United Nations Armed Forces

"I solemnly swear to devote my life and ability in the defense of the United Nations of Earth, to defend the constitution of man, and to further the universal rights of all sentient life. From the depths of the Pacific, to the edge of the galaxy, for as long as I shall live."
— UNAF Oath of Enlistment

The United Nations Armed Forces (UNAF) are the military forces of the United Nations of Earth. It is comprised of two branches: the United Nations Naval Forces (sometimes called the Navy) and the United Nations Planetary Forces (sometimes called the Army). Both branches contain sub-branches, such as the Navy's Marine Corps and the Army's Special Operations Command. The Commander-in-Chief of the UN Armed Forces is the President, but military decisions are usually made through the United Nations Security Council.

The UNAF is a completely volunteer force that recruits from UNE citizens, allied nations, and to a limited extent, refugees fleeing atrocities elsewhere in the galaxy. In terms of demographics, the UNAF is one of the most diverse in the galaxy. Although over 90% of the forces are Human, the remaining 10% comprises nearly every species in the galaxy. Approximately two-thirds of the forces are male, one third female, and a small percentage of non-binary individuals.


The origins of the United Nations Armed Forces are found in the mid-20th century CE, just after the end of Earth's Second World War. The newly-formed United Nations was empowered to supervise peace treaties between warring nations, and deploy peacekeeping forces to enforce them. The first United Nations Peacekeeping Force (UNPKF) was deployed in 1948 CE to enforce a ceasefire in what is now the Mesopotamian Urban Corridor. The peacekeepers of the UNPKF were often called "blue helmets" or "blue berets", as a result of their distinctive blue headwear they wore to distinguish themselves from national militaries. Unlike regular militaries, the UNPKF relied on member states providing their own military forces to be placed under the command of the United Nations. Due to a large number of constraints placed on the UNPKF, it was widely regarded as ineffectual for most of the 20th and 21st centuries CE.

The beginning of Second Russian Civil War in 2044 CE created a serious issue for the UNPKF. As the collapsing Russian Federation was in posession of a significant number of nuclear weapons, they would need to be secured. However, the refusal of both sides in the civil war to permit UN forces into Russia prevented the deployment of a peacekeeping force. The two superpowers of the time, the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, both distrusted each other and would not permit the other to intervene in the war. Instead, months of deliberation resulted in a complete reform of the UNPKF. Instead of national military units being placed under temporary UN command, the United Nations would directly recruit and deploy military forces upon a successful General Assembly and Security Council vote. The UNPKF was dissolved, and replaced with the United Nations Rapid Reaction Force (UNRRF).

The UNRRF proved itself in the Second Russian Civil War, defeating both sides and aiding in the reconstruction of the nation. However, to many, the centralisation of power within the United Nations was becoming evident with the "power grab" of the UNRRF. In addition, structural issues within the United Nations itself prevented the deployment of the UNRRF to various conflicts, such as the Second Korean War and the Taiwan War - both of which had the direct involvement of Security Council members.

The UNRRF was once again reformed in 2131 CE during the San Francisco Conference, becoming the modern United Nations Armed Forces. Many de facto elements of it were formalised, and the role of the UNRRF Space Force was formally recognised in the creation of the United Nations Naval Forces. While the UNNF would primarily deal with the emerging threat of space piracy, the UNLF (United Nations Land Forces) saw relatively little action in the first half of the 22nd century CE. This would change in the 2180s CE, when anti-UN sentiment reached an all-time high. Tensions reached a breaking point in 2188 CE, when Colonel Edward Tetchu of the UNLF Special Forces defected with his brigade, linking up with anti-UN groups in a highly fortified compound in Mauritania. Although the UNLF would be victorious in this 'police action', it would come at a heavy price.

The UNAF would continue to patrol the Sol System, Earth, and outlying colonies on other celestial bodies until the invention of the hyper drive in 2199 CE. Following that, it took on a new role in the establishment of Earth's interstellar empire.
Founding Date
1948 CE (UNPKF)
2044 CE (UNRRF)
2131 CE (UNAF)
Military, Armed Forces
Alternative Names
UNAF, Blue Helmets
Notable Members


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