President of the United Nations of Earth

The President of the United Nations of Earth is the head of state of the United Nations of Earth. The president directs the executive branch of the federal government through the Executive Council and represents the UNE diplomatically. The President is elected via a simple majority vote by eligible voters, and serves for a term of ten years. Presidential elections are held in the final year of each decade, and every term is inaugurated on 1 January of the following decade.


According to the Consitution of the United Nations of Earth, there are a number of requirements to becoming President. Although the original constitution referred to Humans when describing requirements, this was written before the discovery of non-Human life, and has subsequently been amended to allow for non-Humans to become President. There is a minimum age requirement of 18, or the equivalent age of maturity for a non-Human species, and the candidate must be a citizen of the United Nations of Earth. A candidate must not be currently serving a criminal sentence; or be subject to a criminal sentence, and may not have ever been convicted of treason.


Presidential elections are held on 1 December of the final month in a decade (the year ending in 9), although emergency elections may be held during the interim if the President is incapacitated. Elections are held simultaneously across all worlds of the United Nations of Earth, and every eligible citizen is required to vote. Ballots are counted through Instant Runoff Voting, and a President is elected through a simple majority of popular votes. Once elected, the President is inaugurated on 1 January, the following month, in a ceremony at the United Nations Complex in the BosWash Metropolitan Axis.


The President is responsible for signing legislation passed by the United Nations General Assembly into law, as well as approving the appointing of ministers. Although the President has the power to veto laws or reject ministers, this is very rarely used, and can be overturned with a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly. The President is also responsible for convening the General Assembly, and can dismiss it in extreme circumstances. However, the President holds no legislative authority themselves, and the function of organising the UNE's executive departments falls to the Executive Council. In addition, the President is charged with foreign affairs and diplomacy, hosting foreign dignitaries and attending functions outside of the UNE. Finally, the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, and is the civilian head of the UNE's military.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
His/Her/Their Excellency
Source of Authority
Constitution of the United Nations of Earth
Length of Term
10 Years
Related Locations


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