High Vor

Concept borrowed from Lois McMaster Bujold.
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Holopedia Galactica:


High Vor is the culture of the high-ranking members of the Tapani Sector social caste. Their genetic lineage is closely tracked by the Bene Gesserit as part of a historical collective record known as the "Landsraad". Individuals within the High Vor ethnicity tend to be closely related to the current Count or Countess in charge of their House, usually no more distant than third cousins.


Notable ranks for High Vor nobility include High Lord or High Lady, Count, Countess, Lady, and Lord. A Tapani individual known as Baron or Baroness whose familial name is not begun with the "Vor" syllable is also a High Vor of significant rank.


They hypothetically have greater responsibilities to support the municipal well-being of the entire Tapani Imperium society. For this reason, young High Vor are expected to enter the military or some other form of civil service during their first decade of physical adulthood. During peacetime, many High Vor youths choose to engage in high-end charity work in some area associated with their family's interests. (This leaves plenty of time from week to week for personal amusements.)

Naming Traditions

Family names

Vor___: Vorabalev, Vorbarnaba, Vorhejeron, and so on.

Major organizations


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