House Vorbarnaba


1) High Lady Varin Vorarabella, current spiritual successor of King Barnaba who ruled what is now Barnaba Province at the conclusion of the Twelve Kingdom Era, reigns over Great House Vorbarnaba as direct representative of Emperor Gregor Vortapani. She swears her fealty to the Emperor (and only to him!). She acts in the best interest of Barnaba Province, its High Vor and Low Vor component Houses starting with House Vorbarnaba (the version with a Countess Vorbarnaba directly in charge of it), always as a component of the Imperium.


1a) Baron Kvarm Jia (designated Heir to the High Lady, and theoretical future High Lord, although she is likely to outlive him rather than the other way around. Fealty sworn to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly and seconded to High Lady Varin Vorarabella. No authority or powers in this position, but he could be High Lord someday and he is generally believed to be one of High Lady Vorarabella's closest advisors.)


2) Countess Kaya Vorbarnaba (titular head of House. Fealty sworn to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly and seconded to High Lady Varin Vorarabella.)


3) Count or Countess (spouse/partner of titular head of house, usually non-inheriting but possessing specific responsibilities and authorities in support of the head of House. Fealty sworn to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly and seconded to High Lady Varin Vorarabella.)


4) Baron Paolo Vorbarnaba (younger twin brother and best friend of Kaya Vorbarnaba, officially designated Heir of titular head, often serves as Count's Voice either in regional administration or in the Council of Counts while the titular head is occupied elsewhere. Fealty sworn to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly through their Count and seconded to High Lady Varin Vorarabella.)


5) other members of Vor House, related or married in or adopted, swearing fealty to Emperor Gregor Vortapani directly through their Count


6) senior Armsmen, especially those who have been Armsmen of this particular House for 20+ standard years, swearing fealty to a specific member of the House who in turn swears fealty in an unbroken chain up to Emperor Gregor Vortapani

Geopolitical, Great house
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