Mentats are as crazy as Jedi by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene | World Anvil

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Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731

Mentats are as crazy as Jedi

by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene

We enter a walkway that has glowing blue crystals and there is the occasional view of a hand or an eyeball which must mean that these things should die. In the next room are columns that have been etched and carved and probably being used for evil. Then, in the next room and staring right at us, are four actual B'omarr monks and four droids that have actual brains controlling them. They Jedi and the monks begin a very long conversation about what is truth and all sorts of other stuff. They ask me some questions, but I know they are evil since they treat people like things and that means we need to take them out, cleanse the room, and move on.
Then Vanya tells us that their will is being overwritten by something in the room behind them. That means all kinds of fun is about to happen - damn jedi and their quests. I see lots of movement and lightsabers and holoprojections and it is just too much. I can only handle one problem and so I take the closets and hopefully easiest and I turn to my right and shoot the blue glowy crystal. It shatters to dust and the whatever was stuck inside comes out and around and all over and I do hear a "thank you". I turn to the left and do the same thing and there is that weird holographic forms swirl around and through us and our weapons until Davish again makes the wind flow and push those whatever they are into the wall and away from us.
I am about to head up the stairs and continue working on shattering those crystals as that seems to be a positive thing - at least it appears to be right now - when I see one of the monks in the third room take aim at me and prepare to fire. I know that as far away as he is - even if he can manage some moving the shot while it is in the air, that I can move to the side and it will pass by me. He aims, but then another one of the monks jumps in front of the shot and takes the hit!! I do think that this vindicates me after they called me a savage and yet they fired at me while I just focused on saving (freeing, releasing, helping??) whatever has been trapped in the crystals.
Since I am no longer in danger, I move to the middle of the staircase into the next room and focus my next shots on the crystal on the right. It takes both shots and just has cracks spiderwebbing over the surface. Either one of my shots was weak or this crystal is a lot stronger than the others. The sounds of battle die away and the Jedi are busy doing healing and patching up the ones still alive on our side of the doors. I really want to continue freeing the whatever inside the crystals, but I want to make sure that I am not starting a new fight. I consider asking the monks that are alive and conscious - but they were so rude to me that I see no reason to bother. I then turn to the Jedi - and when did they become my voice of reason and approval? Vanya pulls out that marble thing that was wrapped all around me and asks it to jam the door! It changes shape and then it looks like a winged demon. Seriously?!?! That was what was all up in my business!??! Thank goodness I managed to make it go away. Once it does what Vanya asks it to, I shoot that column again and this time it shatters and the blue energy is freed again. They swoop and swirl and they bounce around, but I notice that some of them go inside my gear, Reece's datapad, Vanya's datapad, my datapad, and two of the droid monks! Now the question is - are they going to help us by removing that virus? Or are they attracted to the virus and are going to make new virus babies??? I shake off the question as I have no way to determine an answer right now and destroy the remaiing crystals and see the blue energy whatsits swoop and swirl and disappear. I take a moment to grab some water and a snack. I know I will need my energy to deal with whatever craziness the Jedi is getting us into next!?
We enter the door and are told we can leave the vault keys with the droid. Everyone keeps asking for the vault keys - do we even have the vault keys?? Then Reece asks if we can leave them with the droid?!? And he opens fire! Once the dust settles, the concord says independent thought is bad and then a cloaking field drops and there are now THREE giant robots with heavy blasters.

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