UN began adopting more heavy-handed policies, such as banning the production of certain highly pollutive products globally without consulting its member states. In 2082 CE, the International Space Agency detected an anomaly at the outer edge of the Kuiper Belt. An unmanned probe dispatched to the located discovered a tear in the fabric of spacetime - a wormhole. A second probe sent through the wormhole found itself in the Deneb System, and a habitable planet was discovered, suitable for Human life.

The United Nations and the International Space Agency immediately commenced the Ulysses Initiative. Its goal was to transport 1.5 million colonists to the Deneb System, using six purpose-built ark ships constructed in Earth orbit. The International Space Station II was the base of operations for the Ulysses Initiative, which took thirteen years to complete. In 2095 CE, the six ark ships were launched, but as the final ship - the Hyacinth - passed through the wormhole, it collapsed, and the ships were considered lost with all hands. The Ulysses Disaster put a damper on Earth's burgeoning space industry, and all further extrasolar colonisation efforts were immediately abandoned.

With a failing economy and looming authoritarianism, the United States surrendered its sovereignty to the United Nations in the first years of the 22nd century. Only two years later, however, its rival in China experienced three coups in one year, and with the threat of civil war, requested the intervention of UN peacekeepers. The final nation to surrender its sovereignty to the UN was the United Kingdom, which agreed to join in the year 2130 CE.

World Government

With every nation on the planet now a self-governing state under the governance of the United Nations, the New York Conference began in early 2131 CE. During this conference, the nations of Earth agreed that the United Nations of Earth would be the sole governing body of the planet, and was reorganised to better suit this role. It would act as a federation of all the nations of the planet, but individual nations would continue to self-govern under democratic systems. While the majority of the population accepted the role of the UNE as a world government, there were many who continued to resist.

Colonel Edward Tetchu, leader of a brigade of UN special forces, seized a fortified airbase in Mauritania in 2188 CE, taking multiple high-ranking hostages. Together with local militia, other defecting UN units and uprisings across the African Union, they demanded the restoration of the old system of national sovereignty. The United Nations refused to negotiate, and a bloody three-month battle left tens of thousands dead, but Colonel Tetchu was apprehended and faced trial. Although many continued to resent the UN's all-encompassing global authority after this, there were no future armed revolts.


In 2193 CE, scientists discovered the existence of a dimension within subspace that could potentially allow for the rapid transit of matter, faster than light, between star systems. This dimension, called hyperspace, was studied further, and the hyperlanes were discovered. In 2198 CE, the first hyperdrive was developed, and an unmanned probe was sent through a hyperlane to the adjacent system of Alpha Centauri. There, it a habitable world was discovered, and efforts were immediately made to construct new hyperspace-capable ships that could explore the galaxy.

The first hyperspace-capable science ship, the UNS Discovery, was commissioned in 2200 CE, and arrived in the Alpha Centauri System only a few weeks after its launch.


The population of the UNE is primarily Human, with significant numbers of Rocs, Kiliks, Scyldari, and mechanical citizens; virtually all species in the galaxy are present within the UNE in significant numbers. The majority of the UNE's population is concentrated within the core sector - Earth and the oldest colonies, dating to the beginning of the 23rd century CE. Within planets, the population tends to be highly urbanised, living in high population density cities where possible. However, there are also large suburban, semi-rural, and rural populations, especially on agri-worlds or newly-established colonies. The most highly populated planets are Earth, Horizon, Terra Nova, and Concord. Significant numbers of UNE citizens also live on habitats, of which there are a large number.

Thanks to a robust healthcare system, genetic engineering, and relatively low levels of pollution on most worlds, non-cybernetic citizens of the UNE have a life expectancy 30-40 years longer than average (depending on species). The UNE is also an attractive migration destination, for a variety of economic, social, political, and security reasons.


The United Nations of Earth is a large, post-industrial, semi-post-scarcity, mixed-market economy. The public sector plays a very large role in the economy compared to most others, as the United Nations government provides basic necessities to all citizens, free of charge, in addition to a basic income for luxuries. These necessities include food, housing, communications, transport, healthcare, and education. With basic needs met, the private sector specialises in luxury goods, services, information technology, and shipbuilding. As with most interstellar societies, older colonies closer to the homeworld tend to specialise in manufacturing, while outlying colonies are more focused on primary resource extraction.

