House Vorpadaran


1) Count Gavril Vorpadaran (titular head of House. Fealty sworn to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly and seconded to High Lord Count Theux Vorpaddox until 12724, thereafter to High Lord Count Aral Vorkosigan.)


2) Countess Elena Vorpadaran (spouse/partner of titular head of house, usually non-inheriting but possessing specific responsibilities and authorities in support of the head of House. Fealty sworn to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly and seconded to High Lord Count Theux Vorpaddox until 12724, thereafter to High Lord Count Aral Vorkosigan.)


3) Lord Alexander Vorpadaran (officially designated Heir of titular head, often serves as Count's Voice either in regional administration or in the Council of Counts while the titular head is occupied elsewhere. Fealty sworn to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly through their Count and seconded to High Lord Count Theux Vorpaddox until 12724, thereafter to High Lord Count Aral Vorkosigan.)


4) Lord Peter Vorpadaran and Lord Danar Vorpadaran are other members of Vor House, related or married in or adopted, swearing fealty to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly through their Count


5) senior Armsmen, especially those who have been Armsmen of this particular House for 20+ standard years, swearing fealty to a specific member of the House who in turn swears fealty in an unbroken chain up to Emperor Gregor Vortapani

Public Agenda

Count Gavril Vorpadaran currently campaigns through multiple channels for an overhaul of Vorloupulous's Law. Specifically, he wants it amended so that only the Emperor or Empress, or their Regent ratified by a two-thirds majority of the Council of Counts, has the authority to lay charges of violation of the law. Count Vorpadaran points to the number of times this charge has been laid against his own House only to be proven false as a sign that Vorloupulous's Law is easily abused for political purposes.


  • Dendarii System is a real estate deed owned by the House and carefully kept off most records
  • New Dendarii was originally a research and mining station owned by the House in a different, unsettled, mostly unprofitable star system.
Geopolitical, County / March
Parent Organization
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