Shards of Exploration

A Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG/D6) game In the world of Star Wars: Shards
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Sat 27th July 2024 16:00

Episode 3.09 Escape Velocity, Chapter 7, Part 6

Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 7
Plot | Jun 29, 2024

Sessions Archive

20th Apr 2024

Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 7, Part 3

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11th Feb 2023

Episode 3.09: Escape Velocity, Chapter 2

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28th Mar 2020

Episode 3.07: Chapter 11: Scattershots and Rattled Sabers

The heroes launch from the dusty surface of Dotera and return to orbit with the computer core and the missing Jawas. Etchup'eh, leader of the Jawa clan, Tompesh, sends the heroes a warm greeting. After the Jawas dock with the heroes' shuttle, they hurry their rescued kin to the space trawler's medbay. It's only after their people are safely being treated that they complete the trade. One Separatist computer core for the derelict light freighter, Kylos Star.   Etchup'eh had assured the heroes that the Jawas hadn't been able to enter the Kylos Star because it wasn't worth the risk. He displays sensor scans to explain why, which Davish confirms as accurate. The Jawas hadn't been able to find a way inside.

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29th Feb 2020

Episode 3.07: Chapter 10: Breadcrumbs and Battle Droids

The message about the Eborrean invasion reached Procopia as the TAPANI IMPERIUM medical frigate, TRINITY, prepared for the jump to hyperspace. Her course was for the CHALCEDON system with a supply of vaccines against Tor Ceti mutagens. However, her departure was cut short as the new message was relayed to GRAND ADMIRAL ANGELO VORD'ARCY of the ALLIANCE OF WORLDS...

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15th Feb 2020

Episode 3.07: Chapter 9: Between Hope and a Hard Place

Blaster fire rained hot across the amphitheater aboard the Kotera.   Ivan Vorpatril raced for the nearest doorway, carrying the man he blamed for his abduction: his disguised cousin, Danar Vorpadaran. Stunned from a nerve strike, Danar could only watch as a cadre of Nar Shaddaa's finest - bounty hunters, cutthroats, and gladiators - were gaining on them. Doorway after hatch, Ivan runs, stopping only once to stun Danar twice more before running out onto the nearest landing platform with a waiting shuttle.   A blaster shot to the back ends his race for freedom....   Read More:

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4th Jan 2020


The heroes rocketed away from Faultline in a stolen Bloodsmith Raider ship. There were no cheers of victory. No smiles.   The rogue mentat had been ready for them, again. While the heroes had won the battle in the second warehouse, the victory was bittersweet...

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9th Nov 2019

Episode 3.07: Chapter 6: Death on Special Delivery

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26th Oct 2019

Episode 3.07: Chapter 5: The Forgotten Forest of Nar Shaddaa

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12th Oct 2019

Episode 3.07: Chapter 4: Doom of the Repeating Smuggler

The Blue Spider vanished and power returned to the estate. Security, lights, all systems were restored. As the power returned, Grakor's security collected the incapacitated mercenary, taking him prisoner and taking him to Coldwater Detention in Ole Town. Meanwhile, Hadru Ganan - the Shistavanen outlaw tech and gladiator - finished the last of the new security measures on the generators and the estate settled in for the night. All save for Davish, Hicks, Andan, and Grakor who worked late into the night to piece together any theory about Almon D'Joy's plans...

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28th Sep 2019

Episode 3.07: Chapter 3: Trust and Consequences

The aircars streaked through the airspace and skirted the edge of Old Duras Sector before settling down in Ole Town. As the aircars settled to the landing zone, a Duros doctor with a medical team rushes out to meet them...

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14th Sep 2019

Episode 3.07, Chapter 2: Shadow Bargains of Nar Shaddaa

With bargains struck, the heroes must find Vanya on the Smuggler's Moon to help her deal with the grip of the Slave Lords!

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31st Aug 2019

3.07: Chapter 1: Public Enemies and Steel Canyons

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27th Apr 2019

3.06: Flare Comp, Part 2

Aerena Kolene, Vance Kerplocken, and Catysus Phymen hole up aboard the Triune Paladin ship _Muinmos_ while Davish Tam confronts a Dark Side-carrying "maintenance person" of the Sideribus Volunt in the Hangar Bay and So'Zen al Saba walks the halls of the Osiris Branch Library headed for an "Eborrean" (which may be a corruption of an ancient term, "Aberration").   Whew!   That's a lot. And does not get into the faded Force Ghost of a dead Crimson Knight Errant named Sir Boris "The Bold" Gebhardt. Or the roughly twelve hundred Library staff members in some kind of stasis in the lower level. Or the beacon which the priests of Triune (Vesskhe, Nyssa, and Baymax) and the paladin Muinmos were sent to reach. Or finding the portal which will allow the party to return to their native space. Or recovering that drawing of the Kwi Gate which two Librarians walked off to research. Or the squadron of Sideribus Volunt Interceptors which are surely wanting back into the hangar bay by now....

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13th Apr 2019

3.06: Flare Comp

It's April, which means it's time to (belatedly) celebrate two birthdays via one shenanigan-fest

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All but one of the CRIMSON KNIGHTS has vanished. Their absence has become the first challenge for the new COUNCIL OF GUARDIANS. Could there be a new, sinister force behind the Imperial Knight order’s disappearance?   In their wake, it was discovered that Emperors Palpatine and Kane ordered the destruction of Jedi artifacts and Imperial Data before their loss to the ALLIANCE a galactic year ago. Believing there is a connection, MASTER YODA requests a favor from GRAND ADMIRAL ANGELO D’ARCY of the TAPANI IMPERIUM. Assistance to aid two Jedi knights, and the last Crimson Knight in searching for lost information and artifacts. Even to locate the missing Crimson Knights.   Traveling aboard the Alliance cruiser, FORWARD INTO DAWN, the group tasked with locating the knights and artifacts make their first successful recovery. A handful of artifacts have been found by archaeologist Zaine Antara. One of which is said to be of great importance to Master Yoda. Now, the FORWARD INTO DAWN is stopping over in the Lusk system to resupply, before making their way to the new Jedi Temple on Allandor

This story is told by

The Protagonists

KitKat the Mentat

Danar Vorpadaran

Jedi Knight So'Zen al Saba

Jedi Knight VN Ysadora

Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene

Knight Errant Sir Davish Tam