San Angeles Metro

The San Angeles Metro is a megalopolis located within the nations of the United States of America and the United Mexican States on the planet Earth. It is home to over 30 million residents. The region began as a series of small trading outposts in the early 19th century CE. It was fought over between the nations of the United States and Mexico in the middle of the 19th century, with the United Sates being the victor and taking the region of California (among others). In the 20th century, the city of Los Angeles became a hub for the newly-invented mass media of television and cinema, as well as becoming the largest port on the western coast of the United States. "Hollywood", a suburb of Los Angeles, became synonymous across Earth with movie stars and fame.

In the 21st century CE, the southern region of California was overshadowed by the northern city of San Francisco, due to its concentration of high-tech companies. Despite this, Los Angeles remained both a cultural and trade hub. Although the impact of 711494 Satis in 2072 CE caused major disruptions to the western half of the North American continent, the region escaped relatively unscathed. With the ceding of sovereignty by the United States to the United Nations in the early 22nd century CE, the border between southern California and northern Baja California was erased. There had always been strong cross-border trade between Los Angeles and Tijuana, but without any border crossings, it only strengthened. In 2215 CE, the Federal Government of Earth officially declared the San Angeles Metro a megacity, due to its population and cultural output.

The San Angeles Metro is the cultural heart of Earth. While other cities across the planet are older and may experience more tourism, the San Angeles Metro has a significantly higher quantity of cultural exports. Many of the top UNE holo-film studios are headquartered in this city, and Hollywood continues to be a byword for success in the entertainment industry.
Founding Date
1850 CE (Santa Barbara)
1835 CE (Los Angeles)
1850 CE (San Diego)
1889 CE (Tijuana)
2215 CE (San Angeles)
30+ million
Location under
Owning Organization


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