Kel-Azaan Republic

The Kel-Azaan Republic is a major interstellar government organised as a citizen stratocracy. Its capital is Azak, located in the Kel-Azak System. The primary population are Kel-Azaan, an arthropoid species that evolved on the savanna world of Azak. The population of the Kel-Azaan Republic is notable for its complex honour code and martial culture, and their relative egalitarianism. The Kel-Azaan Republic is ruled by a military administration led by the Strategos, who is elected on a term basis. Citizenship in the Republic is only granted through military service, and its culture highly values martial prowess above all else. Diplomatically, the Kel-Azaan Republic is aggressive to its neighbours, but primarily seeks out what it considers "worthy" foes to fight, and does not typically come into conflict with weaker opponents.


The Kel-Azaan have long exhibited martial traditions, ever since the first of them banded together to hunt large prey during prehistoric times. By the time they settled into an urban and agricultural society, their martial traditions had been well established. Throughout their pre-FTL development, the Kel-Azaan developed complex honour codes to establish codes of conduct when fighting the many wars they engaged in. Human readers may find these to be approximate to the chivalric or bushido codes, but significantly more complex and culturally significant.

The history of the modern Republic begins in the late 20th century CE. A number of devastating global wars, several fought with nuclear weapons, led to a reexamination of the martial values that had guided the species' culture. A wave of spiritual pacifism swept the world, and the first period of relative peace in the planet's history began with the dawn of the 21st century CE. It should be noted, however, that this peace was still relative. Many wars continued to be fought, and the martial traditions of the Kel-Azaan were never forgotten. Alongside this spiritualism, egalitarianism and democratic rule became commonplace on Azak. Many of the world's nations banded together in great alliances for collective security, and global unification slowly progressed.

In 2048 CE, Kel-Azaan astronomers identified an asteroid on a collision course with Azak that would wipe out billions if it hit. A global coalition was assembled to deal with the problem, but decades of disarmament had resulted in few options. In addition, many believed that the asteroid was an attack from some unknown spacefaring lifeform, and demanded a return to their militaristic ways. Although no evidence was found to support this theory, it resonated with many of the traditional Kel-Azaan. Ultimately, the asteroid was knocked off course by a nuclear weapon, and the planet saved.

The 'new ways period' lasted until the early 22nd century CE. A revival of old Kel-Azaan martial traditions swept the planet, bringing back the 'old ways'. Duelling was legalised once more, and a strong warrior culture developed. Although the spiritualism of the 'new ways period' largely disappeared, the egalitarian ideals it championed became cemented in Kel-Azaan society. In 2116 CE, another asteroid had a near-miss with Azak, which galvanised pro-planetary unification activists. Ultimately, the nations of Azak agreed to a military committee for planetary defensive purposes, which quickly expanded to have sole executive control of all nations. Further demands by traditionalist activists created a system of citizen service - service by any means to the state was the only way to gain full citizenship, while other forms of citizenship were abolished.

Kel-Azaan scientists developed the hyper drive in 2200 CE, partly for exploratory purposes, and partly to secure Azak against aggressors. Many traditionalists also rejoiced in the belief that alien life could finally create a conflict beyond the war games and simulations they had participated in for the previous decades since unification.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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