The majority of agriculture and mining facilities are either government-owned, or operated by large corporate interests. A small minority of these sectors are owned by either private landowners or cooperatives. Cooperatives are more common in the services sector of the economy, where they make up a considerable percentage of the sector. Callisto's is the largest business in the restaurant industry in UNE space, with branches on every planet and habitat as of 2355 CE, and is organised as a cooperative. While most agriculture is conducted planetside, a number of starbases and habitats operate large hydroponic farms in order to supplement their food sources, or export it. In comparison, spaceborne mining operations are significantly larger, with most habitat complexes operating astro-mining facilties.


Individual rights, equality under the law, and liberal democracy are the socio-political values held by the citizens of the United Nations of Earth. The UNE's constitution, based on historical texts first created centuries ago in Earth's Enlightenment Period, lays out both negative rights (such as freedom of speech and the right to own private property) and positive rights (such as the right to healthcare and education). In addition, the UNE legally guarantees a high standard of living for all citizens, one that is on par with the rulers of many other societies. While expensive, this 'utopian abundance' as it is often referred to has allowed citizens of the UNE to pursue their dreams in life without being beholden to economic necessity.

The combination of constitutional rights, a guaranteed standard of living, and a culture of acceptance towards outsiders has created high levels of social trust within UNE society, both between individuals and between the public and institutions. Slavery, including indentured servitude and forced labour, is totally outlawed within UNE space, and any slave that enters territory claimed by the UNE is considered to be immediately freed. This also extends to artificial intelligences, which the UNE considers to be sapient beings fully protected by the law.

The free expression provided by the constitution and excess leisure time created by a high standard of living has created a very strong artistic sector within the UNE. Paintings, sculptures, music, performances, film, games, holos, sensory experiences, and other kinds of art are all in high demand by the population. Culturally significant artwork is curated by the Department of Culture, which operates rotating exhibitions on all worlds and habitats within UNE space.

UNE society is highly multicultural and multispecies. Due to the federal, semi-decentralised nature of UNE governance, individual planets are free to develop their own cultures and expression. Multiple cultures have also developed within planets, especially on the homeworld of Earth. Every species is accepted in the UNE, with the immigration and naturalisation process being one of the simplest in the galaxy. In addition, infrastructure in the UNE is designed to accomodate as many species as possible.

Healthcare in the UNE is some of the best in the galaxy, with a combination of preventative genetic treatments being made available at no cost, and many of the most prestigious medical institutions located within its borders. Genetic modification is becoming increasingly popular thanks to technology provided by the Gorthikan Alliance, and the average UNE citizen has substantial genetic alterations to improve their body. Education is also a priority in the UNE. Standard educational practices such as reading, writing, and mathematics are taught, as well as topics such as civics, culture, critical thinking, and other topics that promote an engaged populace.


The military of the United Nations of Earth is the United Nations Armed Forces, commonly referred to as the UNAF. Established in 2131 CE as part of the New York Conference, it is descended from the national militaries of pre-FTL Earth. The UNAF is administered by the civilian Department of Defense, and the Commander-in-Chief is the President of the United Nations of Earth. It is divided into two branches: the United Nations Naval Forces (UNNF), which operate warships and patrol the space of the UNE; and the United Nations Planetary Forces (UNPF), which defend friendly planets and habitats or seize hostile ones.

The UNAF is consistently rated as one of the most powerful militaries in the galaxy, aside from the ancient empires. It often works in concert with the other national fleets of the Interstellar Concord, as well as the federal Interstellar Concord Federal Navy under the joint control of the federation. The military is supported by the UN Civil Intelligence and UN Military Intelligence agencies, which are under the control of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Department of Defense respectively.

Peace, dignity and equality

Founding Date
1945 CE (San Francisco Conference)
2131 CE (New York Conference)
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
United Nations, UNE, UN
United Nations Citizen
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Terra Nova
Sol Habitat Complex
Barnard's Star Habitat Complex
United Nations Dollar
Legislative Body
United Nations General Assembly
Judicial Body
United Nations Court of Justice
Notable Members
Related Species


The UNE has given the Free Peoples greatly needed developmental assistance and welcomed them into the Interstellar Concord at the request of the Roccan Resistance. The UNE also opposes MSI, and supports the Free Peoples in their diplomatic campaign to protect pre-FTL societies.


