Crimson Knights

An order of Force aware warriors, trained in a modified discipline of Battle Mastery. They were originally founded after the Great Jedi Purge by order of Emperor Palpatine. This was all part of a scheme to both generate popularity for the emperor and create an experimental order of force sensitive warriors that were not tied to either the Light or the Dark Side of the Force.   In the end, neither parts of Palpatine's scheme was successful, but the order itself was successful in ways well beyond the emperor's petty plans.


They were originally founded after the Great Jedi Purge by order of Emperer Palpatine. This was all part of a scheme to both generate popularity for the emperor and create an experimental order of force sensitive warriors that were not tied to either the Light or the Dark Side of the Force.

Tenets of Faith

  • A knight seeks balance between power and weakness, there lies stability.
  • A knight seeks peace through both loss and gain.
  • A knight defends knowledge against ignorance by right of the Force
  • A knight serves the Force, and those ruling as guided by the Force

Justice for the oppressed

Character flag image: Crimson Knights Heraldry and logo by CB Ash


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