Mars Geographic Location in Milky Way | World Anvil


Mars is the fourth planet in the Sol System, and a terraformed continental world. The planet was originally a barren world, completely devoid of life, until terraformed by the United Nations of Earth in 2324 CE. The planet has one major continent, one ocean, and two major inland seas. The planet has a number of engineered biomes that resemble Earth's, with great variances of precipiration and temperature.

The planet is a major hub for alloy production and shipbuilding in the UNE. Many starship components are assembled on Mars before being sent to shipyards at Earth Station, Sol Station, and Alpha Centauri Station. Although the terraforming of the planet was extremely expensive for the UNE, it had immense scientific value as the first "from scratch" terraforming, as well as fulfilling a dream humans have had for centuries.
Forge World
Alternative Name(s)
Sol IV
Location under
Owning Organization


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