The UNE and Gorthikans share a strong commitment to egalitarianism and membership in the Interstellar Concord. The Gorthikans have also aided the UNE in the development of genetic modification.


Despite differing economic systems, the UNE and Kilik Cooperative share their strong egalitarian values. The UNE was also one of the driving forces in the admission of the Cooperative to the Interstellar Concord.


The UNE and Roccan Resistance have a long history of partnership, and are both founding members of the Interstellar Concord.


The UNE is unique in holding the status of "best friends" with the Commonality, after the Blorg determined the radio signals they received came from Earth.


The UNE and Confederacy are both founding members of the Galactic Community. Although friendly with each other, they occasionally disagree on matters of pacifism, spiritualism, and egalitarianism.


The UNE and OCS have signed a commerical agreement, and OCS operates several branch offices within UNE space. The UNE is pushing for OCS to legally outlaw slavery, rather than the current de facto ban.


Neither friends nor enemies, the UNE and Commonwealth find common ground in their shared humanity and opposition of the expansionist Tzynn Empire. Beyond that, they have little reason to approve of each other. The UNE is especially critical of the slavery policy of the Commonwealth, as well as its stated goal of galactic domination.


The Tzynn are the main rival of the UNE and the Interstellar Concord. Border clashes are frequent between them.


The XT-489 warform is programmed to destroy all organic life in the galaxy.

Articles under United Nations of Earth

  • 1914-1918 CE
    First World War
    Military: War

    A war between two major alliance of the most powerful empires on Earth erupts. The war is devastating, and the losing side is bitter about their defeat. In the aftermath of the war, the ideologies of fascism and communism become popular.

  • 1920-1946 CE
    The League of Nations
    Political event

    An international alliance called the League of Nations is formed after the First World War in order to ensure world peace. It is ultimately ineffective, and effectively ceases to exist past the late-1930s CE.

  • 1939-1945 CE
    Second World War
    Military: War

    The largest and most destructive war in Human history. It is fought between the fascist Axis and the democratic Allies, who are joined by the communist Soviet Union in 1941 CE. The Allies are victorious, but over 70 million people are killed during the conflict. The war is ended by the deployment of two atomic bombs, which mark the beginning of the First Cold War.

  • 1945 CE
    Founding of the United Nations

    Following the Second World War, the United Nations is founded to promote world peace, security, and diplomacy. Unlike the League of Nations, the United Nations proves to be more effective.

  • 1947-1991 CE
    First Cold War
    Diplomatic action

    The capitalist United States and communist Soviet Union vie for influence over the world. Due to the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction, neither can win a conventional war, so the First Cold War is fought with ideologies and proxy wars. It ends when the Soviet Union collapses in 1991 CE, leaving the United States as the undisputed global hegemony.

  • 1961 CE
    First Human in Space
    Scientific achievement

    A cosmonaut from the Soviet Union is the first human to ever leave Earth's atmosphere.

  • 1969 CE
    First Moon Landing
    Scientific achievement

    Two astronauts from the United States of America land on Luna. This is the first time humans have set foot on a celestial body other than Earth.

  • 2016-2104 CE
    Second Cold War
    Diplomatic action

    A long period of tension, rivalry, and occasional conflict between the United States and China. Unlike the First Cold War, the two rivals often found common ground in dealing with climate change and other threats to global stability. As such, tensions were significantly lower during this period, and the majority of conflict was in espionage and economics. It ended when both nations were absorbed into the United Nations in 2102 and 2104 CE.

  • 2029 CE
    Armstrong Base Established
    Scientific achievement

    As part of the Artemis program, American astronauts establish Armstrong Base in Shackleton Crater on Luna.

  • 2039 CE
    First Mars Landing
    Scientific achievement

    Three astronauts from the United States of America land on the surface of Mars as part of the Ares I mission.

  • 2044 CE
    Second Russian Civil War
    Military: War

    The president of the Russian Federation dies, leading to a civil war between Moderates and Nationalists. The United Nations intervenes, defeating both factions and setting up a provisional government.

  • 2057 CE
    European Union Federalisation
    Political event

    The myraid nations of the European Union join together to create a single superstate.

