Barnard's Star Habitat Complex

The Barnard's Star Habitat Complex is a large spaceborne habitatcomplex located in the Barnard's Star System, and is administered by the United Nations of Earth. Initial construction on the complex began in 2298 CE over Barnard's Star II, and the main administration orbital was completed in 2303 CE. The complex includes five major orbitals over the largest celestial bodies in the system, as well as a number of minor orbitals.

Large parts of the habitat complex have been sectioned off for military purposes, including two major orbitals. The main complex hosts Fort Webb, a major military base for the United Nations Naval Forces. Fort Webb provides support facilities for the UNNF 3rd Fleet, which is headquartered in the Barnard's Star system, as well as acting as a critical fortress defending the hyperlane to the Sol System. Fort Webb's FTL inhibitor is capable of preventing any ship or fleet from passing through the system, and is heavily defended by both a planetary-grade shield generator and a garrison of elite UN Marines.

The complex's economy revolves around its military personnel, with large numbers of homes for military families and commercial sectors to support them. In addition, there is a large entertainment district on the habitat that caters to the military personnel when they are permitted off-base. The habitat is also home to the Fort Webb Military Academy, which trains a significant number of military officers each year, and trains UN military personnel in zero-g combat. Finally, the habitat is defended by a large shield generator, as well as the fleet based in the system.
Fortress Habitat
Alternative Names
Fort Webb
Orbital, Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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