It's ok - I'm cute. by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene | World Anvil

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Satunda, 18 Helona 12731

It's ok - I'm cute.

by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene

We get back to Port Etmarr with only minor distractions. I spent some time with Kunla to rest and relax in ways that Medusas are very partial to. I also managed to spend time with both Reece and another Mentat working on spatial relationships and basic mathematical concepts. After so many fights that I have been dragged into while outside of my X-wing, I am thinking that I need to increase my blaster skills and to be more versatile on planet. I know we are supposed to gather together again for a debriefing and to get our next mission, but I steal one last afternoon with Kunla and then head back to the group.
I walk in to a video showing an AT WST with a light saber. Well, not actually a light saber, but a mega laser destroying an X-wing with one shot. That is not good. We are tasked with hunting down where a scout group encountered this and see if we can: 1. find the two lost scouts, 2. see if we can find a way to destroy this new weapon, and 3. find the spy in the midst and rescue him. They are willing to supply us with the necessary hardware which consists of a military grade land speeder outfitted with a heavy repeating blaster, some satchel charges, and a swoop bike. Reece wants to do disguises and Vanya suggests that we find some Sisters of Battle armor that I can throw on as a disguise - enough to look like trophies and will provide some protection from blaster fire - not that we will be attacked or anything.
Spook gets us to the base where our intel led us. I won't claim that she flew there, but it was rather quick! We opt for the front entrance as we are either going to pretend that we want to join or that we are from a different part of the planet and have come up to join in on their fun - not sure which way the guys are going to play that. We decide to leave the three droids in the land speeder for back up. I am almost sure that is a good thing. Our first look at the base is not a happy one. There are five of the AT ST's, swoop bikes, X-wings, pit droids, shield emitters, communication arrays - all of the items we would want if we had a base.
Reece takes the lead and finds out that the AT STs are filled with death troopers. The tech that checked us in seems happy with the story of attacking and having to burn supplies and reminds us to check in. Reece and Vance head towards the shield generators by way of the AT STs. I head towards the door straight ahead as if I am ready for a shower and to get inside as quickly as possible - and to check in for our group. As we head in different directions, I am suddenly reminded that we should have set up a code word about when to destroy things and regroup. Oh well - I am sure that the force will find a way to make it all work out. Oh great, now I am starting to sound like one of those Jedi.
I enter the turbolift and go down a level. I come into an area that looks like a re-purposed ship cargo bay. Nothing really fancy, but some power conduits and doors to the next area. I continue to the east and find a room with backup generators. I check with the computer in the corner and find out that these are set up to support a huge generator in the next room to maintain a specific atmosphere for some reason. Spook and I agree that it is important to fix it so that those generators will NOT work when needed. We work together and turn off a few alarms to make the damage as simple and inconspicuous as possible. After we finish that, I head on north to get closer to the room that the main generator is in. I debate for a minute, but decide it is better to just get it over with and we walk in. Inside is three of the giant Tau Ceti worms so we finally know where that shipment ended up. They are 30 feet long and HUGE. There are also four pirate techs inside here who seem to be doing various tasks to ensure that the environment is beneficial for the worms.
I walk over to the closest pirate and ask him a few questions about the worms, the room, the generator, etc. He keeps eyeing me in a way I am familiar with so I decide to take him out of the action. We head past the worms and one other tech - who reminds him to keep out of the lieutenant's view - and we head into the alcove on the east wall. He had told me that it was a path to a crashed ship and its power source that the pirates have tapped in to and move out the rocks anytime they need to repair the conduits, but let the rocks take over once the repair is done. I think that the rocks would make a very good method of keeping this pirate out of whatever happens next. We make it to the alcove and I grab him and knock him against the rocks. He just gets more excited and turns me against the rocks and puts a lip lock on me.
I let the kiss go on for just a bit - have to distract him after all - and then I turn him around bash him against the wall again. This time he slumps to the ground and is knocked out - finally! I then turn to investigate the rock wall to see if there is any way to move them carefully to see what is behind. I manage to move one rock very carefully and I can see into the next chamber. There are stairs and glowing lights, but I can only see through a small hole. I MIGHT be able to move more rocks, but it is sure to make noise. Spook has gotten one of the pirates out of the room, which just leaves two. I know the one to the south is a little bit suspicious, but he is closer so I have to go to him first. It would cause him to ask questions otherwise.
I muss my hair a bit and rush to him babbling about rocks falling and knocking out the other guy. He isn't happy, but he does head to the alcove. As he bends over the other guy, I pull out my blaster and pistol whip him. He must have a hard head as he turns to me with a WTF look and I just shrug and look cute. Just then, one of the worms sticks his head in. I take a very deep breath and carefully re-holster my pistol and reach out and pet it.

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