  • 2067 CE
    BosWash Riots
    Political event

    Sparked by a spate of mass shootings and police killings in the United States, the BosWash Riots lead to sweeping legal reform over policing and gun control.

  • 2072 CE
    Impact of 2072
    Disaster / Destruction

    The asteroid 711494 Satis impacts Earth. Destruction is less than anticipated, but the Canadian province of Alberta is wiped out.

  • 2082 CE
    Kuiper Belt Wormhole Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    A wormhole is discovered at the edge of the Kuiper Belt. International Space Agency probes discover the presence of a habitable, Earth-like world on the other side, and the Ulysses Initiative is formed to send a manned expedition through.

    Kuiper Belt
    Additional timelines
  • 2095 CE
    Ulysses Initiative is Launched

    Six great ark ships are launched through a wormhole in the Kuiper Belt. After 387 days the ships pass through the wormhole, but contact is lost as the wormhole closes behind them. The Ulysses Disaster sets back extrasolar expeditions by years.

    Kuiper Belt
    Additional timelines
  • 2131 CE
    New York Conference
    Gathering / Conference

    The UNE is officially declared to be the world government of Earth.

  • 2131-2150 CE
    Saletta Presidency
    Political event

    Isabella Saletta is elected first President of the United Nations of Earth. She serves for two terms.

  • 2147-2159 CE
    Saharan Irrigation Project
    Technological achievement

    Operation Green Sahara creates millions of square kilometres of farmland in Africa.

  • 2150-2160 CE
    Ibrahim Presidency
    Political event

    Aya Ibrahim is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. She serves for one term.

  • 2160-2180 CE
    Deng Presidency
    Political event

    Guo Deng is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for two terms.

  • 2162-2165 CE
    Rainforest Wars
    Military: War

    Guerilla groups in South America, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia fight against UN forces over mining rights and sovereignty. UN forces eventually prevail with a signed peace agreement.

  • 2163-2175 CE
    Saharan Insurgency
    Military: War

    Insurgents in the Sahara Irrigation Project fight against UN forces over farming and land rights issues.

  • 2180-2190 CE
    Bowden Presidency
    Political event

    Andrew Bowden is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for one term.

  • 2188 CE
    Mauritanian Police Action
    Military action

    Colonel Tetchu and his band of anti-UN rebels are defeated by UN security forces. This sparks a renewed debate on issues of national sovereignty.

  • 2190-2200 CE
    Roy Presidency
    Political event

    Elise Roy is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. She serves for one term.

  • 2193 CE
    Hyperspace Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The dimension of hyperspace is discovered. Practical applications are not developed yet.

  • 2198 CE
    Hyper Drive Developed
    Technological achievement

    After five years of research, the first hyper drives are developed. Unmanned, hyper drive-equipped probes are sent through Sol's hyperlanes, and discover a potentially habitable planet in the Alpha Centauri system.

  • 2200-2230 CE
    Dolores Muwanga Elected President
    Political event

    Dolores Muwanga is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. She serves for three terms.

  • 2200 CE
    UNS Discovery Launched
    Technological achievement

    The first manned hyperspace-capable ship, the science ship UNS Discovery, is launched from the Sol Station shipyard.

    Sol Station
  • 2203-2206 CE
    Colony Established on Horizon

    The colony ship UNS Opportunity lands on Alpha Centauri III, designated Horizon, and establishes an initial colony.

  • 2205-2208 CE
    Colony Established on Terra Nova

    The colony ship UNS Destiny lands on Sirius III, designated Terra Nova, and establishes an initial colony.

    Terra Nova
  • 2213-2216 CE
    Colony Established on Concord

    The colony ship UNS Hope lands on Epsilon Eridani II, designated Concord, and establishes an initial colony.

  • 2216 CE
    Earth-Scyldari First Contact
    Discovery, Exploration

    The United Nations of Earth and the Scyldari Confederacy make peaceful first contact. Formal diplomatic relations are established shortly after.

  • 2221-2222 CE
    Earth-Tzynn First Contact War
    Military: War

    A Tzynn corvette attacks the science ship UNS Sojourner. UN warships respond, and first contact escalates into a war. Tzynn forces land on outlying Human colonies, but hostilities end when formal relations are established.

    Additional timelines
  • 2230-2250 CE
    Leonid Markov Elected President
    Political event

    Leonid Markov is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for two terms.

