
Armstrong is a city located on the moon of Luna, orbiting the Human homeworld of Earth. It is the largest non-Earth, non-habitat settlement in the Sol System, with a population of 340,000. The settlement was originally constructed as an outpost by the Earth nation of the United States of America in 2029 CE, in order to support their exploration of Luna. Over time, it increasingly became the largest hub for lunar development, and was formally renamed Armstrong in 2069 CE. At first, the moonbase was subject to lower gravity than is healthy for Humans, but the development of artificial gravity allowed for the long-term settlement of the city.

The city is named for the astronaut Neil Armstrong, who was the first Human to set foot on an extraplanetary body in 1969 CE. Although the city was once considered to be one of the most promising Human colonies, the discovery of faster-than-light travel in the late 22nd century caused a significant drop in investment and migration. Today, the city is a major mining installation that provides a substantial amount of Earth's mineral output, due to limited mining operations on the planet itself. The city also hosts a number of United Nations of Earth governmental bodies, including the Space Development Agency and the Pre-FTL Protection Agency. Armstrong is also home to the United Nations Marine Corps' Low-G Training Facility, which is an important training step for new Marines.
Founding Date
2029 CE (Armstrong Base)
2069 CE (Armstrong)
Location under
Owning Organization


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