  • 2237 CE
    Earth-Commonwealth First Contact
    Discovery, Exploration

    The United Nations of Earth and the Commonwealth of Man re-establish contact for the first time since the departure of the Ulysses Initative in 2095 CE.

    Additional timelines
  • 2250-2260 CE
    al-Afrash Presidency
    Political event

    Malik al-Afrash is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for one term.

  • 2250 CE
    Galactic Community Formed

    The Galactic Community is formed as a body to promote peace and diplomacy. Its first session is hosted on Scyldaria.

    Additional timelines
  • 2260-2280 CE
    Burke Presidency
    Political event

    Sir Nigel Burke is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for two terms.

  • 2261-2264 CE
    Colony Established on Atlantis

    The colony ship UNS Serenity lands on Polaris II, designated Atlantis, and establishes an initial colony.

  • 2264 CE
    Founding of the Interstellar Concord

    The United Nations of Earth and the Roccan Resistance form a federation in order to promote collective defence and diplomacy.

    Additional timelines
  • 2267 CE
    Free Peoples Join the Interstellar Concord
    Diplomatic action

    The Free Peoples of the Fall are admitted to the Interstellar Concord, thanks to their strong relations with the Roccan Resistance.

  • 2276 CE
    Discovery of the Fen Habbanis System
    Discovery, Exploration

    Following archaeological evidence gathered over the preceding decades, the UNS Hubble enters the Fen Habbanis system and discovers the long-lost capital of the ancient First League.

    Additional timelines
  • 2278-2280 CE
    Colony Established on Olympia

    The colony ship UNS El Dorado lands on Fen Habbanis III, designated Olympia, and establishes an initial colony.

  • 2280-2290 CE
    Sakamoto Presidency
    Political event

    Ayane Sakamoto is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. She serves for one term.

  • 2280-2286 CE
    First Concord-Tzynn War
    Military: War

    A border dispute between the United Nations of Earth and the Tzynn Empire flares up into a full-scale war that lasts for six years. One of the main Tzynn goals is the newly established colony of Olympia, which is nearly invaded. Both the UNE and Tzynn are left weakened, with the Tzynn failing to take any colonies.

    Additional timelines
  • 2290-2300 CE
    Lu Presidency
    Political event

    Hui Lu is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for one term.

  • 2291-2294 CE
    First Concord-Xanid War
    Military: War

    With the United Nations of Earth weakened by their recent war against the Tzynn Empire, the Xanid Suzerainty attempts to seize numerous colonies along the border. The Roccan Resistance handles much of the fighting, but the tide turns in 2293 CE when the Commonwealth of Man declares war on the Xanids. The resulting peace treaty sees several border systems transferred to the Interstellar Concord.

    Additional timelines
  • 2295-2297 CE
    Earth Orbital Ring Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    Earth's orbital ring is constructed, the first of its kind in the UNE.

    Earth Station
  • 2300-2310 CE
    Collins Presidency
    Political event

    Warren Collins is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for one term.

  • 2309-2324 CE
    Mars Terraforming Project
    Scientific achievement

    The planet Mars is terraformed from a barren world into a habitable continental world over the course of fifteen years.

  • 2310-2330 CE
    Zhou Presidency
    Political event

    Wu Zhou is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He serves for two terms.

  • 2328-2336 CE
    Concord-Minamar War
    Military: War

    The Roccan Resistance successfully lobbies the Interstellar Concord to declare war on Minamar Specialized Industries, citing numerous sapient rights violations and the proliferation of the slave trade. Although MSI is the largest and most powerful empire in the galaxy at the time, a gruelling eight-year war sees their fleets smashed and multiple worlds taken by the Concord, By the end, MSI is no longer considered a galactic superpower. However, both MSI and the Roccan Resistance immediately begin making plans for a new offensive in the future.

    Additional timelines
  • 2330-2350 CE
    Tshangisa Presidency
    Political event

    Muambiwa Tshangisa is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. She serves for two terms.

  • 2332-2333 CE
    Colony Established on Oceania

    The colony ship UNS Congo lands on Iresta III, designated Oceania, and establishes an initial colony.

  • 2350 CE
    Forrest Presidency
    Political event

    Orson Forrest is elected President of the United Nations of Earth. He is the current President.


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